WhitehorseManorJuniorSchool Race Relations and Equal Opportunities Policy


Race Relations and Equal Opportunities Policy

1Aim of Policy

1.1To promote equality of opportunity for all groups within WhitehorseManorJuniorSchool, herein referred to within this policy as ‘WMJS’. The term ‘groups’ refersto all staff: teachers, governors and support staff both within the class and those of an ancillary nature.

1.2WMJS is committed to equality of opportunities for all pupils, staff and governors and will work to the principles of equal opportunities throughout all its activities. We believe that everyone in our school is of equal value and should be treated fairly in life. In order to achieve this, we aim to provide an education and school experience, which is free from discrimination on the grounds of race, ability, religion and gender. At WMJS we are committed to challenging and preventing discrimination, whether it occurs directly or indirectly. We treat each other equally, with dignity and respect, and seek to promote equality at, all times. We actively promote positive values and attitudes regarding race, gender, religion and disability within the school and wider community.



a) To prepare pupils to be full citizens of Britain’s multi-ethnic society.

b) To encourage all pupils to achieve their full potential.

c) To take specific action to address any differences between racial groups in their attainment and progress and in the use of disciplinary measures against them.


a)To maintain positive staff morale and performance by giving all groups the opportunity and support to develop their skills and knowledge.


a)To take specific action to encourage parents to be active participants in their children’s education.

2.4The school community

a) To create a positive, inclusive environment, based on respect for people’s differences and show commitment to challenging and preventing racism and discrimination.

2.5General duties. WMJS governing body has the following general duties:

a) To eliminate race discrimination

b) Promote equality of opportunity

c) Promote good relations between people from different racial groups and cultures

2.6WMJS governing body also has the following specific duties to:

a) prepare a written statement of its policy for promoting race equality

b) put in place arrangements for implementing the policy, publicising its contents and the results of monitoring

c) assess the impact of its policies on pupils and staff of different racial and cultural groups

d) monitor, by reference to those racial groups, the admission and progress of students and the recruitment and career progress of staff

3Equal Opportunities

3.1This policy looks at equal opportunity through five strands – Ability, disability, race equality, religion, gender:

3.2Ability. In this policy, the term ‘ability’ is used to describe pupils’ academic prowess. We recognise that pupils at WMJS will reflect varying ability levels across all year groups. In order to promote access and avoiddiscrimination through ability, WMJSwill:

a) plan differentiated learning experiences which meetthe needs of all pupils.

b) acquire the necessary additional resources (human and material) to meet the needs of all pupils including Gifted and talented (G&T) and pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

c) run extra curriculum programmes which meet the needs of a range of pupils and which support the taught curriculum, including booster classes etc.

d) monitor exclusion data by ability, gender and ethnicity.

e) identify Gifted and Talented pupilsregularly and monitor their progress.

3.3Disability. In this policy, the term ‘disability’ refers to physical disability. At WMJS we aim to ensure that the needs of all pupils with varying disabilities are met. In order to promote access and avoid discrimination through disability, WMJS will:

a) ensure that all pupils with disabilities have access to an inclusive curriculum which does not discriminate or alienate them from their peers.

b) ensure that all efforts are made to make the school site physically accessible to adults and children.

c) ensure that the annual health and safety reviews take into account the needs of existing and potential pupils with disabilities.

d) liaise with other agencies including health services, social services, speech therapy etc., to meet the needs of pupils with disabilities.

e) ensure that training opportunities exist for all staff.

3.4Racial Equality. In Promoting good race equality and avoiding unlawful discrimination,WMJSwill:

a) adhere to the Statutory Dutiesunder the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended by the Race Relations Amendment Act)

3.5Religion. At WMJS we recognise that many world religions are represented and practised by the pupils and their families. To promote access and avoid discrimination WMJS will:

a) Ensure that the school behaviour policy has stringent sanctions to discourage any acts of discrimination against pupils and staff on the basis of a person’s religion

b) ensure that all school policies and Religious Education plans take account of the needs of the different religious groups

c) ensure school resources, including displays, books and posters, positively reflect the school’s religious diversity

d) ensure that our assemblies, while being predominantly Christian in nature, also focus on the practice, beliefs and festivals of other religions

e) ensure that we accept and support religious practices when they impinge on school life e.g. acknowledge the needs of pupils who are fasting; authorise absence due to religious festivals

f) liaise with outside agencies, to promote their role in educating our pupils in a particular faith (Croydon RE document followed)

3.6Gender. At WMJS we aim to promote gender equality in all areas of school activity.

To promote access and avoid gender discrimination we will:

a) ensure that the attainment and progress of pupils is monitored by gender

b) provide resources and differentiated curriculum to address the needs of groups of pupils of either gender who are underachieving

c) ensure that the school is developing effective arrangements regarding the pupils’ use of space both inside the building and outdoors so that girls and boys have equal access to social and play spaces

d) through PHSE there are opportunities for pupils to discuss gender issues

e) ensure that both genders have equality of access to curricular and extra curricular activities

f) ensure that both genders have equal access to learning resources

g) ensure that both genders have equal access to the roles of responsibility

h) ensure that all school resources avoid traditional gender stereotypes and promote positive images of achievement and role by both genders

i) monitor staff and government recruitment, retention and career development to promote a gender balance

4The role of the co-ordinator

4.1Attainment, progress and assessment. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a) monitor individual pupils’ attainment and progress for signs of underachievement and inform the Senior Management Team (SMT) suggesting ways to address any underachievement identified.

b) ensure that teaching methods and organisation engage all pupils, by providing equal access to the whole curriculum

c) ensure that teaching styles, language and questioning in the classroom, include all pupils equally (see learning and teaching policy and EMA policy)

4.2The Curriculum. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a) seek to promote cultural education through cultural History\Religious education\PHSE\ citizenship and similar programmes

4.3Attendance. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a)Liaise with the school’s attendance officer to monitor attendance dataand to ensure there is no discrimination

b)ensure provision is made for pupils and staff to take time off for religious observance in accordance with Croydon Policy and absences will be marked as ‘authorised’ by the Headteacher

c) ensure staff who follow up absences are aware of, and sensitive to, relevantissues

4.4Discipline and exclusion. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a) ensure that the school’s behaviour policy has stringent sanctions to discourage acts of discrimination of any kind.

b) monitor exclusion by gender, ability and ethnic groups.

4.5Culture and ethos of the school. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a) ensure that the attainment and progress of pupils is monitored by ethnic group and language spoken

b) ensure that PHSE is incorporated to promote children’s understanding of racial equality and cultural diversity

c) organise regular multicultural events to celebrate cultural diversity

4.6Parental/Community Involvement. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a) ensure proactive steps are taken to involve parents/carers in the school including the celebration of festivals

b) liaise with the EMAG co-ordinator to produce translated documents wherever possible

c) liaise with interested community groups to support the needs of parents and pupils.

4.7Staffing & Recruitment. The Race relations and equal opportunities co-ordinator will:

a) monitor the employment and professional development of all staff

b) ensure staff development is designed to meet any particular needs and to promote understanding of diversity

5Race relations and Inclusion

5.1The Headteacher/Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)/ EMA Co-ordinator will be responsible for providing additional support and liaising with other agencies to ensure: sick children, travellers, asylum seekers, refugees, EAL children and those from ethnic and faith groups are supported effectively

5.2The school will provide structured learning and support programmes which consider:

a) an inclusive curriculum which reflects the cultural background of all pupils and encourages respect, tolerance and empathy towards others

b) that pupils who are learning English as an additional language receive support

c) that there are curriculum opportunities which are designed to meet the needs of all pupils

d) target setting in consultation with the child and their parents and or carers

e) that all pupils have access to appropriate support and facilities

6Data Analysis and monitoring

6.1The school implements a variety of assessment to monitor and assess progress. This data is held on ‘Assessment manager’ and includes:

a) Key Stage 1 Sats data

b) Individual tracking

c) Optional SATs scores from end of Year assessments in Year 3, 4 & 5

d) NVR (Year 4) test scores

e) Suffolk Reading Test at the end of Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

f) Exclusions

g) Attendance

h)The award of pupil responsibilities \ prizes (such as ‘top table’)

i) Special Needs

j) Red & Yellow card (behaviour) monitoring

6.2Data is systematically collected and analysed by ethnicity and gender and shared with appropriate stakeholders

7.Review of the Policy

7.1This policy is monitored on a regular basis by the Race relations co-ordinator who reports to governors curriculum committee annually about the effectiveness of the policy.

7.2The policy will be reviewed at least every two years by the Ethnic Minority Achievement Services co-ordinator (EMAS) and the Race Relations co-ordinator. The key questions at review might include:

  • Are there particular groups who are attaining at a lower level than national/local figures?
  • What has the school done to addressthis?
  • Have specific projects to address the issue of underachievement been successful? If not, why not?
  • What is the school doing to prevent/deal with discrimination?
  • Are all staff being encouraged and supported in developing their skills and knowledge?
  • Are the pupils equipped to live in a diverse society?
  • What changes need to be made to this and other policies to achieve the school’s aims?



Appendix 1

Race Relation Act Amendment 2000

1. Introduction

The Race Relation Act 1976 as amended by the Race Relations (amendment) Act 2000 places a general duty on localauthorities to promote race equality. This duty means that, in everything the local authority does, WMJS should have due regard to the need to:

  1. Eliminate unlawful racial discrimination
  2. Promote equality of opportunity and
  3. Promote good relations between people of different racial groups
  1. Background into the introduction of the Race Relations (Amendment) 2000.

The death of Stephen Lawrence in 1993 and the subsequent report of the MacPherson investigation into his murder was a landmark in the history of race relations in Britain. It spread well beyond the Metropolitan Police to affect all aspects of pupils’ life.

Following the publication of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report in February 1999, the Home Secretary undertook to strengthen race relations legislation. As a consequence of this the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, was created and this came into force in April 2001

  1. What the Act does:

The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 amends and strengthens the 1976 Race Relations Act in the following ways:-

a) It expands upon previous legislation to cover functions that were not previously included. Local authorities now have to ensure that they do not unlawfully discriminate when performing any of their functions.

b) It introduces a new general positive duty upon specified public bodies including local authorities to promote race equality. This requires that a local authority, when “when carrying out its functions, to have due regard to the need”:-

i)to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination; and

ii)to promote equality of opportunity and good race relations between persons of different racial groups

c) It introduces a power to the Home Secretary to impose specific duties on specified bodies, to help ensure “the better performance” of the general duty


Revised November 05