The 142nd meeting of State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) Haryana to review the performance of banks for the period ended 30th Sept., 2017 would be held on 17.11.2017 (Friday) at 10.30 A.M. at Hotel Mount View, Sector 17, Chandigarh. Following issues shall be taken up for discussions in the meeting:-

Last Meeting of SLBC / 141st
Held on / 11.08.2017
Minutes Emailed/Circulated on / 01.09.2017
Comments Received / Nil

In view of non-receipt of any observation/suggestion on the minutes of 141st meeting of SLBC Haryana circulated vide email dated 01.09.2017, the house may confirm.


NABARD, Central Office, Mumbai vide their Circular No.283/DFIBT-39/2016 dated 6th Dec.,2016 addressed to CMDs/Chairman/CEOs of Scheduled Commercial Banks, State Cooperative Banks and District Central Cooperative Banks had informed that there is a thrust on digital transactions and a need to provide an impetus to cashless transactions amongst the farming community also. As such, there is a need to increase the digital payments and acceptance infrastructure in rural areas. The deployment of Point of Sale Machines (PoS) Terminals will ensure cashless transactions which will squeeze the physical use of money/currency, resultantly the customers will withdraw only small amounts of cash in rural areas and especially in Tier 5 & 6 centers, covering population less than 10000.

As informed earlier that NABARD is extending financial support of maximum Rs.6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) from Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) for deployment of PoS Terminals in one lakh villages in Tier 5-6 Centres, subject to a cap of two PoS devices per village.

Bankwise Position of PoS Machines Sanctioned and installed is given below:-

No. / Name of the Bank / No. of Villages / PoS Machines Sanctioned / Amount Sanctioned
(Rs.6000)/ per machine / PoS Machines Installed / Subsidy Claimed
No. of Machines / Amt
(Rs. In lacs)
1. / Allahabad Bank / 24 / 48 / 2.88 / - / - / -
2. / Bank of Baroda / 37 / 37 / 2.22 / - / - / -
3. / Bank of India / 40 / 80 / 4.80 / 43 / - / -
4. / Canara Bank / 150 / 192 / 11.52 / - / - / -
5. / CBI / 112 / 112 / 6.72 / - / - / -
6. / Dena Bank / 8 / 16 / 0.96 / - / - / -
7. / IDBI Bank / 12 / 23 / 1.38 / 10 / 10 / 0.60
8. / Indian Bank / 20 / 20 / 1.20 / - / - / -
9. / IOB / 7 / 14 / 0.84 / - / - / -
10. / OBC / 63 / 126 / 7.56 / - / - / -
11. / PNB / 500 / 783 / 46.98 / 169 / -
12. / SBI / 188 / 361 / 21.66 / 8 / 8 / 0.48
13. / Syndicate Bank / 61 / 122 / 7.32 / - / - / -
14. / UCO Bank / 26 / 52 / 3.12 / - / - / -
15. / UBI / 36 / 72 / 4.32 / - / - / -
16. / Vijaya Bank / 2 / 4 / 0.24 / - / - / -
Public Sector Banks / 1286 / 2062 / 123.72 / 230 / 18 / 1.08
1 / Axis Bank / 96 / 192 / 11.52 / 54 / - / -
2 / HDFC Bank / 13 / 15 / 0.90 / - / - / -
3 / ICICI Bank / 30 / 48 / 2.88 / - / - / -
4 / Ratnakar Bank / 364 / 364 / 21.84 / - / - / -
5 / Yes Bank / 100 / 200 / 12.00 / - / - / -
Private Sector Banks / 603 / 819 / 49.14 / 54 / - / -
Total Pub. & Pvt. Sec. Banks / 1889 / 2881 / 172.86 / 284 / 18 / 1.08
Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank / 2100 / 2500 / 150.00 / - / - / -
Coop. Banks / 718 / 718 / 43.08 / 98 / - / -
Total / 4707 / 6099 / 365.94 / 382 / 18 / 1.08

Source: NABARD & Banks

The issue was also discussed in the 3rd meeting of Steering Committee to SLBC Haryana and the controlling heads of banks were requested to ensure that the PoS Machines are installed in the villages identified by their bank and subsidy is claimed from NABARD under Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF).

AGM NABARD apprised the house that the date of first lodgement of claims is 31st Dec., 2017 and subsequent claims can be lodged upto 31st March, 2019.

Controlling heads of banks are once again requested to ensure that the POS Machines are installed in the villages identified by their bank and the subsidy from NABARD is claimed and the related data is provided to SLBC Secretariat for review in the next meeting of SLBC Haryana.

The house may discuss.


The State Government has constituted a State Level Committee comprising of Chief Secretary, Haryana (Chairman), Administrative Secretaries to Govt. of Haryana, Revenue, Finance & Planning, Women & Child Development, Development & Panchayats, Transport, School Education, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Health, Public Health Engineering, Electronics & Information Technology, Urban Local Bodies, Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Skill Development and Industrial Training and Power Departments as members for the promotion and proliferation of digital payments to achieve the target of 72 crore digital transactions allocated by the Govt. of India to the State of Haryana.

In this regard, meetings of the committee were held on 8th Sept., 2017 under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Haryana and on 18th Sept., 2017 under the Chairmanship of Shri P.Raghavendra Rao, IAS, ACS, Finance & Planning, Govt. of Haryana. It was discussed that in order to achieve the allocated target of 72 crore digital transactions to the State of Haryana by the Govt. of India, various State Govt. Departments, Banks and other agencies need to make concerted efforts. As advised in the above meeting, SLBC Haryana Secretariat has collected and compiled bank wise targets of digital transactions assigned to various banks in the State of Haryana by DFS, MOF, GOI, New Delhi and submitted the same to Electronics & Information Technology Department, Haryana and Finance Department, Haryana for regular monitoring.

However, the following banks have till date not submitted the desired targets to SLBC Haryana Secretariat:-

1.  Andhra Bank 2. Corporation Bank 3.IDBI Bank & 4.United Bank of India and all Private Banks.

It was also advised that PNB should resolve all technical and financial issues with the Food & Supply Department, Haryana for implementation of AEPS for Public Distribution System by 30th Sept., 2017. Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Haryana vide their letter dated 17th Oct., 2017 that Govt. of Haryana has assigned the work of implementation of Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePs)/Cashless Transactions at Fair Price Shops (FPS) in the entire State of Haryana to Punjab National Bank.

It is informed that necessary instructions have been given to the Lead District Managers of PNB in the State of Haryana and Circle Office South Delhi (Non-Lead Districts-Faridabad, Gurugram, Mewat and Palwal) for opening of current accounts of the Fair Price Shop Owners in coordination with District Food & Civil Supply Officer of their respective district. Necessary work has also been initiated at PNB HO level and efforts are being made to accomplish the task at the earliest.

State Bank of India was advised to take necessary steps to ensure one hundred per cent software integration with e-GRAS by 30th Sept., 17 to enable maximum digital transactions in the State. It was also desired that SBI should provide Department wise details of active/inactive PoS machines as well as the transactions carried out through them immediately so that the matter can be taken up with the concerned departments for appropriate resolution. Representative of SBI may apprise the house in this regard.

Against the target of 72 crore digital transactions allocated to the State of Haryana, 6,49,36,425 transactions amounting to Rs.56461 crore have been performed at PoS machines alone installed by banks in the State of Haryana as at 30.09.2017 besides transactions made through other digital modes. Bank wise position is given on Annexure No. 1 (P-117).

The house may discuss.



Banks have opened 63,98,380 accounts up to 30.09.2017 under PMJDY since its launching on 28.08.2014 whereas upto 30th June, 2017, 63,46,162 PMJDY accounts were opened by banks in the State of Haryana. A sum of Rs.2153 crore has also been mobilized by banks in these accounts

Although, a majority of people have opened their banks accounts, however, controlling heads of banks are requested to advise their field staff to continue opening more and more accounts under PMJDY and ensure that no person in the State of Haryana remains unbanked. Banks should also encourage opening of accounts of children/students.

Haryana State stood at 11th place on All India Basis in opening of accounts under PMJDY on the basis of density of population.

Detail of Accounts opened under PMJDY upto 30.09.2017 is as under:-

Total Accounts Opened : 63,98,380

Rural Areas : 31,43,047 (49.1%)

Urban Areas : 32,55,333 (50.9%)

Sr. No. / Parameter / Name of the Bank
1 / Top 3 Banks / State Bank of India (14,24,184), Punjab National Bank (11,96,314) and Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank (8,31,076)
2. / Bottom 3 banks / South Indian Bank (828), Catholic Syrian Bank (1179) and Karur Vysya Bank (1222)

Total Accounts Opened as on 30.06.2017 : 63, 46, 162

Incremental : 52, 218

Top 3 and bottom 3 districts with their performance under Opening of Accounts under PMJDY are as under:-

Sr. No. / Parameter / Name of the District
1 / Top 3 Districts / Faridabad (6,20,794), Hisar (4,71,054) and Gurugram (4,67,345)
2. / Bottom 3 Districts / Charkhi Dadri (83,045), Panchkula (1,47,647) and Rewari (1,68,740)

Point for Discussion: LDMs of District Charkhi Dadri, Panchkula and Rewari are requested to advise the banks operating in their respective districts to continue opening of new accounts under PMJDY as progress upto the quarter ended Sept., 2017 requires more efforts in this regard.

Bank wise/District wise position of opening of accounts under PMJDY is given on Annexure No. 2.1-2.2 (P 118-119).

Top 3 and bottom 3 Banks with their performance under Opening of Accounts (During the quarter ended Sept., 17) under PMJDY are as under:-

Sr. No. / Parameter / Name of the Bank
1 / Top 3 Banks-Which opened maximum accounts during the Q.E.Sept.,17 / Bank of Baroda (21,998), ICICI Bank
(19044) and Indian Bank (18,517)
Convener Bank-9318
2. / Bottom 3 banks-Which opened minimum accounts during the Q.E. Sept.,17 / Vijaya Bank (30), Indian Overseas Bank (99) and Federal Bank (127)

Point for Discussion: Controlling Heads of all banks but specially Vijaya Bank, Indian Overseas Bank and Federal Bank to advise their field functionaries to continue opening of new accounts under PMJDY as progress during the quarter ended Sept., 2017 was not upto the mark.


Out of 63,98,380 accounts opened under PMJDY, Rupay Cards have been issued in 55,64,324 accounts as at 30.09.2017, which is 87% of the total accounts opened.

Haryana State stood at 5th place on All India Basis in issuance of Rupay Cards after 1.Tripura 2. Tamilnadu 3. Manipur and 4. Karnataka.

Rupay Cards Issued as on 30.06.2017 : 55,22,920

Incremental : 41,404

The %age of issuance of Rupay Cards against the number of accounts opened under PMJDY in respect of the following banks is 80% & above:-

Sr. No. / % of issuance of Rupay Cards / Name of the Bank
1 / 80% & above / Allahabad Bank (82%), Andhra Bank (88%), BOB (95%), BOI (99%), Canara Bank (81%), CBI (88%), Corporation Bank (95%), Dena Bank (89%), IDBI (82%), Indian Bank (85%), IOB (95%), OBC (87%), PNB (83%), PSB (87%), SBI (90%), Syndicate Bank (91%), Vijaya Bank (88%),Axis Bank (84%), Federal Bank (86%), HDFC Bank (100%), ICICI (100%), Indusind Bk (97%), J&K Bank (91%), Kotak Mahindra Bank (96%), South Indian Bank (92%), Yes Bank (83%) and Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank (88%).
2. / 50% or Less / Karnataka Bank (33%) and Nainital Bank (49%)

Top 3 and bottom 3 banks with their performance under issuance of Rupay Cards are as under:-

Sr. No. / Parameter / Name of the Bank
1 / Top 3 Banks / ICICI Bank (100%), HDFC Bank (100%) and Bank of India (99%)
2. / Bottom 3 banks / Catholic Syrian Bank (65%), Nainital Bank (49%) and Karnataka Bank (33%)

Point for Discussion: Controlling Heads of Catholic Syrian Bank, Nainital Bank and Karnataka Bank are requested to advise their field functionaries to ensure 100% issuance of Rupay Cards in the PMJDY accounts as performance of their banks as at Sept., 2017 was not upto the mark and require more efforts.

Top 3 and bottom 3 districts with their performance under issuance of Rupay Cards are as under:-

Sr. No. / Parameter / Name of the District
1 / Top 3 Districts / Jind, Kaithal and Fatehabad (90%)
2. / Bottom 3 Districts / Bhiwani & M.Garh (81%) and Charkhi Dadri (83%)

Point for Discussion: Lead District Managers of Bhiwani, M.garh and Charkhi Dadri are advised to ensure 100% issuance of Rupay Cards in the PMJDY accounts as performance of their respective District as at Sept, 2017 was not upto the mark and requires strenuous efforts to improve the performance of their district in this regard.