/ CRS Clinical Research Coordinators Training
Registration Form
April 17th and 24th 2017

Clinical Research Support is offering their semi-annual Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC) Training this spring. This training series is designed for new Clinical Research Coordinators involved in Consortium studies, but individual topics may also serve as a refresher for more experienced personnel. These sessions are held over two separate days on Fred Hutch campus:

Monday, 4/17/2017 - Pelton Auditorium in the Weintraub building

Monday, 4/24/2017 - room M1-A303 in the Arnold building

Please be aware that seats will be limited due to either room capacity or session requirements as noted below. Please select the sessions you would like to attend and email this form as soon as possible to Kersten Brinkworth . Names will be added to a wait list if sessions are full.

Name: / Affiliation:
Job Title: / Email:
Day 1:
Monday, April 17, 2017 (Pelton Auditorium, Weintraub building)
Attending? / Time / Topic description / Presenter
9:00 – 10:00 / CRS & the Cancer Consortium
This session will provide an overview of the Cancer Consortium and CRS resources that help support clinical trials within the Consortium. / Kersten Brinkworth,
CRS Training Manager
Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Center
10:00 – 11:00 / SCCA Intake Office
This session will provide an overview of the SCCA Intake office and their role scheduling new patient appointments for general oncology, immunotherapy, and transplant studies. Intake staff ensure that clinic teams have all necessary information prior to a patient’s first appointment, including medical records and pathology and films. Coordinators will learn about the overall process on how a patient is routed and communication expectations. / Jackie Jacques,
SCCA Prearrival Systems Manager
Lisa Sleeman,
SCCA Prearrival Systems Manager
11:00 – 11:10 / Break
11:10 – 12:00 / SCCA Research Ordering in ORCA
This session will provide an overview of electronic orders in ORCA, how to determine if protocol specific PowerPlans should be created or if a generic research template PowerPlan should be used, and how to complete the ORCA research PowerPlan build template. / Dorsee C. Zaballero
Systems Analyst
12:00 – 1:00 / Lunch on Your Own
1:00 – 1:45 / Infusion Services at the SCCA
This session will cover the services provided by the SCCA Infusion and Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) department. Coordinators will learn about the process for study implementation, examine staff roles and responsibilities, identify key data tools, and review communication tips to ensure protocol compliance. / Elizabeth Miller,
SCCA Clinical Trials Coordinator
Stacey Chochoms,
SCCA BMT Nursing Supervisor
1:45-2:00 / Break
2:00 – 3:30 / Good Documentation Practice – LIMITED SEATS!
Thisinteractive workshop will provide new coordinators an opportunity to apply their understanding ofthe ALCOA principles with real world source documentation scenarios. Participants will learn best practices for handling discrepancies and missing information, and receive guidance for organizing research subject charts.*Prerequisite: Prior to this class, please complete the CRS Clinical Trials Essential Documentation online module located on the CRRW. Authorized access is required. / Kersten Brinkworth,
CRS Training Manager
Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Center
Day 2:
Monday, April 24, 2017LIMITED SEATS! (M1-A303, Arnold building)
Attending? / Time / Topic description / Presenter
9:00 – 9:30 / sRAMP
The presentation provides coordinators with an overview of the Study Review and Management Portal (sRAMP), the function and activities includes within the portal, resources for training, and some of the pitfalls that cause study implementation delays. / Eli Reis,
Training Specialist
9:30 – 10:00 / SCCA Orientation to Research
The presentation provides an overview of the process of implementing research at SCCA. It covers the role of the Research Implementation Office (RIO) and responsibilities of research staff during the study start-up process for new protocols involving activities which will occur at the SCCA. / Gina Roper,
SCCA Human Protection &
RI Associate
10:00 – 10:45 / SCCA Research Revenue Cycle Overview
This presentation provides research coordinators with an overview of the SCCA research revenue cycle process,the types of billable services, study invoicing, and billing compliance along with available resources for training and key contacts. / Azure Kraxberger, Psy.D
SCCA Revenue Cycle Education Specialist
10:45-11:00 / Break
11:00 – 12:00 / Clinical Research Budget & Billing Overview
The purpose of this presentation is to provide coordinators with an understanding of the scope and responsibilities of the Clinical Research Budget & Billing office (CRBB). Participants will review the importance of billing compliance and the UW Medicine’s clinical research policies. / Eli Reis,
Training Specialist
12:00 – 1:00 / Lunch on Your Own
1:00 – 1:45 / SCCA Infection Prevention & PPE Training
A large proportion of SCCA patients in the clinic are severely immunocompromised, which means they are at an increased risk for developing life threatening infections. To help protect these patients as well as yourself and everyone else, this session will cover some basic considerations:
  • Frequent hand hygiene
  • Guidelines for staying at home/returning to work
  • Vaccinations
  • Standard and transmission precautions, including use of PPE
*Coordinators should attend this session before they interface with patients at the SCCA outpatient clinic. / Julie Knight Iwayama, RN
Infection Control Coordinator
SCCA Infection Prevention
1:45 – 2:00 / Break
2:00 – 2:45 / SCCA Team Coordinators & Visit Scheduling
This session will provide an overview of the TC role and the scheduling process at the SCCA outpatient clinic. Coordinators will also learn what to communicate to TCs to ensure the correct ordering and billing for protocol related assessments. / Sanaz Sahari,
SCCA Trainer/Quality Specialist
09301 CRC Training Program Registration Form / Page 1 of 3 / Version: 03/08/2016