Course SyllabusMr. Shields

Composition 9 – AdvancedSeneca High School

(814)824-3400 ext. 5589


Students are expected to bring a three-ring binder, an agenda book, and writing implements to class each day. These items will not be provided by the instructor. Lined paper will be available. Students will need note cards when working on research projects.


In the classroom, all students have the right to learn and the teacher has the right to teach. Behavior that interferes with these rights will not be tolerated. The process for addressing inappropriate behavior is as follows:

  1. Warning to student.
  2. Submission of a Minor Infraction Form.
  3. Submission of a Formal Discipline Referral Form.

*In certain situations where behavior poses a serious disruption, the student in question will be removed from the classroom.

Students are expected to adhere to all guidelines and rules set forth in the student handbook. These include, but are not limited to, food and drink, dress code, book bags, electronic devices, hall passes, and skipping class.


  1. Be on time.
  2. Bring all necessary materials to class.
  3. Be on task.
  4. Be productive.
  5. Treat students, faculty, staff, and property with respect. Most importantly, demonstrate self respect.
  6. All assignments must be written in pencil or in blue or black ink. Assignments that are written in any other color will receive no credit, and students will NOT be given the opportunity to redo the assignment.


Topics covered in Compostion Advance Grade 9 include but are not limited to:

  1. Novels, short stories, and plays: The Outsiders, Of Mice and Men, Anthem, The Giver, Romeo and Juliet
  2. Grammar: the 8 parts of speech, the parts of a sentence and complements
  3. Writing: Informative, Persuasive, and Narrative Essays
  4. Vocabulary: 15 Units
  5. Research

Grades will be calculated from the summative assessments taken throughout the semester. Activities preparing students for the summative assessments will include: homework, class work, practice activities, presentations, etc. It is strongly advised that students keep track of their own grades and check their grades regularly online.


There is no extra credit.


There are no retakes unless mandated by an IEP.


Late work will NOT be accepted. Students wo miss class due to circumstances that the district deems an “excused absence” will be given FIVE school days to make up missed tests. If a student is not in school on a day when as assignment is due, the assignment in question must be turned in on the day a student returns to school. Assignments that are given on a day when a student is absent must be turned in the day after the student returns to school. Work that is not completed within the allotted time cannot be made up.

Students are responsible for determining what they missed on days they were absent. Students will not ask the teacher to provide this information during class time.

Students are expected to come after school or during homeroom to make up missed tests. They may not make up tests during class or in the Guidance Office. Please make necessary arrangements to stay after school on Tuesday or Thursday. If necessary, an alternate day may be arranged.