Rural Centre for Human Interests

Volunteer India program

S.T.V. projects – 2014



Technology Complex

Village Bandh, P.O. Bhaguri, Via Patta

Distt. Solan. H.P. - 173233


Contact info:


Mobile: +91-9459377111 (Mahip Dagar)


Website: and


Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI) is a community development organization with ever increasing focus on youth development and intercultural learning through voluntary service. RUCHI got registered in 1983, under Indian Societies Registration Act as a non-political, non-profit making voluntary organization.

RUCHI was established keeping in mind the problems and restrictions that a remote community faces on day to day basis. These could be due to poverty, lack of knowledge, poor infrastructure or at times difficult terrain. As a result RUCHI has always implemented its project with people centered approach and gave priority to community development. With 29 years in this field, RUCHI has accumulated extensive knowledge in community development with project area ranging from semi-urban background to extremely remote communities requiring two days of walk certain time of the year.

Over time RUCHI has also developed and successfully implemented many low cost technologies. We are now acting as a resource organization for Indian Government and other NGO’s pursuing rural community development work.

RUCHI has a head office in Bandh village and two regional offices in Rajgarh and Punjab. RUCHI is well equipped with staff, infra structure and technical support to implement developmental projects across country with help of partner NGO’s.

Our motto

Through Voluntary services, RUCHI aims to promote intercultural learning between individual, group and community, leading to better understanding and tolerance towards each-others culture. We believe achieving peace, harmony and working towards a world with fewer boundaries is a never ending process which can be achieved by increasing youth mobility through voluntary camps globally.

Our Approach

For past 30years RUCHI has committed its efforts and resources towards rural development. All our projects have a people centered approach and ongoing commitment with our projects and partners. Our workcamps offer a unique opportunity to gain global perspective for volunteer and local youth increasing their professional competencies. Voluntary service not only help community projects but also provide a much needed overview and technical support. With work camp we provide a unique learning experience for volunteers.

Network and collaboration

RUCHI is affiliated with international and national voluntary service networks. It is also member of Network of Voluntary Development in Asia (NVDA) and Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service (CCIVS). RUCHI also partners with Alliance of European Voluntary service Organization (ALLIANCE).

Besides international networks RUCHI also affiliates with national organizations like Institute of Rural Management (IRMA), Delhi School of Social Works, Tata Institute of Social Science, Xavier Institute of Social Science (XISS) and students from University of Delhi, Kurukshetra, Allahabad etc. RUCHI hosts students from these institutes and facilitates their rural management studies.

RUCHI also implements CSR projects in partnership with FOOD KRAFT and Johnson & Johnsons. Under this project a NFE centre is being run for deprived and needy children living in slums of Baddi. In 2012 and 2013 RUCHI implemented a Support my School (SMS) campaign funded by UN Habitat Coca Cola and NDTV India, where infrastructure development work for government schools was undertaken.

Our Program

·  Short Term Workcamp, STW (14days)

·  Long - Medium Term Volunteer, LMTV (1-12months)

·  Group (Bilateral) Workcamp. 10+ vols. (14days)

Areas of Interests

·  Renovation/ maintenance.

·  Environment and conservation.

·  Non formal education.

·  Community development.

·  Construction.

·  Cultural exposure.

·  Creative arts and crafts

·  Children with disability

RUCHI INDIA - Short Term Work Camps-(Code: RC)

Programme Summary - 2014

Code / Name / Location / Dates 2014 / Type / No. of Maximum Vols.
(Age 18+)
RC-01/14 / Greening Forest / RUCHI / 03/02-16/02 / AGR/ENV / 10
RC-02/14 / Support-my-School Campaign / 6 schools of Solan / 10/02-23/02 / SOC/ENVI/EDU / 10
RC-03/14 / Global Youth Creativity / RUCHI / 10/02-23/02 / ART/COM. DEV. / 10
RC-04/14 / Holi - Festival of Colors / Solan/RUCHI / 12/03– 21/03 / FESTIVAL / 10
RC-05/14 / Tibetan & Indian culture / Dharamshala / 24/03-06/04 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-06/14 / Support-my-School Campaign / 6 schools of Solan / 24/03-06/04 / SOC/ENVI/EDU / 10
RC-07/14 / Water Resource dev. / SG-Solan / 31/03-13/04 / ENVI/CON / 10
RC-08/14 / Global Youth Creativity / RUCHI / 31/03-13/04 / ART/COM. DEV. / 10
RC-09/14 / Festival Traditional / Rajgarh (Kotla) / 07/04-20/04 / CULT / 10
RC-10/14 / Trek & experience local culture / Rajgarh (Fagu) / 07/04-20/04 / ADVENTURE / 10
RC-11/14 / Water Resource Dev. / Bandh-Solan / 14/04-27/04 / ENVI/CON / 10
RC-12/14 / Tibetan & Indian culture / Dharamshala / 14/04-27/04 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-13/14 / Tibetan & Indian Culture / Dharamshala / 05/05-18/05 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-14/14 / Creative Education / West Bengal / 16/06-29/06 / EDU / 7
RC-15/14 / Children with Disability / Solan / 01/07-13/07 / SOC. KIDS / 7
RC-16/14 / Children with Disability / Solan / 07/07-20/07 / SOC. KIDS / 7
RC-17/14 / Agro-Forestry / Rajgarh / 07/07-20/07 / ENV/AGR / 10
RC-18/14 / Beautification of Creches / Surajpur / 14/07-27/07 / EDU/ARTS / 10
RC-19/14 / Tibetan & Indian culture / Dharamshala / 14/07-27/07 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-20/14 / Beautification of Creches / Tujhar / 21/07-03/08 / EDU/ARTS / 10
RC-21/14 / Creative Graffiti / RUCHI / 21/07-03/08 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-22/14 / Afforestation / Rajgarh/Bhujond / 21/07-03/08 / ENV / 10
RC-23/14 / Arts/Animation for children / Bandh/Bhaguri / 28-07-10/08 / EDU / 10
RC-24/14 / Greening Forest / Solan / 04/08-17/08 / ENV / 10
RC-25/14 / Tibetan & Indian culture / Dharamshala / 04/08-17/08 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-26/14 / Water Conservation / Baddi / 18/08-31/08 / ENV / 10
RC-27/14 / Tibetan & Indian culture / Dharamshala / 18/08-31/08 / ART/CULT / 10
RC-28/14 / Women Power / Baddi / 01/09-14/09 / COM. DEV / 10
RC-29/14 / Animal lovers / Solan / 01/09-14/09 / VET / 7
RC-30/14 / Creative Education / Rishikesh / 08/09-21/09 / EDU/CULT / 10
RC-31/14 / Tibetan & Indian culture / Dharamshala / 15/09-28/09 / CULT/EDU / 10
RC-32/14 / Creative Education / Agra / 29/09-12/10 / EDU / 10
RC-33/14 / Comm. Dev & Dussehra Festival / Rajgarh / 29/09-12/10 / CULT / 10
RC-34/14 / Comm. Dev. & Festival of Lights / Rajgarh / 20/10-02/11 / CULT / 10
RC-35/14 / Women Power / Baddi / 10/11-23/11 / COM DEV / 10

Description of the Short Term WorkCamps

General Information:

§  All Short Term WorkCamps (STW) last two weeks with fixed dates.

§  There will always be a RUCHI Camp Leader

§  Volunteers take care of their own travel costs and bear all personal expenses during free time.

§  Volunteers have to be 18 years or older

§  No special skills are required; volunteers have to be open minded and willing to adapt to challenging conditions.

§  Volunteers’ contribution is always recognized and appreciated but they will have to accept the fact that they can not change the world in two weeks.

§  Living conditions will be simple.

§  Volunteers must be willing to understand and respect local as well each other’s culture.

§  Volunteers must be prepared to live in harmony with others and work as a team.

§  For every STW there will be a special info-sheet with more detailed information.

§  Working hours will be 5-6 hours, 5 days a week.


This is a voluntary service project developed for a short duration of two weeks. Under this camp, besides experiencing rural culture, the volunteers get an opportunity to foster international dialogue and friendship. During the camp, volunteers work, live and have fun together in a simple natural environment. Depending on the programme of each project, volunteers can join activities in different areas of RUCHI’s work.

Short duration camps are held round the year. Group of 6 to 10 people are invited to participate in them. In these camps they join projects involving civil works such as construction of Irrigation Tank, development & protection of Natural Spring, construction of Ferro Cement Tank for rain water harvesting, repairs and renovation works, teaching/arts/games with school children, trees plantation.

The contribution for a two-week camp is Euro 200 except the Dharamsala and festival camps which cost Euro 220 because of its touristic location. The participants are required to pay the contribution in advance by bank transfer before the workcamp starts. Please note that there is no ATM available in the work camp area. Therefore, you are advised to change money for your personal use in Delhi or Chandigarh city. The contribution covers all basic expenses, e.g. food, housing and local transportation on weekdays/ work camp. You will need money for weekend extra expenses and for your personal toiletries. Alcoholic drinks are not included.

Why the extra fee?

NGOs’ in India, including RUCHI, is not financially supported by government to host projects related to IVS. Hence all projects are self funded with a participation fee. Given the remote location and various complexities we have tried our best to make it as affordable as possible for volunteers. Being a non-profit organization we emphasize on transparency, below is how we spend collected participation fee.

·  Food, accommodation and logistics of volunteer during workcamp.

·  Project setup costs. (material and logistics cost)

·  Running the camp. (wages of professional like mason, carpenter, plumber etc and training local youth supported by us.)

·  Office running/admin expenses. (Internet, photocopy, stationary, electricity, phone, salaries, office equipments, tools and rent etc.)

·  Supporting small community project.

·  International travel costs to global conferences and membership fee for networking.


All volunteers are required to get Indian visa to enter the country. As per the new regulations an employment visa is required for their placement with Indian NGOs. For details kindly refer to RUCHI will be happy to assist you with required documents.


RC-01/14 Solan/RUCHI ENV/Greening Forest 10 Vols. 03.02.14 – 16.02.14

RC-24/14 Solan/RUCHI ENV/Greening Forest 10 Vols. 04.08.14 – 17.08.14

Location: Ruchi campus which is located near Bandh village. It is 30 km from Kalka and 60 km from Chandigarh. Bandh village is small located in interior mountainous area and the volunteers will have a unique opportunity to live with nature in a peaceful environment. RUCHI campus is one km. from the village.

Work: Volunteers will work on waste land near Ruchi campus. Work would be preparing holes, clear weeds and plant trees to rejuvenate forests. Tree nursery may also be developed for future plantation. Volunteer will get orientation before starting project. Additional activities will include learning of various developmental issues and solutions. They will visit various humanitarian projects and interact with the villagers.

Requirements: Interest in forestry and climate change and learning ability, High motivation.

Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the RUCHI campus. All basic amenities will be available with library facilities. Asian squat type toilet and English WC will be available. Vegetarian food will be served. A cook will be there but volunteers are expected to help him and occasionally cook their own meals and self-management is required. Sleeping bags are also necessary.

Leisure time: Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town is another hill station as a tourist attraction. A visit to Shimla will offer an opportunity to see high Himalayan Mountains.

International Terminal: New Delhi (320 Kms); Domestic Terminal: Chandigarh and Shimla (70 kms)

Nearest railway station: Kalka (30 kms) Participation Fee: Euro 200

RC-02/14 Support-my-School EDU/SOC/ENV. 10 Vols. 10.02.14 –23.02.14

RC-06/14 Support-my-School EDU/SOC/ENV. 10 Vols. 24.03.14 –06.04.14

Location: Project will run in six selected government schools in Solan district, northern India. The aim is to strengthen school infrastructure to implement Right To Education in the State. Solan is the second largest city in the state and its boundaries touch the states of Haryana and Punjab.

Work: The project will be taken up as a campaign – “Support my School Campaign”. During the camp volunteers will be visiting the schools and rural settlement of the region to present the importance of health and hygiene, environment awareness and the need for education among the adults along with the children. Volunteers who participate in these camps need to come up with some concrete ideas. Work may involve access to water, rain water harvesting, renovation of school building, wall paintings, and creative activities with children. Repairing of play ground, cleaning school surrounding etc. will be done. Play through learning activities will be encouraged.

Accommodation: Volunteer will live in guest house or host family with shared room. Authentic north Indian breakfast and lunch and dinner will be served.

Leisure time: Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town is another hill station as a tourist attraction. A visit to Shimla will offer an opportunity to see high Himalayan Mountains.

International Terminal: New Delhi (300 Kms); Participation Fee: Euro 200

Nearest railway station: Kalka Meeting point : Kalka railway station

RC-03/14 Solan/RUCHI Global Youth Creativity 10 Vols. 10.02.14 – 23.02.14

RC-08/14 Solan/RUCHI Global Youth Creativity 10 Vols. 31.03.14 – 13.04.14

RC-21/14 RUCHI Creative Graffiti 10 vols. 21.07.14 – 03.08.14

RC-23/14 Bandh/Bhaguri Arts/Animation for children 10 vols 28.07.14 – 10.08.14

Location: Ruchi campus is located near Bandh village. It is 30 km from Kalka and 60 km from Chandigarh. Bandh village is small located in interior mountainous area and the volunteers will have a unique opportunity to live with nature in a peaceful environment. RUCHI campus is one km. from the village.

Work: Volunteers will work in Ruchi campus. Work would be arts work/painting on wall. Subject would be related to peace and love, Global warming, inter-cultural earning, good message through painting on wall for youth and public. Volunteer will get orientation before starting project. Additional activities will include learning of various developmental issues and solutions. They will visit various humanitarian projects and interact with the villagers.