International conference “Chernobyl: lessons learned from international cooperation on mitigation of the consequences of the accident”

Russia, Obninsk, 23-25 November 2011

Dear colleagues!

25 years have elapsed since the Chernobyl accident which has had serious environmental, social and economic impacts, internationally changed attitude to the nuclear power. The accident has demonstrated that safety problems must be solved based on a wide international cooperation.

In 1990, under the IAEA aegis, “The Agreement on International Cooperation in Mitigating Consequences of the Chernobyl NPP Accident” was concluded. The next step of the international cooperation was a 4-year program (1992-1995) involving 16 scientific and experimental projects. Further cooperation involved different international organizations: UN Development Program, IAEA, European Commission, International Union on Radioecology, World Health Organization, etc.

The invaluable experience accumulated by the international community has served the basis for improving approaches to radiation protection of the public, development of national strategies for nuclear power engineering development, improvement of systems for radiation monitoring, development of new remediation technologies, etc. The events related to the radiation accident at the Fukushima NPP (Japan) have emphasized once again that radiation safety is an international problem and its solution is only possible in close cooperation of scientists, specialists, policy makers of different countries.

In accordance with the program “Overcoming consequences of radiation accidents for the period till 2015” the RF Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters has initiated an international conference “Chernobyl: lessons learned from international cooperation on mitigation of the consequences of the accident”.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the results from international projects on different aspects of mitigating consequences of the Chernobyl NPP accident, as well as prospects of mutual studies into enhancing environmental safety of the radiation facilities.

Place of the conference: Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology, Kievskoe st., 109 km, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Russia.

Organization of the conference:

23 November 2011 – arrival, accommodation, registration of the participants;

24-25 November 2011 – plenary and section meetings.

Contact information:

Sanzharova Natalia Ivanovna – tel.: +7 (48439) 67205; tel./fax: +7 (48439) 68066; e-mail:

Kozmina Dina Nikolaevna – tel.: +7 (48439) 96991; tel./fax: +7 (48439) 68066


For information on hotel reservation, please contact Sharpan Lyudmila A. +7 (48439) 96967; tel./fax: +7 (48439) 68066, e-mail:

The following issues are scheduled to be discussed at the conference

1. Major results of the International projects on mitigation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

2. Development of international and national approaches to radiation protection of the population.

3. Improvement of the emergency response systems: decision making on resettlement, safety criteria, organization of systems for radiation control and monitoring, area zoning.

4. Environmental impacts of the Chernobyl accident: site-specific contamination, radiation effects on biota, radionuclide migration, modeling of radioecological processes.

5. Dose estimation to the population on radiation affected territories: evolution of methods and approaches.

6. Medical impacts of the Chernobyl accident.

7. Remediation of the affected regions: remediation strategies in different periods after the accident. Radiological, economic and social aspects of remediation of the affected areas.

8. Work with the population. Information technologies and their role in ensuring radiation safety of the public.

Round-table meeting: Emergency egress problem: is the Chernobyl accident over?

Working languages: Russian and English

Participation: to take part in the conference and to reserve a hotel one should complete the Registration Form (Appendix 1).

Forms of participation:

- in presentia with publication and report (oral or poster);

- in presentia with publication but without report;

- in absentia with publication;

- in presentia without publication and report.

Publication of conference proceedings: upon completion of the conference a collection of abstracts will be published. The abstracts will be published in the author’s version. Guidelines for preparation of abstracts are given in Appendix 2.

The abstracts should be sent to reach the Program Committee by not later than 1 November 2011.

The materials should be sent by e-mail at:

Registration fee: there is no registration fee for attending the Conference

Travel and subsistence expenses of the applicants for reports, both foreign and national, will be borne by the host country.

Appendix 1


Surname name, patronymic,
(in Russian)
Surname name, patronymic,
(in English)
Academic degree
Academic title
Name of organization
(full and abbreviated)
Post address of organization
(post code, city, address)
Telephone, fax of organization
E-mail of organization
Contact phone of participant
E-mail of participant
Name of publication (report)
Intended participation form / / - in presentia with publication and oral report
/ - in presentia with publication and poster
/ - in presentia with publication without report
/ - in presentia without publication and report
/ - in absentia only with publication
Hotel reservation*
Arrival date
Departure date
Passport data
Meeting of participants**

*Detailed information on hotel reservation and accommodation will be provided in the next information letter.

** To arrange for the entrance visa, please send a copy of passport to the Organizing committee

*** Additional information on meeting of the participants in airports and railway stations in Moscow will be given in the next information letter.

Appendix 2


Abstract size – no more than 3 pages (А4 series).

Abstract design:

·  title (Arial, semibold, font size 13, capital letters, center alignment);

·  author(s)’ name (Arial, semibold, font size 13, capital letters, center alignment);

·  full name of organization, city, country (Arial, italics, font size 12, center alignment).

Information is available in Russian and English.



Serov A.N.

Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology,Obninsk, Russia

Then, after a single space gap there is the text of the abstract (in Russian or English).

Requirements: Microsoft Word, margins - 2.0 cm on all sides, Arial, capital letters, font size 13, space - single, paragraph indention – 1.0 cm, full justification.

The text of presentation may contain tables, figures, photos (including colour), as well as list of references.

The deadline for submission of abstracts in the electronic form is 1 November 2011 at: