The New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), Forestry Division (Division) is seeking proposals from individuals or entities who have advanced professional urban and community forestry knowledge, and specialized expertise in urban and community forest field data collection (including but not limited to urban forest mensuration, urban tree assessment, and culturally significant landscapes), data analysis, reporting, and management planning to complete a statewide urban and community forestry analysis and development of a management plan.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS) has approved EMNRD’s Fiscal Year 2016 State and Private Forestry Competitive Western Landscape Scale Restoration Grant proposal, and those funds will be used for the purposes outlined below. EMNRD will act as fiscal agent, as well as performing implementation, monitoring, and approval agent tasks for purposes of this work.

New Mexico is assessing the critical role community forests play in historic districts statewide, and providing New Mexico communities with a consistent, logical approach to historic district tree management that addresses urban forest health, forest composition, individual tree risk, forest benefits, and costs, and historical context of trees. Work shall occur in the 33 county seats of New Mexico.

EMNRD has approximately $275,000.00available for the work of this Request for Proposals (RFP). Any procurement which may result from this RFP is valid for one year from date of issue as indicated in Section VII, Contact Person and Proposal Due Date, below.

All work under any contract which may be awarded pursuant to this RFP must be completed by December 31, 2019.


This Request for Proposals (RFP) is directed to individuals and entities who meet the following criteria:

  • possess a Bachelor of Science degree in natural resource management, landscape architecture/design, forestry, or the equivalent;
  • have on staff, or have the ability to hire, current International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist(s);
  • have on staff, or have the ability to hire, current ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) Arborist(s);
  • experience working in southwestern urban and community forest ecosystems;
  • experience working with and providing training to volunteers assisting with field data collection;
  • experience working in and providing documentation for cultural landscapes;
  • ability and experience with management of contracts using state and federal funds; and
  • comply with the requirements listed in Attachment 5, Federal Pre-Eligibility Requirements.


The successful Offeror shall complete the following tasks:

  1. compile a brief statewide historical narrative for built urban forests in New Mexico, including when, how, and where urban trees were primarily introduced to the built environment, and the species that were used;
  1. conduct community forest inventories in historical districts of each of the 33 New Mexico county seats, with the assistance of municipal staff or volunteers, under the supervision of a certified arborist. Provide training on basic tree inventorying and risk assessment, and conduct quality assurance checks of all work;
  1. pre-select historic districts in each community in conjunction with the EMNRD Forestry Division Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager. All trees inventoried must be on public property or on municipal rights-of-way, and the inventory shall include street trees and trees located in parks, plazas, and courthouse grounds. Inventory at least 200 trees in each historic district. The inventory shall include the following for each tree:

1)physical location (using GPS);

2)genus and species (if species can be positively identified);

3)diameter at breast height;

4)limited walk-around visual assessment (International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Level 1 Assessment, as outlined in the ISA’s Tree Risk Assessment Manual (2013). Record significant tree defects or other conditions of concern. Identify location of trees that need a higher level of assessment or prompt action;

5)condition (based on tree rating system from National Arbor Day Foundation’s Classification of Tree Health (2000), or other EMNRD-approved system); and

6)location hazard zone category (based on U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service’s Urban Tree Risk Management: A Community Guide to Program Design and Implementation (1992), or other EMNRD-approved system).

Compile the inventory data using a geographical tree inventory and data management software such as Tree Plotter or equivalent.

Thoroughly document the inventory area, including surrounding historical buildings and features, via photographs.

  1. using the historic district urban forest inventory data collected, prepare and provide to EMNRD draft written inventory reports for each community inventoried, and one written statewide report containing summarized data of urban forest health and conditions, for EMNRD’s review and comment. Incorporate EMNRD’s comments and provide EMNRD with final copies in PDF format, as well as digital copies of all photographs.
  1. working with the EMNRD Forestry Division Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager, select four community historic districts that represent each of the four primary historic district cultural landscapes: streets, parks, plazas, and courthouse grounds. Develop written management plans for those districts.The management plans shall include, at a minimum:

1)narrative site history, with focus on the urban forest;

2)tree inventory results;

3)Level 2 risk assessment ratings for all trees identified during the initial inventory as needing a higher level of assessment (complete assessments using the ISA Basic Tree Risk Assessment form);

4)analysis of significance of the site’s urban forest using National Register of Historic Places criteria and definitions (available on the National Park Service website under National Register Publications), where appropriate, or other EMNRD-approved methodology;

5)management recommendations for urban forest landscape maintenance (including tree removal and replacement, pruning and other maintenance, soil management, irrigation, disturbance minimization, and continued monitoring/assessment). The recommendations shall identify both emergency and cyclic work, with the associated estimated budget and resources required.When appropriate, the management recommendations shall focus on preserving the historic character and authenticity of the urban forest; and

6)visual landscape modeling of future tree conditions under a “do nothing” scenario and an “active management” scenario.

Conduct at least one public meeting in each of the four communities as part of the management plan process. Prepare presentations for the public meeting explaining the current and projected future status of the historic district urban forest. Solicit public input on community priorities in relation to the urban forest and historic districts.

The four “pilot” management plans will become templates for other communities to use. Develop a written manual on how communities can evaluate their own historic district urban forests, documenting the methodologies and lessons learned from the four pilot communities, and including suggested criteria for determining the cultural landscape significance of the urban forest, and ways to solicit public input and sustain public interest.

Deliver all reports and presentations for the public meetings to EMNRD in draft form for EMNRD’s review and comment. Incorporate EMNRD’s comments and provide EMNRD with final copies in PDF format on CD.

The Successful Offeror shall:

  • provide all equipment and supplies to gather tree inventory and cultural context data;
  • train and use municipal volunteer partner(s) to help with tree inventory efforts;
  • work cooperatively with municipalities where inventorying will occur and the State of New Mexico Historic Preservation Division to develop detailed project plans and guidelines for the cultural landscape aspect of the plans;
  • work cooperatively with municipalities and state agencies to determine public rights-of-way, and obtain written consent from municipalities to conduct inventories;
  • provide extensive quality control processes to ensure high levels of accuracy and safety including:
  • briefing field safety issues to municipal/volunteerteams, and identifying and mitigating risk from hazardous field situations that arise;
  • conducting random checks on field data collection through re-inventorying after initial data collection has occurred throughout the project; and
  • conducting data integrity and coherence checks after field data has been uploaded or entered into the successful Offeror’s computer database for further data analysis.
  • manage time and schedule to complete all measurements and data analysis as specified in the successful Offeror’s proposal; and
  • submit quarterly written progress reports detailing accomplishments and activities in a format to be developed in coordination with the Forestry Division Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager.

E.The EMNRD Urban and Community Forestry Program will provide all community coordination and recruiting of volunteer teams, and will assist in coordinating site visit times with the communities. EMNRD Urban and Community Forestry Program will also be conducting promotion and public relations for the project. Photos taken by the successful Offeror may be used in promotional materials.


Proposals must contain sufficient information to provide EMNRD with a thorough description of Offeror’s qualifications to accomplish the activities described in the Scope of Work.

All proposals shall be on white 8.5 x 11” paper, in single-spaced 12-point type. The proposal MUST contain, at a minimum, all listed items in the sequence indicated and be organized in the following format:

a)Letter of transmittal that:

  • identifies the address, place of business, and federal and state tax identification numbers for the Offeror;
  • identifies the name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person authorized to negotiate the contract on behalf of the Offeror;
  • identified the names, titles, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of persons to be contacted for clarification;
  • explicitly indicates acceptance of the terms and conditions of this RFP, including the terms and conditions of the attached Professional Services Agreement (PSA), and the RFP evaluation factors;
  • acknowledges receipt of any and all amendments to this RFP; and
  • is signed by the person authorized to contractually obligate the Contractor.

b)Summary of experience with southwest urban and community forest ecosystems, landscape/natural resource management planning, cultural landscape projects, and experience with state- and federally-funded projects. Include two summaries of previous projects that addressed landscape/natural resource management planning, cultural landscape documentation, and/or urban and community forest inventorying efforts.

c)Names and qualifications of key personnel assigned to the work detailed in this RFP, including brief biographies, resumes, and ISA/TRAQ certifications that qualify Offeror for this work, as well as any subcontractor or firm the Offeror may use to complete assigned tasks.

d)Project plan outlining understanding of inventory techniques and requirements, cultural landscape documentation, management plan development, staffing plans and logistics, budget, and other requirements for completing the contract.

e)Quality assurance and quality control plan for inventory data collection that demonstrates knowledge and ability to provide field-collected urban forest inventory data, and the suggested software to be used.

f)Offerors must also include a completed, signed Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form (Attachment 2).

g)Offerors must also include a completed, signed Statement of Assurances Form (Attachment 3).

Organizational References

Offerors must also provide a minimum of two business references from similar projects performed for private, state or large local government clients within the last three years. Offerors are required to submit Attachment 1 to the business references they list. The business references must submit the Reference Questionnaire directly to the EMNRD Contact Person listed in Section VIIbelow. Offerors are responsible for ensuring that the completed forms are received by or before the proposal submission deadline for inclusion in the evaluation process. Business references that are not received, or are not complete, may adversely affect the Offeror’s score in the evaluation process. The Evaluation Team may contact any or all business references for validation of information submitted.

Any proposal that does not adhere to these requirements may be deemed non-responsive and rejected on that basis.


The Evaluation Team shall use the following criteria in the evaluation of proposals and in the selection of the successful Offeror.

Factor/Criteria / Points Available
1. / Work History
Demonstrate history of experience and expertise in project development, initiation, and completion of work of a similar nature. Demonstrate effective project and contract management. This criterion considers the Offeror’s past record of performance on contracts with consideration to timeliness and technical success. This factor also considers project planning and administration, cost control, and demonstrated experience and the ability to complete projects within established deadlines and budgets. This criterion considers the Offeror’s experience and execution of related work and considers size and complexity of past projects.
Offeror must provide two previous project summaries that addressed landscape/natural resource management planning, cultural landscape documentation, or urban and community forest analysis efforts for the Evaluation Team to examine. / 25
2. / Staff Qualifications
Demonstrate relevant education, certifications, experience, knowledge, and skills of key staff. This criterion considers the education, experience, knowledge and skills of the Offeror’s management staff, in addition to the demonstrated qualifications, certifications, experience, and success of key staff regarding community forest analysis and management planning.
Provide brief biographies, resumes, and certifications of key staff related to proposed work. / 30
3. / Project Plan
Demonstrate application of technical capabilities and software tools. Include description of inventory techniques and requirements;description of methodology for cultural landscape documentation; and description of approach to community engagement and management plan development. Demonstrate logistical support available including staffing plans and other requirements for completing the contract. Include a sample budget for the life of the project that includes cost of work, personnel, travel and subcontracts. / 30
4. / Quality Assurance and Control
Sample quality assurance and quality control plan for field data collection that includes quality assurance and control methodology for field-collected urban forest inventory data and data entry and reporting in the selected software tool. / 15
5. / References
Points will be awarded based upon an evaluation of the responses to a series of questions that will be asked of the references concerning the quality of the Offeror’s services, the timeliness of the services, responsiveness to problems and complaints and the level of satisfaction with the Offeror’s overall performance (see Attachment 1, Reference Questionnaire). / 10
TOTAL / 110 maximum


The evaluation process will follow the steps listed below:

  1. TwoEvaluation Team members will document contents of competitive sealed proposals after the submittal deadline.
  1. The Evaluation Team will review proposals for compliance with the mandatory requirements stated within this RFP. Proposals deemed non-responsive will be eliminated from further consideration.
  1. The Contact Person may contact Offerors for clarification of the proposal.
  1. The Evaluation Team will evaluate responsive proposals based on the criteria in Section IV and will select the responsive Offeror with the highest total score as the finalist. The Evaluation Teams will consult with listed references and select the Offeror whose proposal and references are most advantageous to EMNRD, for award. Please note, however, that a deficiency in any one factor may be grounds for rejection regardless of overall score.


EMNRD may award a contract under the terms of the attacheddraft Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 4) and in accordance with this RFP. Any PSA awarded as a result of this RFP shall not be binding until approved by the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).

Protest Period

Pursuant to NMSA 1978, § 13-1-172 and applicable procurement regulations, Offerors who are not selected have the right to timely protest the procurement. Protests must be written and must include: the name and address of the protestor and the name of the procurement being protested; a statement of the grounds for protest including appropriate supporting exhibits; and the ruling requested from the EMNRD. The protest period begins on the day after notice of selection/non-selection and ends at 5 p.m. 15 days later. Protests must be delivered to: Donald Griego, Deputy Director, EMNRD Forestry Division, 1220 S. St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM, 87505.


The Contact Person is:

Jennifer Dann

Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager

Forestry Division

Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department

4001 Edith Boulevard NE

P.O. Box 25171

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107

Telephone: 505-345-2200 x104

The RFP is available for downloading from the Division website, under the “RFPs and Grants” tab.

Offerors shall submit one original and four identical hard copies of the proposal to the above address, postmarked or delivery-stamped no later than 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, January 27, 2017 In the event proposals are mailed, they must be physically received at the above location by the stated date and time in order to be considered. EMNRD shall not accept proposals received after this date and shall make absolutely no exceptions for proposals not received at the above location by the appointed time. RFP responses MAY NOT be sent by facsimile or e-mail.