Name ______Task 1

Author Study Presentation


CATEGORY / Advanced
4 / Proficient
3 / Needs Improvement
2 / Unsatisfactory
Presentation / Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. / Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time. / Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time. / Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost.
Authority / Student is able to present information in an authoritative manner and does not just read from the slides. Student speaks loudly and clearly. / Student is somewhat authoritative and may read from the slides occasionally. Student sometimes speaks loudly and clearly. / Student reads from slides OR does not speak loudly or clearly. / Student reads from slides and does not speak loudly or clearly.
Works Cited Page / Works Cited page includes three reputable sources and is cited correctly in MLA format. / Works Cited page includes two reputable sources and/or has several errors in MLA format. / Works Cited page includes one reputable source and/or has many errors in MLA format. / Sources are not cited at all or are cited completely incorrectly.
Parenthetical Citations / At least three reputable sources were cited within the presentation. / Two reputable sources were cited within the presentation. / One was reputable sources was cited within the presentation. / No sources were cited within the presentation.
Content / Student offers an in-depth and comprehensive look into the author’s life and works. / Student offers a somewhat in-depth and comprehensive look into the author’s life and works. / Student gives some information about the author but most is irrelevant. / Presentation is extremely vague and general and offers little to no pertinent information about the author.
Organization / Presentation is organized in a logical manner that is easy for the viewer to understand and follow. Presentation is neat, orderly, and visually pleasing. / Presentation is mostly organized in a logical manner that is easy for the viewer to understand and follow. Presentation is somewhat neat, orderly, and visually pleasing. / Presentation is not organized at all OR presentation is not neat, orderly, and visually pleasing. / Presentation is unorganized and not visually pleasing.
Spelling and Grammar / There are no spelling and grammar errors. Student uses sophisticated diction and syntax. / There are a few minor spelling and grammar errors. Student uses somewhat sophisticated diction and syntax. / There are several spelling and grammar errors. Student occasionally uses sophisticated diction and syntax. / Spelling and grammatical errors and diction and syntax are distracting and cause confusion and lack of understanding for the viewer.

Total points ______/28= ______

My author ______My actual presentation date______