Rappahannock Area of Narcotics Anonymous

Area Service Committee

Minutes – May 1,2011

Next Meeting:

Sunday, June 5, 2011 @ 4:00 PM


Meeting opens at 4:00 pm with the Serenity Prayer

Motion #5-1/11: Kevin S. moves to “record this area service committee meeting” andMark J. second’s the motion.

Vote: Unanimous- Motion passes


Service Prayer read by Dawn R, Purpose of Area Service read by Cathy D, 12 Concepts read by Kemper B, 12 Traditions read by Tracy W, Decorum Statement not read.

Group Roll Call

Group / GSR / Attendance / Comments
1 / Just For Today / Cathy D. / Present
2 / Set It Off / Tracy W. / Present
3 / Who Wants to Live / Terry C. / Present
4 / In it to Win it / Christopher K. / Absent
5 / Hope Fiends / N.A. / Absent
6 / Standing by Recovery / Lavita / Present
7 / Clean Works / Tim W. / Present
8 / The Lie is Dead / Nelson / Absent
9 / Start Living Group / Crystal N. (Alt) / Absent
10 / Freedom From Bondage / Kaila L. / Absent
11 / Man Up to Recovery Flatbook Study Meeting / Kemper B. / Present
12 / A New Beginning Group / Teresa S. / Present
13 / Primary Purpose / Cathy D. / Present
14 / Experience, Strength, and Hope / Dawn R. / Present
15 / Clean and Serene / Mark J. / Present
New Group / GSR / Times at ASC / New Group Info
1 / Final Surrender / Matt V. / 2nd Time / Tuesdays @ 7pm – 8pm 103 County St. in Bowling Green

Area Trusted Servants & Subcommittee Chairs

Position / Name / Attendance / Comments / Report
Chair / Carrie B. / Present / Given Quarterly / N/A
Vice-Chair / open / N/A / N/A
Treasurer / Lili D. / Present / Written
Treasurer II / open / N/A / N/A
Secretary / Kevin S. / Present / Oral
Secretary II / open / N/A / N/A
RCM / Antoinette B. / Present / Written
RCM II / open / N/A / N/A
Activities / Julie C. / Absent / Informed Absence / N/A
H & I / Gena P. / Present / Lavita Representing H&I / Written
Literature / Lindsay T. / Present / Written
Outreach / Pat P. / Present / Written
PR / Rudolph C. / Informed Absence / Kemper B. Representing PR / Written
VRCC Director / open / N/A / N/A

1st Quorum Call: -11of 16Group votes represented.

- 10 Procedural votes

-Quorum achieved

Motion #4-2/11: Dawn R. moves to “Adopt the Agenda” andTracy W. second’s the motion.

Vote:Unanimous - Motion passes

Motion #4-3/11: Tracy W. moves to “Approve April’s Minutes” andKemper B. second’s the motion.

Vote:Unanimous - Motion passes.

Administrative Reports:

Secretary Report: Given by Kevin S.

In the past couple weeks I had to buy some new hanging file folders so I’ll be making a motion to be reimbursed for that, it was $9.03. I’ve also been looking into getting a digital recorder, lately I’ve had to borrow one. Just trying to figure out which one we would need, there are so many different ones out there with different features.

Treasurer Report :Given by Lili D.

Reporting on business transacted during April’s area.

group donations / deposit
Just for Today / $ - / Kathy d
Set it Off / $ 10.00 / Tracy / $ 7.81 / change
Who Wants to Live / $ 152.49 / Terry c / $ 8.00 / loose 1's
In it to Win it / $ 17.00 / christopha / $ 40.00 / pks 10 ones
Hope Fiends / $ - / $ 85.00 / 5
Standing by Recovery / $ 20.00 / Lavita / $ 50.00 / 10
Clean Works / $ - / $ 260.00 / 20
The Lie is Dead / $ - / $ 100.00 / 100
Start Living / $ - / $ 550.81 / cash total
Freedom from Bondage / $ -
Man Up to Recovery / $ - / $ - / check
New Beginning / $ -
Clean & Serene / $ 5.76 / Mark j / total: / $ 550.81
Primary Purpose / $ -
Exp., Strength & Hope / $ 25.00 / Dawn r / lit deposit worksheet
$ 4.81 / change
income / $ 31.00 / loose 1's
group total / $ 230.25 / $ - / pks 10 ones
literature / $ 270.81 / $ 15.00 / 5
7th trad / $ 3.00 / $ 40.00 / 10
reim rcm & HI / $ 46.75 / $ 180.00 / 20
total: / $ 550.81 / 100
$ - / check
expenses / $ 270.81 / total
√1024 activities / $ 155.00
√1025 secretary / $ 20.00 / CHECKBOOK
√1026 CARNA reg don / $ 280.00 / Beginning balance: / $ 3,908.15
√1027 RCM exp / $ 100.00 / Total Income: / $ 550.81
√1028 H & I exp / $ 53.71 / Total Expense: / $(1,199.86)
√1029 Literature / $ 591.15 / New Balance: / $ 3,259.10
total: / $ 1,199.86

RCM Report: Given by Antoinette B.

Nominations and Elections

Activities No Nominations

H&I No Nominations

Public Relations No Nominations

Treasurer No nominations

Take back to groups


Clarity Motion 148‐8 Mover: Bill M Policy Chair Second: Brad M New Dominion

To change CARNA Guidelines and Rules of Order Section XVI (146th): Service Districts, Letter E

From: Subcommittees, except for the Speaker Jam Subcommittee, will rotate their meetings throughout the four


To: Subcommittees will meet at least once every two months.

Intent: To ensure that the subcommittees meet regularly to serve the needs of the region and it’s areas to fulfill our

region’s purpose by allowing each subcommittee the freedom to build a strong subcommittee to serve the basic

functions of unifying the fellowship within our region.


1. This motion will allow for flexibility in the function of regional subcommittees, to explore options that can save

7th Tradition funds. This motion will also allow for members and groups to decide how best they are provided

needed services in allowing forum to follow function through potential increased participation.


2. This motion relaxes our policy so we can make changes that will contribute to our subcommittee growth and

better serve or region.


1. A motion in this form does not provide for any pre‐notification of areas, RCMs, GSRs or other interested addicts.

This will allow for meetings to be called on short notice without allowing for any other interested parties to

attend. This would allow for decisions to be made at the subcommittee level by select few notified members.

Take this motion back to groups to be voted on at 150th RSC

Motion 148‐9 Mover: Bill M. Second: Nancy S. Richmond

Motion: To purchase the liability insurance policy from Tammy R. CIC for a total of $1206.00 per year. The policy is

written by Philadelphia Insurance Companies. The insurance proposal including Bell Endorsements and Crisis

management Endorsement is attached.

Intent: To ensure the Central Atlantic Region including it’s areas and groups are following our 7th Tradition by being self

supporting in the event of a law suit.

Refer to Treasurer for impact statement until 149th RSC

Impact Statement: Over the previous 12 months, we have made one donation of $4707.421 to NAWS. The purchase of

insurance at a cost of approximately $1200 should be feasible, but will reduce the regional donation to NAWS by same

amount. Treasurer Pro Temp, Don V.


1. The initial proposal for liability insurance came from the loss of a meeting location in the BRANA Area due to a

request from the host facility for LIABILITY INSURANCE. Unable to afford insurance as a home group the meeting

location of many years was lost. In service to its groups BRANA initially asked for this issue to be explored.


1. Because of the impact on regional finances and our donations to WSC I urge not supporting this motion.

2. Quite often facilities where NA holds its meetings and events have riders in their insurance policies which

provide coverage for communities; also having liability insurance can invite frivolous law suits.

Take this motion back to groups to be voted on at 150th RSC

Motion 149‐4 Mover: Donna Lee P. Second: Brad M New Dominion

To approve the purchase of a projector and screen for use by the regional body not to exceed $700 to supersede 141‐13

previously approved for $300 for a presentation board never purchased and no longer needed.

Intent: to mange expenses by owning rather that renting this equipment, to eliminate individual member’s liability

incurred when borrowing this equipment from individuals or groups, to become fully self supporting declining outside



1. Come to a solution been talking about this for a year now.

2. Due to the numerous times used it will pay for itself.



Take back to groups to be voted on at 150th RSC

150th RSC will be June 18th with Open Forum at 11am at


1215 Lee St.

Charlottesville, VA

Parking available in the Lee St. Parking Garage

Cross the street from the Garage, go into main entrance, meeting space is just to the left of the Cafeteria.

There are a few things I wanted to discuss. Charlottesville will be the meeting place for Region, meeting at UVA hospital. No other RCMs were will to 2nd a motion to revisit the centralization. I only use $50 for gas and believe that will be efficient for the RCM if the budget needs to be changed. The region has a speaker jam, and no areas have used that yet. I was wondering if our area would be interested in holding a regional speaker jam forfall 2011. I will be turning in receipts today, $50 for gas, and $280 for our regional donation.

Subcommittee Reports:

H&I: Given by Lavita

We still have our 4 facilities there we bring meetings into. Every Tuesday at 9:30 at the Rappahannock Regional Jail, Wednesday nights at 7:30 at the Respite house, group of men that are going in on Thursdays at HaynesvilleCorrectionalCenter, and a group that goes into the CrisisStabilizationCenter. If you are interested, contact Gena.

Literature: Given by Lindsay T.

Last month we sold $270.81. We met at Wegmans the 3rd Thursday @ 5:00. The subcommittee could use some help, right now we have 2 active members. The literature balances as of April 2011 is $2,308.53. I had a few groups contact me about getting their orders ready before area. This is still an option for the groups. I ordered medallions this time form the anniversaries that are listed on the website. If you know of any special anniversaries please contact me @ 540-848-4800.

Outreach:. Given by Pat P.

This is my last month as Outreach Chair. I have enjoyed my term. I hope that the next Chair will enjoy the term as much as I did. However, I am willing to serve as Chair until someone steps up for the position

In Loving Service,

Patsy P.

P.S. I am still traveling to Tappahannock on Wednesday to support the “Lie is Dead.”

Public Relations:

Dear ASC,

I would like to first thank GOD and the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. There isn’t a whole like to report this month besides we received the IP holder and all IP’s and we met last week to briefly discuss some things in regards to my time as PR chair. According to the by-laws, 3 months before a position is up there should be somebody shadowing the position. Well, I’m to report that come June I will have only 3 months left before my time is up and it would be real sad to see that subcommittee diminish.

I would like to add in my that if need be I will stay “pro-temp” in my position but I would just like to add that I will be focusing more on my personal goals come September. I would like to add this in closing and it may seem a little harsh but my spirit is gnawing inside me. We all have personal lives now that we have gotten clean but without NA we would not have these lives. We come and seat at the roundtable once a month past down by-laws and such and say how important they are but when activities arise within our own Area these same addicts aren’t hardly there so where is the Spirit within the Principles. I say that to say, every good leader needs to show the troops that they are willing to fight in the war on the front lines too!!

PR Chair,

An addict named Rudolph C. (540)429-5284

Discussion about Hotline vs Helpline and how could an addict serve on the phone line if willing? Our RCM will find out at region about who we would contact on PR about serving on the Help Line.

GSR Reports:

Just For Today:Sunday 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Attendance has really grown. Average 20+ people. Still need to gain more home group members and trusted servants. A lot of newcomers.Group donation: $0

Set it Off:Sunday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Our meeting is blowing up (getting bigger) every Sunday. Ms. Pat will be leaving us and she has done a lot in my home group and we will like to acknowledge it with an eating meeting August 27th at TBS. Change back to beginners meeting. A lot of newcomers. Group Donation: $20.

Who Wants to Live:Monday through Friday 12:00 Noon to 1:00pm

The group is doing well. The attendance is 20 to 40 people. We will be celebrating our home group anniversary on July 16th all are welcome. We’ll be celebrating 13 yrs. Group donation: $149.53

In It to Win It: Monday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Not represented.

Final Surrender: Tuesday 7:00pm – 8:30pm

This is our 2nd time at area. At our first time here we were 1hr open discussion meeting but now we are a 90min 7-8:30 and a permanent speaker meeting format. Group Donation: $20.00

Hope Fiends:Tuesday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Not represented.

Standing By Recovery:Tuesday 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Group is still strong, lots of Drug Court and newcomers. Group Donation: $20.00

Clean Works:Wednesday 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Meetings going well. Attendance is growing. Usually 35 – 40 participants on average. Group donation: $10.00

The Lie is Dead: Wednesday 7:00pm to 8:15pm

Not represented.

Start Living Group:Thursday 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Not represented.

Freedom From Bondage:Thursday 8:00pm to 9:00pm

Not represented.

Man-Up to Recovery Flatbook Study Group:Thursday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Doing well. Getting things prepared for the 5th Anniversary speaker jam. We are still looking for another location that will have us on Thursdays at 7:00pm that is larger than the current one. Teresa S. is celebrating 1 year on June 2nd. Group donation $0

A New Beginning:Friday 7:00pm to 8:15pm

About 50 people at the meeting. At least 4 – 5 newcomers. Group has decided to change the format of the meeting for structure. Home group members have stepped up and now have a new secretary and treasurer. Group Donation: $90.00

Clean and Serene:Friday 10:00pm to 11:00pm

We had a lot of newcomers these last couple weeks, we have sold a lot of NA literature in the last month. Need home group members. Group Donation: ?

Primary Purpose: Saturday 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Group is growing in numbers. Still in need of home group members and trusted servants. A lot of newcomers. Group Donation: $0

Experience, Strength, and Hope:Saturday 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Group is going well. A lot of newcomers. Nothing urgent to report at this time. Jeff W. is celebrating 8 yrs May 21st. Group Donation: $0

There was some discussion about the accountability of treasurer duties at the Primary Purpose group. Also about multiple meetings such as the Final Surrender group being 1 group holding 4 meetings and Primary Purpose and Just For Today being 2 Groups holding 2 meetings.

2nd Quorum Call: -11 of 16Group votes represented.

- 10 procedural votes

Unfinished Business:

Motion to Region regarding centralization of RSC in Charlottesville

Most groups that held group consciences voiced that they felt the RSC should rotate.

Election of New Officers:

Motion #5-4/11: Matt V. Nominates Paul B. for Vice Chairperson and Paul accepts the nomination.

Qualifications: Clean date is 11/7/2004, served at the area level in Tidewater as GSR, VRCC, various other service positions and has never resigned or been asked to step down. Willing to fulfill responsibilities as our area’s Vice Chair.

Pro: Our Chairperson’s term is ending soon.

Vote: Unanimous – motion passes – Paul B. is elected Vice Chairperson

New Business:

Motion #5-5/11: Lili D. makes motion “to move the RANA ASC monthly meeting to the FairviewBaptistChurch, 900 Charlotte Street, Fredericksburg, VA. Beginning June 2011” and Tim W. seconds the motion.

Intent: Bigger room, coffee, easier access.

Pro: New spot has ramp leading to entrance making it easier to haul things like literature to the ASC.

Pro: Will not be hassled by security for parking and cigarette smoking.

Vote: Unanimous – motion passes

Motion #5-6/11: Kevin S. makes motion “For Secretary to be reimbursed $9.03 for purchase of 20 hanging file folders from Staples.”

Vote: Budgeted for Secretary

Motion #5-7/11: Patsy P. makes motion “For the Rappahannock Area to sponsor a speaker jam in Fall of 2011” and Lavita seconds the motion.

Intent: Fellowship and unity within the region and it would be beneficial for our area.

Vote: Unanimous – motion passes

Motion #5-8/11: Lili D. moves to “send a check to Free State to pay for invoice #56866 for 91.44”.

Vote: Budgeted for literature

Motion #5-9/11: Tracy W. moves “to change the date of the GSR Assembly so it will not coincide with the Ocean City Convention” and Kemper B. seconds the motion.

Intent: So we won’t have to choose between the two because they’re on the same weekend about fellowship and service.

Vote: Unanimous – motion passes

Motion #5-10/11: Teresa S. makes motion “instead of having Regional Service meet in a centralized location (Charlottesville, VA), the RSC meeting should rotate within the four quadrants so that trusted servants have an opportunity to attend” and Dawn R. seconds the motion.

Intent: Trusted servants have an opportunity to attend RSC meetings that may not live close to Charlottesville.

Vote: 9Y 1N 0A – motion passes

Review of Group Status and Business (includes welfare of meeting not represented for 2 weeks):

Hope Fiends: This meeting is in need of experienced members and trusted servants. Outreach will bring meeting the contents of their area folder.

The Lie is Dead: Outreach is still supporting this meeting and will bring meeting the contents of their area folder.

Open Sharing Session:

Discussion: NA Way magazines have been ordered. World convention is being held this year. Diamonds in the Rough women’s convention is being held in PittsburgPA July 29-31.

Adjournment and Serenity Prayer:

Motion #5-11/11: Kemper B. moves “to close” Matt V. second’s the motion.

Vote: Unanimous – Meeting adjourns at 6:14pm