This template for your projects can be used to help you write your project.

You must submit your project with the next two cover pages.

You must delete this page and all the comments on the next pages before you start to write your project.

You can delete the comments by right mouse button click on the comment.

PROGRAMME / Presessional Courses
CLASS / Reading and Study Skills
I certify that all material in this project which is not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university or educational institution.
I further certify that I have included a digital copy of this project on CD and understand that this may be used to check for the originality of the project’s contents.
PROGRAMME / Presessional Courses
CLASS / Reading and Study Skills
Word count / 1200-1400words, word-processed[ah1]
Start date / Week commencing 08/08/11
Submission date / 2nd September 2011
tick / tick
Business Pathway / Humanities Pathway
Science Pathway / Finance Pathway
Word count (actual[ah2])
initials / Overall
& task fulfilment / Thematic development / Incorporation
of sources / Vocabulary / Grammar & cohesion; writing conventions / Total


Table of Contents [ah3]

This is an example of a contents page with subdivisions. You should delete this before submitting your project.

  1. Introduction

2 Reasons why property is not safe to invest in? Risky?

2.1, Bubble price (buy and sell cycle) give examples…

2.2, Gold or USD is still safer than real estate (give examples[ah4])


4 References:

Introduction [ah5]



Text [ah8]




Appendices [ah12]



[ah1]This can be +10%

[ah2]Does not include appendices and bibliography

[ah3](to include all page numbers and sub-divisions)

[ah4]This is an example of subdivision

[ah5]Should include a clear thesis statement and information about how the project is organised.

[ah6]MARGINS = 40mm on the left and right-hand sides, 20mm on the top and bottom margins.

[ah7]Double or one-and-a-half spacing should be used in typescript except for indented quotations or footnotes, for which single spacing may be used.

[ah8](divided into chapters, sections, etc, as described in the contents page)

[ah9]MARGINS = 40mm on the left and right-hand sides, 20mm on the top and bottom margins.

[ah10]All references to other sources should referenced in the text using the Harvard system.

[ah11]Double or one-and-a-half spacing should be used in typescript except for indented quotations or footnotes, for which single spacing may be used. Font Ariel should be used throughout.

[ah12]If you need one. You do not have to have an appendices. They are used for additional materials you do not want to include in the main text. They do not count towards the word count. Appendices should be kept to a minimum

[ah13]Should be done systematically using the Harvard referencing system.