16-163 Chapter 9-A page 9-A-1




§1.Emergency Medical Dispatch Training Courses

1.Training courses for certification leading to licensure or relicensure as a Maine Emergency Medical Dispatcher must meet the requirements set forth in the Maine EMS approved Emergency Medical Dispatch Priority Reference System.

2.Applicants to conduct courses leading to Emergency Medical Dispatcher licensure must comply with requirements set forth in the Maine EMS approved Emergency Medical Dispatch Priority Reference System.

§2.Emergency Medical Dispatch Instructors

Any course leading to certification for licensure must be supervised by an instructor that meets the requirements set forth in the Maine EMS approved Emergency Medical Dispatch Priority Reference System.

§3.Emergency Medical Dispatcher Continuing Education Programs

1.Emergency Medical Dispatcher continuing education training programs shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Maine EMS Board-approved certifying entity.

2.The Board may require specific continuing education programs for Maine licensed Emergency Medical Dispatchers, based upon an educational or training need identified by Maine EMS.

3.A program held in Maine or out of state may be approved for the Emergency Medical Dispatcher continuing education hours (CEH) pursuant to these Rules if it meets the following conditions:

A.The sponsor must apply before the program begins. Only under unusual circumstances, such as those set forth in Chapter 13 §2.1 – 5 of these Rules, may continuing education hour courses be approved after the courses have been conducted;

B.The topics to be taught must be relevant to Emergency Medical Dispatchers;

C.The instructor must be qualified by education, training, and experience to instruct the topic;

D.The sponsor must advise the students of requirements the students must meet in order to receive an attendance certificate;

E.The sponsor must submit to the approver, who must submit to Maine EMS, a final attendance list for the program, which includes the names and certificate numbers of those attending, the number and type of hours approved, and the approval number. The list will be signed by the sponsor as verification of attendance;

F.The program must be open to all Emergency Medical Dispatchers unless otherwise specifically approved by the approver; and

G.The sponsor must provide the students an opportunity to comment in writing on the program and must make these comments available to Maine EMS upon request within thirty days after the end of the program. Sponsors of CEH offered through publications approved by Maine EMS need not provide this opportunity.

4.Maine EMS may grant Emergency Medical Dispatchers continuing education hours, required by the Rules for programs offered through professional journals, audio and visual media, teleconferencing, the Internet and other forms of distributive learning, or for other educational programs not described in this Chapter. To receive approval the applicant must submit to Maine EMS:

A.An outline and description of the program, including program handouts;

B.The name and address of the program sponsor;

C.The names of any agencies granting the program continuing education hours, to the extent known;

D.A contact name and telephone number for attendance verification;

E.A program completion certificate, or equivalent;

F.If applicable, approval from the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for EMS (CECBEMS).

G.Proof, if the program was not supervised, that the program required, and the applicant successfully completed, a test in order to receive a program completion certificate.

5.When Maine EMS, or its delegate, approves specific program content and instructor for Emergency Medical Dispatcher continuing education hours that are used to fulfill the requirements of Chapter 5-A and has not rescinded such approval, subsequent applications by the instructor for that program will be approved without further review if there are no changes in program content or faculty.

6.Maine EMS may delegate approval of in-state continuing education programs. The entity or person delegated to approve in-state continuing education programs must maintain a system substantially equivalent to or stricter than the continuing education approval requirements included in these Rules. The delegated approver will ensure high quality programs and will provide program information in a timely manner as requested by Maine EMS.

AUTHORITY:32 M.R.S.A.§§ 84, 85-A, 88


September 1, 2006 (New)


October 1, 2009


May 13, 2013 – filing 2013-029