St Lawrence Lower VA School

Manor Lane



NN10 9LL

Tel: 01933 353530

Fax: 01933 316950


Our school office hours are 8.45 a.m. – 3.30 p.m. Monday to Friday

St Lawrence Voluntary Aided School is a Bedford Borough Education Authority Lower School with a designated Early Years for 3-5 years old (Foundation Stage). The main school provides education for children aged 5-9 years old (Years 1-4).



·  Welcome to St Lawrence Lower School

·  Vision and Aims

·  History of the School

School Organisation:

·  Staff

·  Admissions

·  School Day

Starting School:

·  Early Years Curriculum

The Curriculum:

·  Subjects

·  School Council

·  Assessment

·  Special Education Needs

·  More Able Children

·  Homework

·  Wider Curriculum

·  Educational Visits

·  Activities in School

·  Home School Links

·  Parent Consultation

·  Home School Agreement


·  Behaviour Policy

·  Attendance Policy

·  St Lawrence Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)

·  Extended Services

·  School Meals

·  School Uniform

·  Term Dates

·  Ofsted

·  Acknowledgements

Welcome to St Lawrence VA Lower School

Dear Parents

Welcome to St Lawrence Voluntary Aided Lower School. We are a Church of England village school, serving the community of Wymington. This prospectus is intended to inform and give you an insight about the life and workings of our school.

Our school is committed to providing education of the highest quality within a happy, secure and Christian environment.

We welcome visitors so they may experience for themselves our school at work and play to see our happy, motivated children and confirm the care and commitment of all the staff.

May we take this opportunity of welcoming you to our school and we look forward to working with you to make your child’s time with us happy and successful.

Mrs G Donald

Head Teacher

Vision and Aims

“Our School is committed to providing education of the highest quality within a happy, secure and Christian environment”

Our Aims: We will;

•  Develop children and staff to their full potential

•  Achieve high standards across the curriculum

•  Create a caring, stimulating and supporting environment

•  Nurture a love of learning that helps children to develop lively, imaginative and enquiring minds

•  Give pupils an understanding of religious and moral values

•  Respect other races, beliefs and ways of life

•  Foster positive social skills, self-respect and a caring attitude towards all others in the school and in the wider community

•  Work in partnership with parents to create a good learning environment for our children


The school has a Christian foundation and we welcome families of all faiths and none, recognising and celebrating the heritage that all families bring to our school.


We recognise the love of God working in this world and that we should respond to this in the way we live. We learn our values from Christ and presently want to highlight forgiveness, and the rebuilding of good and just relationships, humility and honest and the value of listening.

History of the School

Wymington is a small village in the north of Bedfordshire lying adjacent to the Country boundary, which join the Northamptonshire town of Rushden. There has been a school in the village since 1869, when it was founded by the Rector, The Reverend William Monk. To this day we continue to be a Church of England, voluntary aided School, within the Diocese of St Albans.

In more recent history the School changed from being a primary infant and junior school to a Lower School, providing primary education for children between the ages of 3-9 years old. In July 1989, the School changed its name from Wymington Lower School to St Lawrence VA Lower School, thus more clearly reflecting our status and connections with the Parish of St Lawrence.

Our village Church is one of many called St Lawrence. In 258 AD St Lawrence lived in Rome. The emperor who ruled Rome and its Empire was called Valarian. He was a greedy man. Valarian sent his guard and the Prefect to the Church where Lawrence worked. The Prefect demanded the church’s treasure and riches. Lawrence, who was kind and gentle, was not going to be brow-beaten by these men. He brought out of the Church the group of poor people whom he had been offering food and shelter. The Prefect of the guard was very angry and the Emperor punished him severely. He was put to death in a very cruel way.

School Organisation

The Staff

Mrs G Donald - Head Teacher
Mrs P Bavington
Mrs S Britt
Mrs H Lee
Mrs J Morris
Miss P Nudd
Mrs Z Zaman
Inclusion Lead
Mrs L Prior
School Secretary
Mrs L Howells
Mrs B Whitford / Support Staff
Mrs T Baker
Mrs R Compton
Mrs M Eremita
Mrs L Ganna-Knight
Mrs C Hallam
Mrs S Judge
Mrs K Kendrick
Mrs T Fensome
Mrs J Nicklin
Mrs N Nevin
Mrs S Parmar
Mrs M Pista
Mrs J Prouse
Mrs S Sayer
Mrs T Shortland
Extended Services Fun4Us
Mrs C Walker – Club Manager
Mrs N Nevin – Club Assistant
Mrs S Parmar – Play Leader
Mrs J Prouse - Play Leader
Kitchen Staff
Miss S Lovell
Mrs N Johnson / Caretaker
Mr D Palmer
Miss C Walker
Miss C Merriman


Mr J Bantin

Mr C Bramley- Robbins

Mrs G Donald

Mrs I Fox

Mrs S Lewis – Chair

Mrs S Merrifield

Miss P Nudd

Dr R Porter

Mr A Short

Mrs M West

Mr A Whitfield

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs L Howells

School Organisation

Early Years – Foundation Stage

At present children from the age of 3-5 can attend our Early Years. Children may start the term after their third birthday in the Nursery on a part time basis in the mornings.

The September following their fourth birthday, children can attend full time in Reception – Early Years.

Main School – Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2 are currently taught in two separate classes. Sometimes, if numbers are lower for example, it may be necessary to teach these two year groups together.

In the September following their fifth birthday, children move from Early Years to main school, Year 1.

Key Stage 2

In September following their seventh birthday, children move to Key Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4. This is currently taught in two separate classes.

School Admission

Our Early Years caters for children aged between 3 and 5 years old, Nursery and Reception, prior to moving into Year 1, the September following their fifth birthday.

Places are allocated on the following criteria:

(i)  To all “looked after” children or children who were previously “looked after” but immediately after being “looked after” became subject to an adoption or special guardianship order – see definition.

(ii)  Children who live within the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Lawrence Wymington who will have sibling in the school at the time of admission (siblings as defined by the LA in the booklet ‘Starting School’). The website is helpful in verifying parish of residence.

(iii)  Other children who live within the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Lawrence Wymington.

(iv)  Other children who have siblings in the school at the time of admission (siblings as defined by the LA in the booklet – see definition.

(v)  Children living outside the area as defined in (ii) and (iii), one or more of whose parents/guardians, at the time of application, have attended a Christian Church at least once a month for the six months preceding the date of the submission of application to the school. Christian Churches relates to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and/or the Evangelical Alliance. The signature of the priest or minister is required on the relevant section on the LA application form.

(vi)  Children who attend St Lawrence Lower School Nursery

(vii)  On very exceptional medical grounds – see definition

(viii)  Any other children
In the case of older children who apply to join the school, admission will be on the basis of places being available in the relevant class. If more applications for places are received than places available then the above criteria will apply. Requests for admission into other year groups should be made on the In-Year application form and in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated scheme for In-Year admissions. The form is available from the school or Local Authority and can also be downloaded from the Local Authority website. The local authority will coordinate this ‘in year admission’ process.

If applying these criteria results in there being more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie break will be the distance the pupil lives from the school measured in a straight line using the Local Authority’s computerised mapping system, with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority. The distance will be measured from the address point of the pupil’s home to the door the children enter the school by on Church Lane. Priority will not be given within each criterion to children who meet the other criteria.

In our Early Years Nursery children may start the term after their 3rd birthday if there are available places. A Nursery Admission form is available from the School Office and should be returned to the School Office.

Admission forms for the Main School may also be collected from the School Office but should be returned to School Admissions. Bedford Borough Council do encourage parents to apply on line at


In the September following their 9th birthday children transfer to Middle School and at thirteen to Upper School, in Bedfordshire. Parents are invited to Middle School open sessions during their child’s last year at St Lawrence Lower School. There is close liaison between all schools in North Bedfordshire.

School Day

Early Years – Nursery

Morning 08.50 – 11.50

Optional Lunchtime Club 11.50 – 13.00


Children attend all day from 08.50 – 15.15

Main School

The school day is divided into the following sessions:


08.50 – 12.00


13.15 – 15.15 – Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

13.00 – 15.20 – Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)

Arrival and Departure

For Early Years: Nursery and Reception children and older siblings, the children should arrive and leave by Church Lane playground. Parents/guardians, or other responsible adults must bring your child to school and fetch your child from school. If for any reason you are unable to collect, please inform us of who is to collect your child and please write on the back cover in the Home/School Liaison book. When children arrive they must be left with a member of staff and at the end of each session or day are returned to you by a member of staff.

Years 1-4 children may arrive on Manor Lane playground from 08.45. The school bell is rung at 08.50. Registration takes place at the beginning of morning and afternoon school. Please ensure your child is on time. If your child is late they should enter through the main doors (Manor Lane playground) and be signed in the Green Signing In/Out Book. Parents are advised not to send their child to school too early in the morning, as no responsibility will be taken for the children on the school premises before 08.50, unless they are attending the Breakfast Club.

If children are to be collected and returned to school during the course of the day, please always report to the main office, via Manor Lane, so children can be signed in and out of the Green Book. Prior notification of appointments is very much appreciated in the Home/School Liaison book.

Safety Rules

Parents bringing children to school by car are asked, for safety reasons, not to drive onto the school premises. Please park safely on the neighbouring roads around the school, observing the road markings and restrictions. Please help us to maintain good relations with our neighbours and the Parish Council by parking courteously, not blocking driveways. We would also ask that parents do not use the cemetery car park when dropping children off and picking up.


Dogs, with the exception of guide dogs, are not permitted on the school grounds.

Play Equipment

The outdoor play equipment is not to be used outside of school hours. It is only in use during school session times when supervised by a member of staff.

Starting School

Starting Early Years is an exciting time for your child and you. Your child will be meeting new people, making new friends, leaving home for longer periods of time and becoming more independent.

We plan to make this transition as easy and gentle as possible. Our Early Years is a warm, friendly place with dedicated, experienced and well trained staff. All staff strive to ensure that school is a place where your child will enjoy learning.

We believe that children who are happy are better able to learn, so we place a great emphasis on creating a happy environment where children will be willing and eager to learn. We also believe that where parents and school are closely involved and working together in the interests of the children, children’s development will be enhanced. We hope that you will join us in this and ensure that your child has the best start we can provide.

Early Years Curriculum

Throughout the school week, the children are provided with a range of activities through a wide range of learning experiences. The underlying ethos is that children learn best through play and exploration and practical experiences. The children are encouraged through the day to develop independence and social skills as they interact with one another.

The Early Years children follow The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The main themes and commitments of the Early Years Foundation Stage are outlined below: