Workforce Education 504/ADAAA Funding Level Classification Matrix

Student: Student ID: WFE 504/ADAAA Overall Funding Level:

WFE 504/ADAAA Plan Date: WFE 504/ADAAA Funding Levels Form Completed by:


1. Identify and check off any auxiliary aids and/or services that are supported by Workforce Funding and have been documented on the Workforce Education 504/ADAAA Plan for each of the 5 accommodation areas.

2. Within each of the five accommodation areas, check only the highest WFE 504/ADAAA funding level in the shaded box to the right.

3. Record the funding level number in the shaded box below the chart.


Auxiliary Aids and/or Services / WFE 504/ADAAA Funding Level
☐ Requires no auxiliary aids and/or services beyond what is typically available to all students / Level 0
☐ Testing broken into multiple sessions / Level 1
☐ Testing at an alternate time and/or location
☐ Seat away from distractions
☐ Additional time for testing/assignments 150%
☐ Additional time for testing/assignments 200%
☐ Breaks within the testing session / Level 2
☐ Tests broken into multiple sessions
☐ Small group testing
☐ Lessons broken into smaller segments
☐ One to one testing at a specific time of day / Level 3
☐ One to one testing or testing in a private room
☐ Sign language interpreter services
Flexible Schedule Funding Level ____


Auxiliary Aids and/or Services / WFE 504/ADAAA Funding Level
☐ Requires no auxiliary aids and/or services beyond what is typically available to all students / Level 0
☐ Use of a word processor for written work / Level 1
☐ Paper/pencil testing
☐ Use of a calculator for all mathematics
☐ Demonstration of responses (using a model, pictures, video, etc.)
☐ Oral Response / Level 2
☐ Assigned school’s word processor or computer for written work
☐ Enlarged print, beyond 18 point font (materials, textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, etc.)
☐ Signed response to a sign language interpreter (Deaf or Hard of Hearing - DHH) / Level 3
☐ Scribe/aide to record answers
☐ Braille
☐ Audio (digital/tape recording)
☐ Reformat of testing questions (non-standardized tests)
Flexible Response Funding Level ____

3. Flexible Presentation

Auxiliary Aids and/or Services / WFE 504/ADAAA Funding Level
☐ Requires no auxiliary aids and/or services beyond what is typically available to all students / Level 0
☐ Oral presentation of test directions / Level 1
☐ Teacher to repeat directions
☐ Write on transparencies/transparency markers
☐ Paper/pencil testing
☐ Preferential seating, seating near instruction
☐ Use of a study carrel
☐ Provide opportunities for movement
☐ Instructor to clarify or paraphrase directions / Level 2
☐ Advanced organizers
☐ Daily or weekly individualized schedule
☐ Use of manipulatives for mathematics (school provides)
☐ Signed presentation of test directions by a sign language interpreter (Deaf or Hard of Hearing) / Level 3
☐ Human reader, screen reader program or audio presentation (school provides staff or software)
☐ Sign language interpreter for all programs, instruction and testing (Deaf or Hard of Hearing)
☐ Individualized study and test taking strategies
☐ Audiobooks (school provides)
☐ Enlarged print materials beyond 18 point font
☐ Written directions for the majority of classwork
☐ Instructional personnel face student during presentation to allow lip reading
(Deaf or Hard of Hearing)
☐ Braille materials
☐ Audio materials (digital/tape recording)
☐ Reformatted test questions (non-standardized tests)
Flexible Presentation Funding Level ____

4. Assistive Technology

Auxiliary Aids and/or Services / WFE 504/ADAAA Funding Level
☐ Requires no auxiliary aids and/or services beyond what is typically available to all students / Level 0
☐ Colored transparent overlays / Level 1
☐ Graph paper
☐ Highlighter, highlighter tape
☐ Post it notes
☐ Reading strips, straight edge
☐ Write on transparencies, transparency markers
☐ Pencil grips
☐ Student permitted to tape record lectures with teacher notification
☐ Tape recorder, headset / Level 2
☐ Talking calculator
☐ Portable tabletop visual magnification device (e.g. Onyx Desktop) / Level 3
☐ Handheld visual magnification device (e.g. Ruby)
☐ Scanner or reading appliance
☐ Adaptive devices (e.g. one handed keyboard, adaptive mouse)
☐ Audiobook Player (e.g. Daisy, Victor Reader Stream)
☐ Assistive software (e.g. JAWS, Kurzweil)
☐ Adaptive equipment (e.g. footrests, lumbar supports)
☐ Special lighting
☐ Accessible furniture (e.g. adjustable furniture, specialized furniture)
Assistive Technology Funding Level ____

5. Direct Support Services

Auxiliary Aids and/or Services / WFE 504/ADAAA Funding Level
☐ Requires no auxiliary aids and/or services beyond what is typically available to all students / Level 0
☐ Monthly consultation with student, staff, family and/or outside agency / Level 1
☐ Monthly consultation with student
☐ Provide copies of classroom presentations, materials
☐ Weekly consultation with student, staff, family and/or outside agency / Level 2
☐ Weekly student advisement
☐ Weekly social skills training
☐ Provide copies of classroom notes
☐ Design and use of behavioral strategies
☐ De-escalation strategies
☐ Use of organizational strategies (e.g. color coded files, individualized assignment calendar)
☐ Assistance with non-school based testing accommodations (e.g. GED®, Industry Certification Exams)
☐ Daily consultation with student and/or staff / Level 3
☐ Daily student advisement
☐ Weekly individual social skills training and/or use of individual social stories
☐ Specially prepared notes and/or materials
☐ Monitoring from school personnel with use of organizational strategies (e.g. color coded files, individualized assignment calendar)
☐ Individual test taking and study strategies
Direct Support Services Funding Level ____

Funding Level Table
Indicate the funding level below for each accommodation area

Accommodation Area / Funding Level
Flexible Schedule
Flexible Response
Flexible Presentation
Assistive Technology
Direct Support Services
Sum Total of 5 Areas
Special Considerations Rating
Add 5 points for a DHH student
requiring a Sign Language Interpreter
Grand Total

Overall Funding Level Table

0 / = / Level 0
1 – 4 / = / Level A
5 – 10 / = / Level B
11 + / = / Level C


Updated: 01/09/2015