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Atlantic Canada in the Global Community

1.3 identify the basic weather and climatic patterns of Atlantic Canada

Instructions: Answer the questions below. Refer to pages 34-40 for the answers.

  1. What is condensation?
  1. Make a simple diagram to explain 3 conditions that cause condensation. Write an explanation of the diagram.

Orographic condensationConvectional condensationFrontal condensation

Air cools as it rises over high ground/ Air rises when warmed from below/ Warm, moist air rises over cold

  1. Compare the relief map of Atlantic Canada in Fig.2.2 (p.19) with Fig.3.4 (p.35). What patterns do you see when you compare elevation and annual snowfall?

As elevation increase, annual snowfall increases.

  1. Explain the difference between weather and climate.

Climate refers to the average conditions of temperature, precipitation, humidity…

Weather is the conditions of the atmosphere over a short period.

  1. What four factors influence the climate of Atlantic Canada?

LatitudeAir masses

Ocean currentsProximity to water

  1. How does latitude affect climate?

Because the earth’s surface is curved, sunshine is more intense in lower latitudes.

  1. What is an air mass?

Large volumes of air with similar temperature and moisture conditions throughout

  1. The Continental Arctic Air Mass makes our weather cold and dry.
  1. The Maritime Tropical Air Mass makes our weather warm and moist.
  2. The Maritime Polar Air Mass makes our weather cool and moist.
  1. The leading edge of an air mass is a front.
  1. When cold, dry air masses from the north meet warm, moist air masses from the south, we get precipitation.
  2. What is an ocean current?

The movement of water in the world’s oceans

  1. What is the difference between tides and ocean currents?

Tides move water up and down while ocean currents move water from place to place.

  1. An ocean current from the south that brings warmth to the Atlantic provinces is the Gulf Stream
  2. An ocean current that brings cold water from the north to the Atlanticprovinces is the Labrador Current
  3. Why is fog a common phenomenon along the Atlantic coast? How does it form?

It often forms when warm moist air over the Gulf Stream waters moves over the waters of the Labrador Current and is cooled.

  1. Circle which one heats up and cools down more slowly.


  1. Areas very close to large bodies of water stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter than do areas inland.
  2. How does elevation influence temperature?

Generally, as height increases, temperature decreases.

Instructions: Using Table 3.1 (p.40), answer these questions. Give two reasons for each.

  1. Why is July the warmest month in Woodstock but August is on SableIsland?

Since water heats up more slowly and SableIsland is surrounded by water, it takes longer for SableIsland to reach its warmest temperature. Woodstock is the opposite.

  1. Why is February much warmer on SableIsland than in Woodstock?

Since SableIsland is surrounded by water it stays warmer in the winter, but since Woodstock is inland it is colder in winter.

Instructions: Name the three main climate types found in Atlantic Canada, and write a brief description of each. (See page 37.)

  1. Continental climate has hot summers, cold winters, and more precipitation in summer than in winter.
  1. Maritime climate has relatively cool summers, mild winters, and a lot of precipitation all year, but more in winter than in summer.
  2. Sub-arctic climate has cool summers, very cold winters, it has more precipitation in summer than in winter.


How do the following factors affect the weather and climate of Atlantic Canada?

  1. Latitude

Because the earth’s surface is curved, sunshine is more intense in lower latitudes.

  1. Air Masses

They take on the temperature and humidity characteristics of the areas in which they originate.

  1. Ocean Currents

The Gulf Stream brings warmth and the Labrador Current brings cold waters.

  1. Proximity to water

Areas close to large bodies of water stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter than do areas inland.

  1. Elevation

As height increases, temperature decreases.

Mix and Match Answers

  1. N – continental arctic
  2. R – subarctic
  3. J – water
  4. C – maritime
  5. S – gulf stream
  6. A – front
  7. NA
  8. D – condensation
  9. Q – height
  10. NA
  11. T – weather
  12. H – maritime tropical
  13. O – ocean currents
  14. I – air mass
  15. K – climate
  16. E – Labrador current
  17. NA
  18. M – maritime polar
  19. NA
  20. L – wind
  21. G - continental