Social Science


General Instructions:

(i)The question paper has 26 questions in all.All questions are compulsory.

(ii)Marks are indicated against each question.

(iii)Question from serial number 1 to 7 of 1 Marks questions.

(iv)Question from serial number 8 to 18 are 3 marks question.

(v)Question from serial number 19 to 25 are 5 marks question.

(vi) Question no 26 is a map question of 5 marks. After completion, attach the map inside your answer book.

1.How many kinds of taxes were allowed under Holy Islamic Law? (1)

(a)Four (b) Five (c) Six (d) Three

Humayun Tomb is situated in which place?

a. Kolkata b. Mumbai c. Agra d. Delhi

Where is Panch Mahal situated?

a.Maharashtra b. Delhi c. Sikandara d. Fatehpur Sikri

Which one of the followingplaces is related with Pushkar Lake?

a. Jaipur b. Ajmer C. Bharatpur d. Delhi

2.Who was Mumtaz Mahal? (1)

(a) Wife of Shah Jahan (b) Wife of Jahangir (c) Wife of Aurangzeb (d) Wife of Bahadur Shah Zafar.

When did the English East India Company shift its headquarters to Bombay?

a. 1668 b. 1768 c. 1868 d. 1986

The Ahom society was divided into clans called

a. Tanda b. Buranjis c. Khels d. Raikas

Which one of the following is related with Nayanars and Alvar saints?

a. East India b. West India c. North India d.South India

3.What material are used by Eskimos in making their houses? (1)

(a) Bricks and cement (b) Stones and sand (c) Iron and wood (d) Ice blocks and fur.

Which one of the following is a River Valley Civilisation?

a. Rome b. Egypt c. Indus Valley d. All of these

Which of the following states is associated with Bakkarwals?

a. Madhya Pradesh b. Goa c. West Bengal d. Jammu and Kashmir

4) Which one of the following is used to measure humidity in air? (1)

(a)Hygrometer (b) Barometer (c) Anemometer (d) Thermometer.

Which one of the following is not an examples of freshwater?

a. Lakes b. Snow c. Glaciers d. Seas

Which one of the following is an enclosed sea?

a. Dead sea b. Black Sea c. Red Sea d. All of these.

In which of the following states Wular lake is found?

a. Madhya Pradesh b. Jammu and Kashmir c. Rajasthan d. Himachal Pradesh

5. Which one of the following is termed as the soul of democracy? (1)

(a) Equality (b) Fraternity (c) Justice (d) Liberty

Which of the following is increasing at fast speed?

a. Population b. Awareness c. Employment d. Illiteracy

Which of the following is a communicable disease?

a. Diarrhoea b. Worms c. Hepatitis d.All of these

What should be the age of a Governor?

a. Not less than 32 years b. Not less than 34 years c. Not less than 33 years d. Not less than 35 years.

6.Balanced report refers to (1)

(a) Local news (b) International news (c) Times of India (d) None of these.

Which one of the following is not a part of Mass Media?

a. Film b. Television c. Book d. School

Who is the ultimate buyer of the product?

a. Producer b. Consumer c. Trader d. Transporter

7. Eklavya who was related with Mahabharata, was a (1)

(a) Munda (b) Santhal (c) Bhil (d) Chero

What was the period of reign of Slave dynasty?

a. 1206-1290 A.D b. 1290-1320 A.D c. 1320-1414 A.D d. 1414-1451A.D

What was the real name of Shah Jahan?

a. Dara b. Salim c. Shuja d. Khurram

What was the year when Akbar died?

a. 1405 b. 1505 c. 1605 d. 1705

8. How did Babur describe the term’Hindustan’? (3)

Mention some of the features of Mughal ‘Chahar baghs’.

Why were East India Companies formed?

Why did the city of Surat become important?

9.What were the major teaching of Guru Nanak? (3)

What were the main teaching of Sufism?

Mention the main school of painting.

How did Malayalam language develop in South West India?

10. What are ppermanent winds? Give three examples. (2+1)

What is environment? Mention two of its components.

Name the three layers of the earth.

What is Petrology?

11.Differentiate between spring tides and neap tides. (3)

Mention three internal force.

What is’Ring of Fire’?

What is a Volcano?Why does it erupts?

12.Write in detail about the role of media in a democracy. (3)

Define the term health.

What is the condition of healthcare in our country?

What do you mean by Public healthcare in our country?

What do you understand by a three-tier government?

13.What is social advertising? Why is it important? (1+2)

What do you know about Women’s movement?

What do you mean by the term ‘Mass Media’?

What is advertising?

14.Who were later Mughals? Mention their names. (1+2)

Differentiate between Tribes and Banjaras.

How was the administration of the Ahom state organised?

Why did people attract to Buddhism and Jainism?

15. What was the relationship between the Mansabdar and the Jagir? (3)

Who was the founder of Delhi Sultanate?

What was Iqta system?

Who was the founder of Mughal empire? How did he established it?

16. What is an earthquake? How it is caused? (1+2)

What do you mean by global warming?

Why is it important to study temperature?

Why is Shimla colder than Delhi?

17.What are the drawbacks of public healthcare services? (3)

What is the condition of healthcare in our country?

Discuss the various purposes of media.

How has Television influenced our life?

18. How does and MLA become a minister? (3)

What do you understand by Social advertising?

Describe different types of market.

How can you say that there is market everywhere?

19.What were the major religious developments during the medieval period? (5)

Write a short note on Cholas temples, architecture and bronze statues.

Write a short note on Ibn Batuta and hid book Rihala.

How does a temple signify the importance of a king?

20.Why is Puri famous? Write about the cult of Jaganath. (3+2)

Why did the traders move in groups?

How did the administrative centres develop?

Why did the towns grow around the temples?

21.What are the salient features of the Constitution of India? (5)

Enumerate the three advantages of education.

Write a short note on caste discrimination.

Differentiate between government and private hospitals.

22.Write about the government’s initiative taken towards reducing the gap of equality between men and women. (5)

Describe any four factors which influence market trends.

What do you know about shopping complexes and malls?

What is putting out-systems?

23. List out the factors which have contributed to diversity in vegetation types in the world. (5)

How does the presence of ozone help the earth?

Mention various element of weather and climate.

Mention the seven pressure belts in the world. How are they caused?

24.What is extremes types of climate? Explain, why are the places located far from sea coast experience this type of climate. (2+3)

Explain Cyclonic rainfall.

Mention the major source of moisture.

List the major movement of ocean water.

25.What was the difference between the Iqtadari systems prevalent under the Delhi Sultanate and the Jagirdari system? (5)

Trace the origin of the Mughals.

Write a short note on the site of Masulipatnam.

Write a short note on Pahari school of painting.

26.(A) In a given outline map of India, locate the following features: (2)

Agra, Mysore,Amritsar, Surat,Allahabad,Ujjain,Malwa,Chittor,Ajmer,Madurai,Masulipatnam.

(B)In a given world map, locate the following-(3)

The Prairies, Veld, Rocky mountain ,Amazon basin,Pampas,Steppes, major oceans.


Who is the head of the Gram Sabha?Who elected the Secretary of Gram Panchayat?

14. What are the two things forest people had to provide to Mauryan officials?


Name the occupations of the people living in plain areas.

15. Why did Ashoka gave up war?


What is Panchayati Raj?


IV. Long answer type:( 4x3=12)

16. What was the effect of Kalinga war on Ashoka?


List three functions of the Gram Panchayat.

17. How are block mountain created?


Describe the composition of the Gram Panchayat.

18.Why camel is a chief means of transport in a desert?


List five uses of mountains.

19. Why does the earth have a variety of landforms?


Write four effects of Gram Sabha on the Panchayat.


V. Very long answer type:( 2x5=10)

20. Name the major domain of the earth and explain any one of them.


List five important function of the Gram Panchayat.

21. How are tributes different from taxes?


Differentiate between Plateau and plains.

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