Permit No. OK0034193Page 1

I.D. No. I-72000680 Part I



Permit Number:
I.D. Number: / OK0034193

In compliance with the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act (OPDES Act), 27A O.S. §2-6-201 et seq., and the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality promulgated thereunder,

Webco Industries - SW Tube Division
P.O. Box 100
Sand Springs, OK 74063

is authorized to discharge from their facility, located in the:

SE¼, SE¼, SW¼ of
Section 12, Township 19N, Range 11EIM
Tulsa County, Oklahoma
or at 8911 West 21st Street, Sand Springs, Oklahoma

to receiving waters identified as: City of Sand Springs storm sewer and then to the Arkansas River located in stream segment 120420 of the Middle Arkansas River Basin from:

Outfall 001

N 36º 08' 12", W 96º 05' 20"

NE¼, SW¼, SE¼ of Section 12, Township 19N, Range 11EIM

Tulsa County, Oklahoma

Outfall 002

N 36º 08' 7.99", W 96º 05' 34.93"

SE¼, SE¼, SW¼ of Section 12, Township 19N, Range 11EIM

Tulsa County, Oklahoma

in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV, hereof.

Issuance of this permit in no way or in any respect affects the permittee's civil or criminal responsibility regarding disposal and/or discharges of wastewater, except with respect to the permittee's legal responsibility under the OPDES Act and Department Rules.

This permit modification, which affects only Outfall 002, is an addendum to the existing permit and shall become effective on , 2010.

This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, on February 29, 2012.

This is to certify that the wastewater discharges set forth in this permit comply with the requirements of Oklahoma's Water Quality Standards, as amended, provided the permittee does not exceed the effluent limitations set forth in this permit.

Issued this day of , 2010.

For Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality


Carol Paden, P.E., Engineering ManagerShellie Chard-McClary, Director

Industrial Permits SectionWater Quality Division

Water Quality Division



SECTION A. Effluent Limitations And Monitoring Requirements

1.Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 001

a.Limitations, Reporting Requirements and Monitoring Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. The discharge consists of storm water from roofs, non-contact cooling tower blowdown from the compressor, non-contact cooling water from the weld mill and furnace, and wastewater from the cooling tower sump, demagnetizing testing unit and slitting operations.

Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Mass and Concentration Limitations – Outfall 001

Regulated Parameters / Mass Loadings
(lbs/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration
(mg/l, unless otherwise specified)
Daily / Monthly
Average / Maximum
Daily / Monthly
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / N/A / N/A
Free Available Chlorine
STORET: 50064 / N/A / N/A / 0.5 / 0.2
Oil and Grease
STORET: 00552 / Report / Report / 15 / 10
STORET: 00400 / N/A / Between 6.5 - 9.0 s.u.
Total Residual Oxidants
STORET: 34044 / N/A / N/A / ND1 / N/A
Total Suspended Solids
STORET: 00530 / Report / Report / 45 / 30

b.Monitoring Frequencies and Sample Types

Monitoring Requirements – Outfall 001

Parameters / Measurement Frequency / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / 1/Week / Record
Free Available Chlorine / 1/Quarter / Grab
Oil and Grease / 1/Month / Grab
pH / 1/Week / Grab
Total Residual Oxidants / 2/Month / Grab
Total Suspended Solids / 1/Month / Grab

NOTE: See Parts II, III and IV for Additional Requirements.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water.

There shall be no discharge of floating debris, bottom deposits, scum, or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

Samples for Outfall 001 taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at

the following location:

Outfall 001:At the culvert outside of the fence line, in the NE¼, SW¼, SE¼, Section 12, Township 19N, Range 11EIM, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, or at Latitude 36º 08' 12" N, Longitude 96º 05' 20" W.


(1)ND means non detectable and is defined as <0.1 mg/l instantaneous maximum.

(2)When discharging.

2.Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 002

a.Limitations, Reporting Requirements and Monitoring Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 002. The discharge consists of treated cooling tower blowdown.

Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Mass and Concentration Limitations – Outfall 002

Regulated Parameters / Mass Loadings3, 5
(lbs/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration
(mg/l, unless otherwise specified)
Daily / Monthly
Average / Maximum
Daily / Monthly
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / Report / Report
Oil and Grease1, 2
STORET: 00552 / N/A / N/A / 15 / 10
STORET: 00400 / N/A / Between 6.5 - 9.0 s.u.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) – dried at 180 °C
STORET: 70300 / N/A / N/A / Report / Report
Total Residual Oxidants
STORET: 34044 / N/A / N/A / ND4 / N/A
Total Suspended Solids
STORET: 00530 / N/A / N/A / 45 / 30

1 There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease in the water.

2 Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adheres to stream banks and coats the bottom of the watercourse.

3 In accordance with 40 CFR 122.45(f), mass loading limits are not established in this permit because the mass of the pollutant discharged cannot be related to a measure of operation and permit conditions ensure that dilution will not be used as a substitute for treatment.

4 ND means non detectable and is defined as <0.1 mg/l instantaneous maximum.

5 Pursuant to OAC 785:45-5-11(a), this segment of the Arkansas River has been designated an Emergency Public and Private Water Supply and may be put to use.

b.Monitoring Frequencies and Sample Types

Monitoring Requirements – Outfall 002

Parameters / Measurement Frequency1 / Sample Type
Flow / Twice/Month / Estimate
Oil and Grease / Twice/Month / Grab
pH / Twice/Month / Grab
Total Dissolved Solids / Twice/Month / Grab
Total Residual Oxidants / Twice/Month / Grab
Total Suspended Solids / Twice/Month / Grab

1 When discharging.

NOTE: See Parts II, III and IV for Additional Requirements.

Samples for Outfall 002 taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at

the following location:

Outfall 002:At the sampling pot located in the SE¼, SE¼, SW¼, Section 12, Township 19N, Range 11EIM, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, or at Latitude 36º 08' 7.99" N, Longitude 96º 05' 34.93" W.


The permittee shall achieve compliance with the effluent limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule: none.


Monitoring results shall be reported in accordance with the provisions of Part III.D.4 of the permit. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month shall be summarized and reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms postmarked no later than the 15th day of the following month. If no discharge occurs during the reporting period, DMR forms stating "No Discharge" shall be submitted according to the above schedule.

The first report is due on , 2010.

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I.D. No. I-72000680Part II



  1. The permittee is hereby given notice that this permit is in all respects subject to compliance with and actions under any and all applicable and relevant terms, conditions, provisions and requirements and any and all amendments of the laws of the State of Oklahoma, the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, and Oklahoma’s Water Quality Standards. The absence of any express reference within this permit of any particular statutory requirement, rule(s), regulation(s), or standard(s) shall in no respect be deemed or construed to exempt or preclude the application of such requirement, rule(s), regulation(s), or standard(s) to this permit or the permittee. By the approval, grant and issuance of this permit, permittee acknowledges receipt of true, correct and current copies of Oklahoma’s Water Quality Standards, and the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, provided, however, that permittee further acknowledges that any and all amendments thereto shall become part of this permit.

This permit may be reopened for modification or revocation and reissuance to require additional monitoring and/or effluent limitations where actual or potential exceedances of State water quality criteria are determined to be the result of the permittee’s discharge to the receiving water(s), or a Total Maximum Daily Load is established for the receiving stream(s), or when required as technology. Modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit shall follow regulations listed at 40 CFR 124.5.


Unless otherwise specified in this permit, all laboratory analyses for the parameters specified in this permit must be performed by a laboratory certified by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality for those parameters.


Unless otherwise specified in this permit, effluent and/or upstream monitoring shall be conducted according to analytical, apparatus and materials, sample collection, preservation, handling, etc., procedures listed at 40 CFR 136 in effect on the effective date of this permit. Appendices A, B, and C to 40 CFR 136 are specifically referenced as part of this requirement. Amendments to 40 CFR 136 promulgated after the effective date of this permit shall supersede these requirements as applicable.


The permittee shall provide written notification to the Department at least thirty (30 days prior to commencing the use of new cooling water treatment chemical(s). Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for all such newly proposed cooling tower maintenance/treatment chemicals shall be furnished with the notification. If proposed new cooling water treatment chemicals contain any of the priority pollutants listed in 40 CFR 423, the Appendix, the permittee shall also provide engineering calculations for the expected level of the pollutant in the cooling tower blowdown from each affected outfall or internal monitoirng point, as appropriate.

  1. Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewater shall be disposed of in a State-approved industrial waste disposal site or to a company for recycling.

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I.D. No. I-72000680Part II

If any such industrial wastes are removed from the facility, the permittee shall keep accurate records that include the following information:

  • Name and address of company hauling waste.
  • Date and time of hauling of waste.
  • The type and amount of waste hauled.
  • The final disposal site of waste hauled.

The permittee shall retain the above records for a period of at least five (5) years. Upon request, the above records shall be made available to the Department's staff for review.