Bylaw 14985

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 12800, as amended,

The Edmonton Zoning Bylaw

Amendment No.985

WHEREAS Lot 2, Block 40, Plan 4976KS, located west of 104 Street NW and south of Allendale Road, Allendale, Edmonton, Alberta, is specified on the Zoning Map as(CB2) General Business Zone; and

WHEREAS an application was made to rezone the above described property to(RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone;

NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, ch. M-26, as amended, the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton duly assembled enacts as follows:

1.The Zoning Map, being Part III to Bylaw 12800 The Edmonton Zoning Bylaw is hereby amended by rezoning the lands legally described asLot 2, Block 40, Plan 4976KS, located west of 104 Street NW and south of Allendale Road, Allendale, Edmonton, Alberta, which lands are shown on the sketch plan annexed hereto as Schedule “A”, from (CB2) General Business Zoneto(RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone.

READ a first time thisday of , A.D.2008;

READ a second time thisday of, A.D.2008;

READ a third time thisday of, A. D. 2008;

SIGNED and PASSED thisday of, A.D.2008.








BYLAW 14985



DESCRIPTION:ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT from (CB2) General Business Zone to (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone; ALLENDALE

LOCATION:West of 104 Street NW and south of Allendale Road


DESCRIPTION:Lot 2, Block 40, Plan 4976KS

APPLICANT:BrinsmeadZiolaKennedy Architecture

10434 – 122 Street

Edmonton, AB

T5N 1M3

OWNER:Qualico Developments West Ltd.

220, 9303 – 34 Avenue

Edmonton, AB

T6E 5W8


APPLICATION:February 11, 2008


DEVELOPMENT:Allendale Bingo Hall





RECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw14985 to amend the Zoning Bylaw from (CB2) General Business Zone to (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone be APPROVED.

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1.The Application

This application proposes to rezone 1.62 ha of land from (CB2) General Business Zone to (RA8) Medium Rise Apartment Zone. The proposed RA8 Zone will allow for the infill redevelopment of Medium Rise Apartments with a maximum height of 6 storeys (23 m) and, for sites larger than 885 m2, a maximum density of 224dwellings/ha.

The Applicant has developed a comprehensive proposal that meets the development regulations of the proposed RA8 Zone. The proposal will be implemented at the Development Permit stage. The Applicant envisions three six-storey condominium apartment buildings (with a total of 363 residential units) and an underground parkade for visitors and residents. The proposed residential development is a combination of main-floor townhouses with active frontages, integrated into mid-rise apartments that are made up of 1 and 2-bedroom dwelling units. The proposal also envisions internal and external amenity spaces that consist of an aggregated, centralized open space and an internalized lobby area with limited recreational opportunities.

2.Site and Surrounding Area

The site is situated in the south-east corner of the Allendale Neighbourhood, west of 104 Street NW and south of Allendale Road. The Allendale Bingo Hall currently operates on a portion of the site, established under the former landownership. The Bingo Hall and its associated parking lot will be demolished to accommodate the redevelopment of the site.

The site is bordered by two arterials, Allendale Road (along the north edge) and 61 Avenue (along the southern edge), and a laneway (along the eastern edge). The laneway is surplus road right-of-way and will likely require a closure application in the future.

North of Allendale Road, in the Allendale Neighbourhood, are existing dwellings zoned (RF3) Low Density Development Zone. The RF3 Zone allows for the development of single and semi-detached housing, and infill redevelopment to housing forms containing up to four dwellings per building.

South of the site, across 61 Avenue in the Pleasantview Neighbourhood, are existing dwellings zoned (RF1) Single Detached Residential Zone and (RF4) Semi-detached Residential Zone. The RF1 and RF4 zones allows for the development of single and semi-detached housing, respectively. The existing homes flank the proposed rezoning site.

Abutting the site to the east, are two properties that front onto 104 Street NW and are zoned (CB2) General Business Zone. The Allendale Bingo Hall operates on a portion of one of the CB2 properties to the east. The titles of the proposed rezoning and the neighbouring CB2 site were once consolidated, and have recently been split into two

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legal properties owned by Qualico Developments West Ltd. The CB2 site, fronting onto 104 Street (Calgary Trail) will retain its current zoning, and may be redeveloped in the future.

The subject site is located within a 1.5 km radius of several potential hazards to residential development. The potential hazards include parcels zoned (IH) Heavy Industrial Zone (located east of 104 Street NW), a 16” underground natural gas delivery header (running north-south, located near 106 Street NW) and CP and CN Rail spur lines (located east of 104 Street NW).

View of site looking north from 63 Avenue NW and Allendale Road NW


1.Compliance with Approved Plans and Land Use Compatibility

There is no approved Neighbourhood Plan for Allendale. The subject site is a good candidate for medium-rise residential development because it is surrounded by arterial roadways, is on the edge of two mature, fairly low-density residential neighbourhoods, is large enough (over 1.0 ha) to accommodate redevelopment, and is consistent with Smart Growth infill redevelopment strategies.

The roadways provide an existing buffer between the proposed development and the existing low density housing within Allendale and Pleasantview. The proposal restricts height to a maximum of 6-storeys and contemplates buildings that are stepped-back after two-storeys in height. The RA8 Zoning is compatible with the existing low density

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housing. The abutting laneway to the east is not required and, if a closure application is proposed and approved in the future, will likely be consolidated with the adjacent properties. The laneway will thus not create any conflicts between the proposed RA8 development and the operations of the neighbouring commercial uses.

2.Smart Choices Initiative

The proposed rezoning scores four stars (87.5%) out of a possible five stars on the Smart Choices Scorecard. The proposal advances the Smart Choices Initiatives of Neighbourhood Reinvestment, Residential Infill, Walkability and Urban Design. The proposal results in the construction of new housing in a mature neighbourhood, provides more choice of housing types within the neighbourhood and increases density in a mature neighbourhood.

3.Transportation and Utilities

The Transportation Department has no outstanding concerns regarding the rezoning proposal. All other City Department and utility agencies have expressed no concerns regarding the proposed zoning.

4.Environmental Site Review

A Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments were completed for the subject site. At the time of Administrative review, the site is free of contaminants and suitable for residential development.

5.Risk Assessment

The subject site is within a 1.5 km radius of several potential hazards to residential development. An approved Risk Assessment confirms the subject site is well within the acceptable level of risk for residential development.

6.Surrounding Property Owners’ Concerns

The Planning and Development Department sent advance notification to 2105 property owners within the Allendale and Pleasantview Neighbourhoods, as well as the Allendale Community League and the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues on April 23, 2008. The Pleasantview, EmpirePark, Lendrum, Malmo, Parkallen and Queen Alexandra Community Leagues and the Central Area and Southwest Area Council of Community Area Councils were also notified on April 23, 2008.

Twenty-five community members contacted the Department as a result of the notification. Nineteen people are in support the proposal, six people object to the proposal and two callers wanted additional information. Supporters of the proposal cited an interest in improving the area, contributing to the economy and felt that the existing

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development was “blight” and an “eye sore”. Objectors cited concerns with a potential increase in traffic and congestion, and felt the proposal did not enhance the already over-developed area.

A Public Meeting Notification was sent out to 2108 property owners within the Allendale and Pleasantview Neighbourhoods, as well as the Allendale Community League and the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues onMay 30, 2008.The Pleasantview, EmpirePark, Lendrum, Malmo, Parkallen and Queen Alexandra Community Leagues and the Central Area and Southwest Area Council of Community Area Councils were also notified on May 30, 2008. A Public Meeting was held on June 17, 2008 at the AllendaleElementary School. Thirty-nine members of the public were in attendance.

The meeting attendees expressed a moderate level of support for redeveloping the site with residential condominiums. Concerns were expressed with the proposed RA8 density; meeting participants feel the density is too high and a lower residential density such as 125 units/ha may be more appropriate.

There is a general community frustration with aging area infrastructure, specifically the roadways. A majority of meeting attendees believe that the old infrastructure (roadways, sewers, etc.) is in very poor condition and cannot support new, medium density residential development.

The traffic engineers from Bunt & Associates and the City were able to field many transportation questions. The Transportation Department was able toshare the information outlined in the approved Transportation Impact Assessment and share their review process with interested members of the public as follow-up.


The Planning and Development Department recommends that Bylaw14985 be APPROVED on the basis that the proposed zoning amendment results in the construction of new housing in a mature neighbourhood, provides more choice of housing types within a mature neighbourhood, increases density in a mature neighbourhood, is compatible with development in the area, and meets the technical requirements of affected City departments and utility agencies.



Written by: Jillian Savage

Approved by: StefanFekner

Planning and Development Department

June 16, 2008

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