Satnam Singh


Current Location: US

Title: / Actuate Consultant
Work Experience: / 7.2 years
Skills: / Actuate eReports
Current Organization: / Altech Star Inc
Previous Organization(s): / OST,FutureVision,GDTechno
Industry: / Banking/ Financial Services,IT/ Computers Software
Highest Degree Held: / MCA/PGDCA (Computers) ,DOEACC
Current Annual Salary (Rs. in Lacs): / 0

Detailed Resume:



• 7+ years of industry experience

• 3+ years of experience in Actuate e.Reporting Suite with Microsoft Technologies

• Experience with Actuate RS API, Actuate Requester API, and Actuate Information Delivery API

• Strong Web Applications development experience using Actuate eReports, C#, Java script, ASP.Net, HTML, DHTML, XML

• Strong analysis, design and development skills object oriented methodologies

• Strong system development experience using Object Oriented Technologies under Microsoft Environments

• Strong database designing skills (ER Design, Process Flow diagram, Data flow diagrams, and Normalization)

• Proficiency in Asp.Net business objects, COM+, and ActiveX Components development using C# and C++; use cases development and architecture specifications using UML


Operating Systems Languages & Tools Databases Other

Windows XP Actuate Basic, C#, C, VC++,

K Develop Oracle 8i / 9i .Net Framework ( Asp.NET, C#.NET, Managed C++, Ado.NET,Remoting.NET)

Windows 2000 Actuate Reports 6, 7

Actuate RS API, Actuate Requester API, Actuate Information Delivery API. SQL Server 7.0 / 2000, MFC/ATL Frameworks

Windows 98 Visual Studio.Net, MS Visio, Visual Source Safe, Rational Rose, ER Win MySQL ASP, VB Script, Java Script, HTML, DHTML, XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI

Windows NT4 Java, Jsp, Serverlet, JDBC IBM DB2 UDB COM+, DCOM

Linux Hummingbird Genio, Hummingbird BI Suite Ms Foxpro, MS Access UML


• Worked on Actuate Reports Version 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0. Actuate ERD Professional, Actuate Active Portal, Management Console, iServer

• Experience with Actuate RS API, Actuate Requester API, and Actuate Information Delivery API

• Developed various types of Reports using Cross-Tab, Parallel section, Sequential section, Conditional section, Charts, and Parameterized reports, Page level security, reportlet, single input and multi-input filters and dynamic text controls etc. Using .bas file.

• Trained in Actuate e Report Designer 7.0 conducted by Actuate Corporation and completed Actuate Consultant Certification Program (ACCP) examination in Mar 2004.

• Developed a few Actuate e Reports with SAP data.


• A Level DOEACC Society, Govt. of India, New Delhi

• Advanced Diploma In Computer Application from IGNOU, New Delhi

• Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, Delhi, India


• Certificate in Computing from IGNOU, New Delhi

• Master Diploma in Software Technology from Uptron ACL, New Delhi, India

• Actuate Certified Consultant from Actuate Corp for Version 7.


Altech Group, Princeton, NJ Feb 2004 to Till Date

Project Name: Payroll System

Description: Altech is developing the Payroll System for one of her esteemed clients. This is a highly customizable payroll processing system with multi-lingual (English, Hindi & Greek) and multi databases support (Ms SQL, Oracle 9i and My SQL).

This application supports multi-report types Actuate eReports & Crystal Reports. Payroll provides users with standard report templates and user can develop their further reports on ad hoc basis. The currently available reports are Profession Tax Monthly deduction and slab-wise Summary reports, Provident Fund monthly deduction, Income Tax deduction, Salary Certificate for Income Tax calculation, Monthly medical deduction/returns statement, Leave balance status report of an employee, Application forms for Leave Account, Leave Application Form.

Role & Responsibilities: Project Lead, I was responsible for the following:

• Develop Actuate reports using Actuate e-report Designer Professional.

• Create libraries, report templates and configuration files.

• Install and configure Actuate version 7.1 e-Reporting Server and Actuate Active Portal

• Create and manage Users, Roles, Folders and Process Groups in the Report Server.

• Developing modules using Asp.Net, SOAP and Actuate Information Delivery API

Environment: Actuate eReports Suite 7.1, Ms VC# .Net, COM+, ASP.Net, Oracle, Ms Win2K/XP

Retail Banking Institution(IOB Ltd) Jul 2003 to Feb 2004

Project Name: Kauteliya

Description: Kauteliya product developed for Corporate Banks, Retail Banks and Private Banks. This application provides functionalities for basic banking, loan management, and default management. This system is divided into many modules: basic banking, loan management, and customer default, ETL, Reporting

Basic banking- it provided features to that handle opening of accounts, transacting and providing service to existing customers, managing the bank's risks, keeping the books of the bank and reporting to various regulatory bodies. This module was able to manage many different types of accounts; in transactory accounts CA, SA, ODA etc and in deposit accounts Fixed deposit, unfixed deposits(with OD facility), recurring deposits; besides that this also supports loan account etc.

Loan management modules manages loan life cycle for new lending products and speedier response to customer and competitive requirements. Besides addressing the standard loan life cycle management features, this module offers lead and application management, rule based workflow, credit decision, credit line management and tracking, repayment structures and automated delinquency management. It has multi currency capability and supports multiple channels.

Default Management module helps client to minimize delinquencies through a series of proactive actions and tighter supervision. The system manages the entire collections lifecycle from proactive calling of non delinquent customers using soft SMS alerts to tackling hard bucket collections, including follow up on legal cases till final closure. It is a single system that facilitates customer-based collections across multiple loan products.

Etl sub-system was responsible for extract, process, load data among many different data sources and process data as per predefined processing formulae. Besides that ETL also has support for scheduling.

Role & Responsibilities: Team Lead, I was responsible for the development ETL & Basic Banking sub-systems.

• Actuate Report Development I was responsible for developing different reports some of them were consolidated customer level statement, customer level service through all channels, relationship level on-line risk exposure (central liability system for all loans & overdraft accounts), relationship level profitability, and books for bank and financial management like general ledger, expense etc

• Integration with Actuate Server using SOAP and IDAPI.

• Designing database and object models

• The development stored procedures, triggers

• The Development of many of server pages (aspx), and their code behind segments

• The ETL sub-system was able to extract data from various data sources (these data were flat files, RDBMS etc); processes data and load this meta-data into the Kauteliya repository, which in turn is was used by the report generator subsystem.

• Implementing modules for scheduling

• Authentication process implementation

Environment:-Ms VC# .Net, COM+, Asp.Net, Actuate ver 7.0, Multiple databases Support (Oracle, SQL Server 2K, IBM DB2 UDB, MS Access2K), Ms Win2K /XP, ER-Win & Ms Visio, OOAD with Component based approach, 3 tier architecture, Globtier Solutions Inc., NJ May 2003- Jul 2003

Project: Hotelia

Description: The Hotelia a multi lingual & multi database application was developed to handle & automate manual processes of transaction processing & information management in GreekHotelNet chain of hotels. This solution has two parts. (a) Hotel Booking & Billing System (HMS), to manage transaction data & information, and (b) integrated Web Flight Information System to provide flight schedule related information. These two parts collectively provide information about hotels booking, billing & flights schedules.

The flight schedule information is managed and entered by the member air flight ticket booking companies. Each of these companies has to buy membership packages for particular period and particular number of destinations. The payment for these packages is made via

These two parts collectively provide information about hotels booking & flights schedules. Besides information management & processing, this system also generates MIS reports. Following are some of the reports are Main Billing, POS Billing, Section Sales Report, Travel Agent Reports, Y2D Report, and Room Availability Reports etc.

• As Team Lead, was responsible for database and project designing as designing development. Was responsible for the development many of server aspx, .dll modules. Besides developing modules in C# I was responsible for report development in Actuate eReports Designer Professional 6.0 and integration of the new system with Active Portal.

Environment:-Ms Visual C# .Net, COM+, Asp.Net, Oracle, SQL 2K, IBM DB2 UDB, Ms Access2K, Ms Win2K, 98, Actuate e.Reports Suite 6.0, ER-Win & Ms Visio, OOAD with Component based approach, 3 tier architecture

Solomon Smith Barney, NY Nov 2002 to Apr 2003

Project: Sapphire

This is a reporting application developed for Solomon Smith Barney. The team was responsible for developing and deploying reports on the web site. The skeleton programs involving the Actuate Report Server APIs (RSAPI) were developed and deployed. In addition to developing RS API modules, technical support in developing the report was also provided.

• Responsible for developing C++ and RSAPI modules for server automation

• Developed Actuate Reports

• Developing JSP pages for calling and running Actuate reports.

Environment:-Actuate e.Reporting Suite 5.0, C++, Java, Jsp, IBM DB2 Database and Sun Solaris, Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional

Merino Panel Products Ltd, Haryana, India Nov 2001 - Nov 2002

Project: Document Management System

Description: The client is known for her laminate and panel products. They are leading panel/plywood/laminate manufacturer in Asia. Their interests vary from fields as diverse as laminates, panel products, ready to fit furniture to agriculture.

The document management system developed for managing their documents in a secure manner.

The Document Manager a web-enabled application for managing the enterprise wide documents of the clients. This DM solution facilitate management of the enterprise documents, process based work flows, notification, alert, and strong application integration with MS Office suite of applications. Besides that it has an in built search feature, which allow user to search documents on the server using his on criteria.

Role & Responsibilities: Team Leader, responsible for analysis and design.

I was responsible for

• Writing Oracle PL/SQL procedures for database processing

• Programming in VC++ (MFC/ATL), Java Script

• Development Document Server administration modules for server processes which includes managing user profiles, archiving documents, automated e-mail dispatch, and generating PDF version of the document to the authorized users, and develop modules for administration.

• Implementation of search feature using Search Server API.

• Implementation of integration server modules with MS Office applications.

• Implementation of logic to implement documents on user defined parameters.

• Implementation of alert management modules.

• Implementation of scheduler for various server functions.

Environment:-Ms Visual C++(MFC/ATL), COM, SQL, Oracle, Ms Win NT/98, J Script, Ms Asp, Ms IIS, ER-Win & Ms Visio, Crystal Reports, OOAD with Component based approach, 3 tier architecture

Project: India Life May 2001 - Nov 2001

Client: India Life Pension Services, Bangalore

Description: India Life Pension Services Ltd is Indias leading company for pension and payslip services. This solution was developed to automate there complex processing. The solution was able to accept data from user, process and develop required reports on scheduled basis. Besides this Administrator and other users were also able to run and develop reports on ad hoc requirements. It provides fully automated process to implement business rule based paradigm and generate reports. These reports have features which allows user to save it at their end in many different formats like PDF, Excel, Text and Xml. Some reports like pay- slip and salary reports are executed by administrator only and then these are dispatched to end users as e-mails Salary reports. The reports are generated dynamically which take data from the Oracle database and follows Single Sign On.

The system was implemented using the Object Oriented Methodologies. It aims at providing a high performance and flexible environment in which the user can create several standard, promotional reports that can be modified by the company with comfortable ease.

Role: Team member, as a team of thirty five people, we together has designed the request routing System, reports, automated routed Object model using Servlets.

Responsible for

• Writing Oracle PL/SQL procedures for database processing

• Programming in VC++ (MFC), Java, JSP and Actuate RSAPI modules to automate report server administration for various processes including managing user profiles, archiving reports, Automated e-mail dispatch, and generating PDF version of the reports and provide administrator windows form.

• Implementation of integration server modules and was responsible for integration of the reports with the web pages.

Environment: C++/MFC, JSP, JDBC, Java Script, Oracle 8.x, Oracle JDeveloper, Actuate 5.0, Actuate e.Report Server, Sun-Solaris, Windows NT 4.0.

ZILS Ltd, New Delhi Feb 2001 - May 2001

Project: Office Manager on Net

The Office Manager was further elaborated to work under multi-user environment and, to deploy it on the corporate intranet. Some more reporting and analytical options were also added. This application was also modified to include the document management operations for shared documents.

• Designed and Implemented various modules

Environment :-Ms Visual C++(MFC/ATL), COM, SQL, Oracle, Ms Win NT/98, J Script, Ms ASP, Ms IIS, Proxy Designer, Crystal Reports, OOAD with Component based approach, 3 tier architecture

ZILS Ltd, New Delhi Dec 1999 - Jan 2001

Project: Office Manager

The scope of the project was to maintain the complete records regarding daily fee collection, monthly/weekly student information including admission/dropouts/course up gradation in the form of charts and tables, complete support for Library information management and Lab related information. It also generates various types of report & result sheets for head office. Besides providing information about the internal functioning of the organization, it also contained some module related to the aptitude/intelligence test, and admission test for programming courses.

• Team Leader, responsible for design and development of different modules

Environment:-Ms Visual C++ (MFC/ATL), COM, Crystal Reports, SQL, Oracle, Ms Win NT/98, OOAD with Component based approach, 3 tier architecture

Scorpio's International, New Delhi Dec 1998 to Nov 1999

Project: C-Pack System

Scorpio's International is a France based firm in garment export business. The S/W was developed to fulfill their basic data processing and reporting needs. This S/w was mainly divided into two parts. First part dealt with their day-to-day business transactions and working like daily import/export, QT documents, inventory reports etc. Second part was for the personal and human resource departments. All the information used by these departments is stored and generated by this part. Different types of information are generated in various frequencies like daily, monthly, quarterly etc.