Franklin County Agricultural Society

Minutes of Reorganizational Board Meeting

August 18, 2015

Vice President Jim Krebs called the reorganizational August meeting of the Franklin County Agricultural Society to order on August 18, 2015 at 8:13pm in the Secretary’s office 4100 Columbia Street Hilliard Ohio. Roll call showed 19 board members present. Those present were: Becky Applegett, Rachel Bausch, Chuck Buck, Denise Buergel, Dan Conkright, Linda Earman, David Fleshman, Emily Gabriel, Dave Hickman, Debbie Johnson, Jeff Karn, Cameron Krebs, Jim Krebs, Kathy McNutt, Shirley Russell, Tim Shade, Kelly Willis, Kevin Wiley and Jim Witteman. There was 1 guest present, Tina Hickman.

Jim Krebs administered the Oath of Office to Board Members elected to a term of office from August 2015 to August 2018. Member’s receiving the oath were: Chuck Buck, Denise Buergel, David Fleshman, Jeff Karn, Shirley Russell, Tim Shade and Jim Witteman.

Election of Officers:

Jim Krebs presided over the election of Board President. Rachel Bausch nominated David Fleshman for President, Debbie Johnson seconded the motion. Jim Krebs nominated Kelly Willis, Willis declined. Jim Krebs nominated Rachel Bausch, Bausch declined. Cameron Krebs moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast. Kevin Wiley seconded the motion and the motion passed. David Fleshman assumed chair of the meeting at 8:20pm.

Rachel Bausch nominated Jim Krebs for Vice President. Becky Applegett seconded the nomination. Dan Conkright moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast. Becky Applegett seconded the motion and the motion passed. Jim Krebs will serve as Vice President.

Kelly Willis motioned that the salary for Treasurer would be $250 per month, with a $250 bonus to be received if the position is maintained through the 2016 fair. Dave Hickman seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Kathy McNutt nominated Becky Applegett for Treasurer. Debbie Johnson seconded the nomination. Cameron Krebs moved that nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast. Dan Conkright seconded the motion and the motion passed. Becky Applegett will serve as Treasurer.

Jim Krebs nominated Tim Shade for Secretary, Dan Conkright seconded the motion. Emily Gabriel nominated Denise Buergel for Secretary, Kelly Willis seconded the motion. Dan Conkright motioned the nominations be closed, Jeff Karn seconded the motion and the motion passed. Secret ballot was taken and Denise Buergel will serve as secretary.

Jim Krebs motioned that the salary for Fair Manager would be $2,500 per month, with a $600 bonus to be received if the position is maintained through the 2016 fair. Emily Gabriel seconded the motion and the motion passed. Tim Shade abstained from the vote.

Kevin Wiley moved and Denise Buergel seconded that third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm would be the set time for regular board meetings. Motion passed.

Kevin Wiley moved and Dave Hickman seconded that request be submitted to the ODA for 2016 Fair Dates to be July 16th-23th 2016, following our regular calendar schedule. Motion passed.

Committee Reports:

David Fleshman asked members to review committee assignments and make any needed changes for the 2016 year so committees can be set to begin work as soon as possible.

Old Business:

Tim presented information on accepting credit cards with Key Bank.

$170.00 set up fee. $14.00 monthly service charge + per transaction fee

All fees will be debited monthly in one transaction.

Check (debit) card .45 per transaction

Swipe Credit card 1.75 per transaction

Key in credit card 2.05 per transaction

Merchant (business) credit card 3.10

This discussion sent to committee to make recommendation to the board at our next meeting. Committee assigned (Finance) Tim, Cameron, Becky and Dave Hickman.

Tim presented options for changing the lighting in the Edwards & Ganyard buildings. This will provide better lighting in the buildings and will help reduce monthly electric bill. Cost for both buildings is estimated at $4,600.00 for lights and labor. David Hickman motion to install new lighting, Dan Conkright seconded the motion and the motion passed.

New Business:

The Contract Committee has reviewed and recommends to the Board that we accept the following contracts for 2016 from Buckeye Horse Puller Association and Bates Amusement.

Buckeye Horse Puller Association – please reference contract sheet for details.

Cameron motioned to accept the Buckeye Horse Puller Association contract. Emily seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Bates Amusement – Same contract as 2015, please reference the contract sheet for details.

Denise motioned to accept the Bates Amusement contract. Kevin Wiley seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Denise presented to the board information on adding a class to the Demo Derby. This additional class would increase the contract cost from $5,800.00 (2015) to $7,300.00 (2016). The 4 classes would be: Mild Weld, Compact, Smash It and Street Stock. Smash It is asking for a 2 year contract commitment.

Tim motioned for Denise to seek contract from company. Cameron seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Kevin motioned to pay NTPA a $500.00 deposit to hold our 2016 fair date. Cameron seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Kevin motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Denise. Meeting was adjourned.

Rachel Bausch

Temporary Recording Secretary