I recently attended the public meeting held in the Village Hall in Brantham where the assembled throng (many of whom could not find a seat and were standing outside) were treated to a master class in politics or rather how not to give any information unless asked a specific question, and how to say nothing at great length cunningly disguised in local authority flowery language. We could, in short, have grown many mushrooms if we were so inclined. The issue is the proposed development of houses on the old factory site and on the green field site. In principle it is a great idea: there is a need for some housing that normal people can afford. However it appears that we are now possibly looking at development of 300 houses on the green fields site to fund the de-contamination of the brown fields site so that a further 300 houses can be built. My fear is that the money will be made on the greenfield site and the village will be left with a deeply contaminated eyesore, or that the village will be swamped with the new housing 300 is a lot, 600 is ridiculous) and Brantham will no longer be a village and the A137 will become the stuff of nightmares.

Tensions ran high and there was some plain speaking from the floor. It is a great pity that our Babergh authority representatives and the developer were not able to be as open.

This all got me thinking about who really represents us? Many of our MP’s work very hard indeed (and the Brantham Parish Council do stirling work) but sadly those you would expect to be on our side too often seem to have a different agenda. Once the ballot boxes are empty the promises are forgotten.

I worry about a country where promises are not kept, where elected representatives appear to be more interested in feathering their own nests than serving their electorate and where an organisation can be inspected and gain a high rating only to fail spectacularly not long afterwards.

It is good to know that God keeps his promises, and that he is the same yesterday, today and for ever.

I am being readmitted to Moorfields in October for further surgery and will be off work for at least 6 weeks. It is nice to know that sometime next year a guide dog will be bounding gently into my life. Thank you to those of you who saw me walking around the village harnessed up to a dog trainer and didn’t laugh!

Rev Steph



The Parish Priest is Father Christopher Smith. Mass is celebrated at Holy Family, Brantham on Sundays at 9.00 am and Tuesdays at 10.00 am. For Baptisms, Weddings and Funeralsby arrangement with theParishPriest

180 Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich IP2 0QQ Tel: 01473 684 963




Minister: Rev. Andrew Sankey

8 Roundridge Road

Capel St Mary



On Sabbatical till August

Tel: 01473 744523


The services of Marriage, Baptism and Funerals can be arranged by contacting Rev. Alan Taylor on 01473 744523 while Rev. Andrew Sankey is on Sabbatical

Services and preachers in August 2013

Date and Day / Time / Preacher
Sunday 4th August / 11.00 am / Mr C. Jowett
Sunday 11th August / 11.00am / Mr C. Westren
Sunday 18th August / 11.00 am / Rev. K. Flynn Holy Communion
Sunday 25th August / 11.00 am / Mr B. Loader

Does your group need comfortable, warm, accessible to all, premises in which to meet? The Methodist Church in Gravel Pit Lane, Brantham is available for hire at very reasonable rates. Contact Sheila Clark on 01206-393780 for details.



Services- Each Sunday morning at 10.30 led by a visiting speaker

Communion on 2nd Sunday of each month.

August / 4th / Mrs.E Day
11th / Mrs. M. Bainbridge
18th / Rev. J.Sacre
25th / Mrs. M. Bainbridge
September / 1st / Mrs. M. Bainbridge

Coffee Mornings – Each Thursday Morning 9.30 to 11.30

We would like to say a sincere thank you to all who supported our Strawberry Tea event in June.

The Children’s Choir from St Mary’s were lovely and the atmosphere was great – it was lovely to see and hear the Church alive and buzzing.

Church Secretary – John Jeffreys – Tel 01206 298737 / Email


Annual Charity Golf Competition

on behalf of the St Mary’s Church East Bergholt Preservation Society on Tuesday 1st October 2013.

Donations and Tombola Prizes would be greatly appreciated.

Please send to Dr Terry Marshall, Ashfield, Gaston Street, East Bergholt, CO7 6SD


Poppy Worn and Bethany Holloway were baptised at St Mary's on the 9 June.

We offer our deepest sympathy to the relatives, friends and neighbours of:-

  • Kathleen Jean Brooks, , died 18th May 2013, and her funeral was held on the 4th June at East Bergholt.
  • Irene Weller died on the 17 June aged 86. Her funeral was at St Mary's on the 24 June followed by cremation.
  • Ivan Box died on the 17 June aged 75. His funeral was at Colchester crematorium on the 27 June.


Although her name was indeed Kathleen, she was known by everyone, including her own family and friends, as Jean. Jean was born in this village at the family home in Orvis Lane on the 17th July 1926 to her parents Kitty and George Rayner, and was one of four children in the marriage. Jean had a sister known as Joyce, but her registered name was Hilda, but her two brothers, Alan and Michael retained their own names. Jean attended the village school, located at that time at the top of Flatford Lane, where she spent her youth with her contemporaries. On leaving school she was directed by the Ministry of Labour to work at the factory at Cattawade, where she joined many others doing essential work for the war effort during WW2. This entailed some very unsocial hours which included shift work on early, late and night shifts. At the end of the war she was released from the factory and was employed in domestic service. Jean met Bill Brooks from Brantham and they were married in September 1950. Their first home was Dodge City, Great Wenham,(the converted accommodation built for the American service personnel located at Raydon airfield). They moved back to East Bergholt when the houses were built in Foxhall Fields, and she lived in this house for the rest of her life. Jean and Bill had two children, Leslie and Stephen, and were blessed with three grandchildren, Kate, George and James, and she .loved them all dearly. Jean did not lead a spectacular life, but was one of the stalwarts of the village, being for some years the organiser for the collections for The British Red Cross Society. She will sadly missed by all who knew her.

Rev David Searle


31 October 1937- 17 June 2013

Age 75

Ivan Errol was born in Manningtree on the 31 October 1937 to Muriel and George Box. He was later joined by a brother Clive and sister Linda. Ivan attended the Wesleyan School (his Godmother Gwen Stone was a force to be reckoned with) and then went on to Colchester Grammar School. His first job was at Brookes’ in Mistley, (they sold animal feed and fertilizer) and he was in the office routing Lorries. A pretty young woman called Janice D’eath worked as a secretary in the office too and Ivan found that his life was routed in an unexpected direction. He went away to do his national service where he ended up in Germany as part of the air traffic controller team working at what is now Cologne airport. Ivan could never explain how he managed to lose a jeep on his way into Cologne. It was never found. One day a cow got into the control tower.

Ivan returned to the office at Brookes and continued his courtship of Janice. That this proceeded on unorthodox lines is no surprise. One night on their way home on his Lambretta scooter from a rural pub near Bromley he missed a turn in the road, went straight through the hedgerow and ended up in a freshly manured field. Janice did not see the joke. Ivan’s courtship would have continued indefinitely but eventually Janice delivered an ultimatum. “Are we getting married or not?” The happy event took place at Parkestone near Harwich.

They flew to Majorca for the honeymoon on a propeller driven plane memorable because one of the engines failed.

The happy couple took up residence in Stour Street, Manningtree.

Ivan started selling cleaning equipment for Progress and later set up his own office cleaning business.

In 1968 they moved to Notcutts in East Bergholt. When Fred next door fell asleep in his deckchair in the garden Ivan erected a notice next to him “Don’t feed the gnome.”

The marriage was blessed with three children: Carolyn, Alison and Richard. The business also grew into a thriving office cleaning company and at its height cleaned passenger liners too employing 500 part time people.

Ivan was a hard worker but the family remember lovely holidays at the beach hut at Dovercourt. He took up windsurfing and only retired from that in his 60’s. He enjoyed fishing at Alton and was a well-known dog walker at Flatford.

Janice sadly died in 1985 leaving Ivan to care for the family.

Richard remembers many a cheerful evening around the kitchen table at home when he arrived after the pubs closed with a group of cheerful young men whom Ivan was always pleased to make welcome. Ivan enjoyed the music of Frank Sinatra and attended the farewell concert at Wembley. Ivan retired in 2000 but his premises in Manningtree kept him busy He always seemed younger than his years.

Ivan was a well-known figure in the local pubs in East Bergholt. At Christmas the family noticed that he wasn’t well but being really stubborn he refused to acknowledge it and by the time he got to the Doctor the disease was well advanced. He died on Monday 17 June, the day before he was due to come home. East Bergholt has lost another village character.


11 September 1926 – 17 June 2013

Age 86

Irene Marion was born in Woodford, Essex on the 11 September 1926 to George and Daisy Sowl. She was later joined by a sister Lily. Irene attended a local school until she was 12 when she developed diphtheria and could not continue in the rough and tumble of school which had always been a challenge anyway because of her dyslexia.

Irene worked in the Eveready factory after the war where a handsome young man called Sid Weller worked night shift.

One bitterly cold day a well-aimed snowball was thrown and Sid courted Irene until they were married in St John’s, Buckhurst Hill. Irene did only part time cleaning jobs after her marriage as all her energies were concentrated on raising her three daughters Jennifer, Sally and Sandra, spending time with them , making sure they were well looked after, immaculately turned out with ribbons in their hair. The house was always spotless. The Brasso used to come out on a Thursday night and the girls were allowed to help with the polishing and to Ajax the draining board.

Irene was the ultimate housewife and her apple pies were a thing of legend. She was very good with pastry and did an excellent Cornish pasty for Thursday nights which was eaten with Pan Yan pickle. Her pickled onions were always just right, brown, spicy and crunchy and a great accompaniment to the Christmas turkey.

Irene had some words that she found difficult so medicine was from the pharmathitht and baby bells were bay byos. She also used to say “You look nice, who got you ready?” and if the girls asked for an apple and there weren’t many “Apples don’t grow on trees, you know,” which confused them totally.

Gardening was her thing and she loved sweet peas and jolly joker pansies. Sid and Irene retired to Elm Road, East Bergholt where their new house and garden and allotment kept them happily occupied until Sid became poorly and sadly died.

Irene moved into Oak House last November where she was very happy in the lovely surroundings. After a bit of a setback last year she was looking forward to the summer at Oak House, watching all the seeds grow into beautiful plants. Irene died very peacefully on the 17 June with those she loved around her bedside.

Rev Steph


A day to visit your local churches in Suffolk, refreshments available plan a day out by Bike, foot or car, collect sponsorship or just visit the magnificent churches we have locally. More information from Sara Eley 01206 299224 or pick up an orange sponsor forms at the back of the Church.

Many thanks

Sara 01206 298385


from 10.00 – till it stops about lunch time.

Preparations have begun for the Bank Holiday Market. Donations of jewellery, unwanted gifts in good condition, bric a brac and books gratefully received. (We are less pleased to receive Readers’ Digest Condensed books, old text books, 50 Shades of Grey and its sequels, old videos and records, or magazines!) Cakes and offers of help welcome. We would be very pleased to have strong helpers at 8.00 to set up and from about 1.00pm to pack all the tables away in the horticultural Society Shed. Refreshments and lunches served till about 2.00pm. Donations may be left discreetly in the church porch. Thank you very much indeed.

10% of the takings will be donated to St Elizabeth Hospice

Rev Steph

ROCKY'S PLAICE- the one that got away!


Very sadly we have had to cancel the Holiday Club we planned to run at the end of July. However, we have booked the school premises for 4-8 August 2014 and the Plaice will have time to grow to impressive proportions. So sorry to disappoint all our youngsters who were looking forward to it.

Rev Steph


We are hoping to form a robed church choir to sing at Matins and one Holy Communion service each month. The choir will also sing at the Christmas Carol Service and on other festival days such as Easter Sunday.

You don’t need to be able to sing to join the choir! All you need is the willingness to learn and the ability to laugh! Choir practice will take place on Friday evenings from 7.30 – 8.30pm at St Mary’s church. Each session will be full of fun and fellowship and you will receive expert tuition in singing as we explore an exciting and varied range of music.

Our first choir practice will take place on Friday 13th September and if you are interested in helping to lead worship through music please contact me on 01206 391335 or talk to me after our Sunday morning services.

Susie Hyman

Director of Music


This year's All Souls' service will be at Brantham church at 3.30pmon the 13th October.

This is when we remember all those whom we have loved and see no longer. Anyone is welcome to this service. Usually it is held on All Saints' Day but because of my hospital admission I have changed the date so that I can be present.

Rev Steph


One busy Monday morning in the nursery, whilst waiting for the photocopier to print our latest newsletter, I was really blown away with how good all the children were at listening to their morning story and answering to their name on the register, then how they happily went off to play. They scattered and found their favourite toys/areas and a lovely hubbub of excited chitter chatter surrounded me. I felt privileged to have seen this first hand; it really lifted my morning.

As part of our ‘Summer’ theme, the children have had great fun exploring around a campervan in the car park, making leaf & wood rubbings and doing a bug hunt in the wildlife garden. Once they had caught them in their magnifiers, they were helped to identify the bugs and then let them go, later learning more about the ones they found. My daughter particularly enjoyed this, and apparently found lots of ants - I have lovely visions of them all searching the ground ‘Honey I Shrunk the Kids’ style!

Our leavers for school this year were made to feel very special at our leavers’ picnic before term ended. Parents and siblings could also attend and it was lovely to see the children all together; it’s reassuring to know they’ll know a lot of their class already on that important first day at school. They also took part in the toddler race at the school sports day and had great fun being included. This was another valuable insight into school life for them; many thanks to the school for making them so welcome.