Part 2: Chapter 1

1. What does Winston notice about the girl with dark hair?

2. What was a common accident in the Fiction Department?

3.What happened to cause the girl to scream out in pain?

4.What happened to cause Winston to betray a momentary surprise?

5. Winston assumes the piece of paper has to do with politics. What are the two possibilities of the message the piece of paper holds?

6. What did the message say?

7. When Parsons sat next to Winston, what was he enthusiastic about?

8. Why is sending a letter in the mail not an option?

9. Why does Winston not achieve his mission of sitting next to the girl in the canteen?

10. Explain Winston’s quick hallucination in response to be distracted.

11. Where are Winston and this girl supposed to meet?

12. When Winston meets the girl, what is causing a diversion for them?

13. What directions does the girl give to Winston?

14. What do Winston and the girl do before parting?

Chapter 2

1. Over what distance does one need a passport?

2. What is Winston shock to find out that Julia already knew?

3. What does Winston tell Julia he thought of her before?

4. What does Julia pull out of her pocket?

5. What does Julia say is the only way to stay safe?

6. What does Julia say she saw in Winston?

7. Winston says the place is just like what other place?

8. When Winston finds out that Julia has done this with scores of other men, what is Winston’s reaction?

9. Winston is not really interested in love. What is he interested in and why?

10. Why could now emotion be pure in Oceania in 1984?

  1. Winston views his and Julia’s act as a ______act.

Chapter 3

1. When Julia awoke, how did her demeanor change?

2. Where are Julia and Winston to meet four days hence?

3. What will be the sign that the coast is clear?

4.Where does Julia have to be at 19:30 and how is this ironic?

5.What does Julia call the kind of talking where they have to keep stopping and starting because they are

worried about being detected?

6.What did Julia talk Winston into volunteering to do?

7.Who does the Party pick to work in Pornosec and why?

8.Explain Julia’s first love affair.

9.What Newspeak word does Winston use to describe his wife Katherine?

10.What was more important about depriving people of sexual relationships?

11.How did the Party attack parenthood?

12. Winston thinks to himself that Katherine probably would have called the Thought Police on him if weren’t for what?

  1. What did Winston almost do one time? Now he regrets not having done it.

Chapter 4

1. At the beginning of the chapter, where is Winston?

2. Who wrote the words of the songs that the proles sing?

3. Why had working hours been increased?

4. What thought popped into Winston’s head while he waited for Julia?

5. What gifts does Julia bring, and where did she get them?

6. When Winston saw the make-up and smelled the perfume, what was he reminded of?

7. What did one never see anymore except in the homes of the proles?

8. What does Julia throw her shoe at?

9. What is Winston’s reaction to this?

10. When Winston starts to sing, what does Julia do that surprises him?

11. What has Julia never seen and wonders what it looks like?

12. What does Julia say that she will clean some day?

Chapters 5 & 6

Chpt. 5

1. What happened to Syme? What evidence does Winston see to know that this has happened?

2. What is the new tune that everyone is singing?

3. Explain the new poster that appears all over London. How is it similar to the description of the poster of

Big Brother?

4. What was the rumor going around about the directing of bombs? And what was the reaction from the


5. What month are we in during this chapter? How many months have passed so far?

6. What does Winston tell Julia about O’Brien?

7. What is Julia’s theory about the wars?

8. What does Julia say about Winston’s “concrete evidence”?

9. What does Julia do if Winston continues to talk about subjects that she has no interest in?

Chpt. 6

1. Under what pretense does O’Brien stop to talk to Winston?

2. When talking about Newspeak, O’Brien references a friend of Winston. What is the name and what

happens when O’Brien talks about him?

3. What does O’Brien offer to let Winston see?

4.What did Winston do with the address?

5.What is Winston’s feelings about his meeting with O’Brien?

Chapters 7 & 8

1. When Winston was around 10 or 12, what were some methods of trying to get some food?

2. Describe what happens with the chocolate when Winston was young.

3. What is a Reclamation Center?

4. When Winston thinks of his mother clutching his sister in her arms, what image keeps appearing in his


5. How does Winston define betrayal?

Chapter 9

1. What happened on the sixth day of hate week?

2. What is the explanation for the Eurasia signs when the really enemy becomes Eastasia?

3. What happened for Winston during the disorder of tearing down posters?

4. Why at the end of the rally did everyone from the Ministry of Truth have to go to work?

5. Through recorded time, what has there always been?

6. What are the three ways in which war is different than it was in the earlier decades of the twentieth


7. How much of earth’s population exists between the nebulous frontiers of the superstates?

8. What is the primary aim of warfare since what ever resources are gained are used to support war?

9. How was a hierarchical society possible?

10. War not only destroys, but it has an added benefit. What is it?

11. What word is missing in Newspeak?

12. What are the two aims of the Party?

13. What are the two problems that make up the only subject matter of scientific thought?

14. Why are the citizens of Oceania forbidden to learn a foreign language or have contact with foreigners?

15. Oceania’s philosophy is Ingsoc. What are the other two superstates’ philosophies?

16. How would Winston define a good book?

17. What was Julia’s response when Winston told her that he received the book?


18. What are the different aims of the different types of people in the world?

19. How has the Lows’ position in life been softened?

20. Machines made it possible that people no longer had to do what?

21. Who made up the new aristocracy?

22. The difference between Ingsoc and older forms of totalitarianism is that older societies didn’t have the

power to do what?

23. How did film and radio help the process of a totalitarian society?

24. What are the four ways in which a ruling group can fall from power?

25. How can a government make sure that its people don’t become aware that they are oppressed?

26. What happens to the most gifted of the proles?

27. Explain how the Party is not a class in the old sense of the word.

28. Who wields power is not that important. What is important?

29. Explain Crimestop. What does it include? In short, what is an easier phrase to call Crimestop?

30. Explain the term Blackwhite.

31. What are the two main reasons for altering the past?

32. Winston closes the book right before learning what?

Chapter 10

1. Why is odd that the clock says only twenty-thirty?

2. Why does Julia find it odd that the stove is out of oil?

3. Winston knew what must be Goldstein’s final message?

4. What was behind the picture?

5. What happens to the paperweight?

6. What happens to Julia?

7. What do we find out about Mr. Charrington?