Exam Enrolment form for Private Candidates
Please complete both sides of form
Name: ………………………………………………………
Address: …………………………………………………….
Postcode : …………………………
Email address: ……………………………………………………………
Home Tele: ……………………… Mobile Tele ………………………..
Date of Birth:………………………Gender: M/F
School/College: ………………………………………..
Information needed for entry of exams.
Should be able to find most of this on old result slips or examination board website
Level: GCSE GCE (underline which level you wish to enter)
Exam Board: ………………. Series: May/June, Nov, Jan, March underline option
Subjects: ……………. …………….. …………….. …………..
Modules: ……………. …………….. …………….. …………..
Codes: ……………. …………….. …………….. …………..
Options ……………. …………….. …………….. …………..
For GCSE only Tier ………Foundation/Higher GCSE only
Cash in Code ………… GCE only if necessary
UCI Number: …………………………….
Will find this on examination slips usually 13 digits in total
Any special requirements due to illness or learning needs:
It’s important that Conway Education Centre receive copies of all Medical report
Have you entered exams in this centre before Yes/No
Cost of exams will vary with every examination board.
There will be an administration fee between £25 & £50 per exam board (per series) depending on the number of exams. See Separate price list for costs
Please make chequepayable to Conway Education Centre
Unfortunately we are unable to take payment by credit/debit cards
All fees must be paid on submission of registration form
- If after exam entry date a late entry fee will have to be paid
- We cannot facilitate practical exams
- We can only facilitate talking and listening of language exams with CCEA.
- We will require the student to get an estimated grade from their tutor to complete estimated grade entry forms.
- We will require photographic identification on day of exams
Please return to Brenda Kelly, Conway Education Centre, 5/7 Conway Street, Belfast
BT13 2DE, Telephone number 028 90248543
Email: /