(EDS 685C) Practicum/Graduate Field Experience

Common Course Assessment: Special Education Director Practicum Portfolio

Specialty Program Standards(CEC):

Standard 1: Leadership and Policy

ACC1K3Emerging issues and trends that potentially affect the school community and the mission of the school

Standard 2: Program Development and Organization

ACC2K4Pre-referral intervention processes and strategies

Standard 3: Research and Inquiry

ACC3S1Identify and use the research literature to resolve issues of professional practice

SA3S3Joins and participates in professional administrative organizations to guide administrative practices when working with individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families

Standard 4: Individual and Program Evaluation

ACC4K1Evaluation process and determination of eligibility

ACC4K3Strategies for identifying individuals with exceptional learning needs

SA4K1Models, theories, and practices used to evaluate educational programs and personnel serving individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families

Standard 5: Professional Development and Ethical Practice

ACC5S6Develop and implement a personalized professional development plan

Standard 6: Collaboration

SA6S6Implements collaborative administrative procedures and strategies to facilitate communication among all stakeholders

SA6S8Consults and collaborates in administrative and instructional decisions at the school and district levels

Discussion of Assessment: This practicum requires candidates to engage in experiences and observe activities and to reflect on those experiences and activities, to complete prescribed tasks, and to complete district level projects.

Rubric for Special Education Director Field Practicum Portfolio

/ Distinguished
(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
1. Communication Plan / The candidate submitted a communication plan that includes methods of communication with all of the following groups: parents of students with disabilities, each special education employee group, special education administrators within the district and ISD/RESA and general education administrators within the district. The plan includes a variety of communication methods. The plan includes a tentative schedule of meetings with employee groups for one academic year. / The candidate submitted a communication plan that includes methods of communication with all of the following groups: parents of students with disabilities, each special education employee group, special education administrators within the district and ISD/RESA and general education administrators within the district. The plan includes a variety of communication methods. / The candidate submitted a communication plan that includes methods of communication with all but one of the following groups: parents of students with disabilities, each special education employee group, special education administrators within the district and ISD/RESA and general education administrators within the district. The plan includes a variety of communication methods. / The candidate did not complete a communication plan.
2. Director Interviews / The candidate conducted an interview of an LEA and an ISD/RESA special education director. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. A comprehensive summary comparing and contrasting the responses from the two interviews was provided. / The candidate conducted an interview of an LEA and an ISD/RESA special education director. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. A brief summary comparing and contrasting the responses from the two interviews was provided. / The candidate conducted an interview of an LEA and an ISD/RESA special education director. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. No summary comparing and contrasting the responses from the two interviews was provided. / The candidate did not complete the director interviews.
3. Superintendent
Interview / The candidate conducted an interview of an ISD/RESA or local superintendent. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. A comprehensive summary comparing and contrasting the responses from the director interviews to the responses from the superintendent interview as to their perceptions of the role and job responsibilities of a special education director was provided. / The candidate conducted an interview of an ISD/RESA or local superintendent. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. A brief summary comparing and contrasting the responses from the director interviews to the responses from the superintendent interview as to their perceptions of the role and job responsibilities of a special education director was provided. / The candidate conducted an interview of an ISD/RESA or local superintendent. At least one of the following was not provided: the interview questions, the interview responses, the summary comparing and contrasting the responses from the director interviews to the responses from the superintendent interview as to their perceptions of the role and job responsibilities of a special education director. / The candidate did not complete the Superintendent interview.
4. Special Education Funding / The candidate conducted an interview of a school business official. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. All of the following topics were included in the questions: issues with the funding of special education; allocation of IDEA funds, allocation of ISD/RESA millage funds; DS 4096 special education cost report; distribution of Medicaid funds. The candidate included an insightful reflection on the interview. The candidate attended, and included a reflection on, the MAASE legislative/finance committee meeting. / The candidate conducted an interview of a school business official. The questions asked during the interview, along with the responses to the questions, were provided. All of the following topics were included in the questions: issues with the funding of special education; allocation of IDEA funds, allocation of ISD/RESA millage funds; DS 4096 special education cost report; distribution of Medicaid funds. The candidate included a brief reflection on the interview. The candidate attended, and included a reflection on, the MAASE legislative/finance committee meeting. / The candidate conducted an interview of a school business official and attended a MAASE legislative/finance committee meeting. At least one of the following was not provided: the interview questions covering the following topics: issues with the funding of special education, allocation of IDEA funds, allocation of ISD/RESA millage funds, DS 4096 special education cost report, distribution of Medicaid funds; the responses to the questions; the candidate’s reflection on the interview; the candidate’s reflection on the MAASE legislative/finance committee meeting. / The candidate did not conduct an interview of a school business official or attend a meeting of the MAASE legislative/finance committee.
5. Dispute Resolution / The candidate provided an explanation of the process used when a due process complaint is received by the district. Forms and templates used were provided. The candidate met with the ISD/RESA planner/monitor and provided evidence that he/she understands the process for handling complaints and that several actual complaints were reviewed. A summary of the meeting was provided and includes the candidate’s reflection on the dispute resolution process. / The candidate provided an explanation of the process used when a due process complaint is received by the district. Forms and templates used were provided. The candidate met with the ISD/RESA planner/monitor and provided evidence that he/she understands the process for handling complaints and that several actual complaints were reviewed. A summary of the meeting was provided. / The candidate met with the ISD/RESA planner/monitor. At least one of the following was not provided: an explanation of the process used when a due process complaint is received by the district; evidence of understanding of the process for handling complaints and that several complaints were reviewed; a summary of the meeting. / The candidate did not provide an explanation of the process used when a due process complaint is received by the district or meet with the ISD/RESA planner/monitor.
6. Accountability Systems / The candidate provided all of the following to verify knowledge of the Determinations process used by MDE for grading LEAs and ISD/RESAs on the State Performance Plan indicators: a) recent determinations for LEAs within ISD- maximum 10;
b) current findings in CIMS for the LEAs- which SPP indicators? –how is this related to determinations?
c) description of corrective action plans for the LEAs with findings; and
d) brief summary of understanding of the determination process. / The candidate provided three of the following to verify knowledge of the Determinations process used by MDE for grading LEAs and ISD/RESAs on the State Performance Plan indicators: a) recent determinations for LEAs within ISD- maximum 10;
b) current findings in CIMS for the LEAs- which SPP indicators? –how is this related to determinations?
c) description of corrective action plans for the LEAs with findings; and
d) brief summary of understanding of the determination process. / The candidate provided two of the following to verify knowledge of the Determinations process used by MDE for grading LEAs and ISD/RESAs on the State Performance Plan indicators: a) recent determinations for LEAs within ISD- maximum 10;
b) current findings in CIMS for the LEAs- which SPP indicators? –how is this related to determinations?
c) description of corrective action plans for the LEAs with findings; and
d) brief summary of understanding of the determination process. / The candidate provided less than two of the following to verify knowledge of the Determinations process used by MDE for grading LEAs and ISD/RESAs on the State Performance Plan indicators: a) recent determinations for LEAs within ISD- maximum 10;
b) current findings in CIMS for the LEAs- which SPP indicators? –how is this related to determinations?
c) description of corrective action plans for the LEAs with findings; and
d) brief summary of understanding of the determination process.
7. Key Resources / The candidate provided evidence that all of the following key resources are readily available for their use: RTI procedures and related forms; job descriptions for all special education positions; FERPA policy and procedures; Section 504 procedures and all related forms; ISD/RESA special education plan; policies and procedures for initial identification; discipline procedures and related forms; name and contact information for relevant federal and state legislators. / The candidate provided evidence that all but one of the following key resources are readily available for their use: RTI procedures and related forms; job descriptions for all special education positions; FERPA policy and procedures; Section 504 procedures and all related forms; ISD/RESA special education plan; policies and procedures for initial identification; discipline procedures and related forms; name and contact information for relevant federal and state legislators. / The candidate provided evidence that all but two of the following key resources are readily available for their use: RTI procedures and related forms; job descriptions for all special education positions; FERPA policy and procedures; Section 504 procedures and all related forms; ISD/RESA special education plan; policies and procedures for initial identification; discipline procedures and related forms; name and contact information for relevant federal and state legislators. / The candidate did not provide evidence that key resources are readily available for their use.
8. Legal Project / The candidate submitted a comprehensive project in the form of a policy, procedure or other appropriate format that deals with a legal issue that his/her district is currently involved in, or wishes to prepare for in order to avoid potential disputes and/or to position the district for a legal challenge. Evidence was provided that the candidate engaged in research and, if appropriate, collaborated with others to complete the project. / The candidate submitted a project in the form of a policy, procedure or other appropriate format that deals with a legal issue that his/her district is currently involved in, or wishes to prepare for in order to avoid potential disputes and/or to position the district for a legal challenge. Evidence was provided that the candidate engaged in research and, if appropriate, collaborated with others to complete the project. / The candidate submitted a project in the form of a policy, procedure or other appropriate format that deals with a legal issue that his/her district is currently involved in, or wishes to prepare for in order to avoid potential disputes and/or to position the district for a legal challenge. No evidence was provided that the candidate engaged in research or, if appropriate, collaborated with others to complete the project. / The candidate did not submit a major project.