NPEAfter School Enrichment Program

1stQuarter 2017

Welcome to NPE After School Enrichment Program!

The first quarter session will run from September 18th,MondaythroughOctober12th, Thursday. Please see attached calendar for exact dates. There is no program when there is no school or early!We will register students on a first come first served basis, so be careful not to delay in sending in your form or calling for further information. REGISTRATION and PAYMENT IS DUE ASAP. If classes are full, you will be contacted for possible options, but may not be able to participate in the classes you have chosen.

Return registration to the front office. Please do not send forms to the classroom teachers, as it is a burden to them and will delay my receipt of the registration. The delay may also prevent your student from getting into an activity they requested.

  • A snack will be provided for the students. However, students are still welcome to bring their own snack. In addition, parents are encouraged to donate a case of snack items (cheese and crackers, fruit roll-ups, graham crackers, cheese sticks, etc.) to the program to share with the group. Thank you for your generosity!
  • All students in our fee-based program will have a time slot to complete some homework prior to class! If no homework is assigned, they can complete daily reading.
  • Pickup time for each student is promptly at 5:30 PM. If you are unable to pick up your child before 5:30 please make arrangements with another adult to pick up your child. Late pickups will be charged a late fee. You will need to notify our Coordinator, Jennifer Taylor, of the change in pick up person. Written notice is best. There is space on the registration form for you to indicate who is allowed to pick up your child. For the safety of our children, adults need to come into the building to sign out the student with the Coordinator.

Please call 378-1035(ASP cell) during the hours of 3:00-5:30pm to report absence, questions or with pick up info or changes. I look forward to working with your family!

Please feel free to contact mewith any questions, concerns,

or to volunteer to help with activities.

Jennifer Wienke

NPE After School Program Coordinator

Tel: (907) 488-2286 x 39102 * ASP Cell: (907) 378-1035

NAME: ______TEACHER: ______GRADE: _____

Registration: 1stQuarter Session 2017

Please return this form to the After School Program to the front officeASAP. Remember we register students on a first come first served basis, so be careful not to delay in sending in your form or calling for further information.

Check the classes you want to attend;

Monday ($78.00) 4 classes

_____ Spanish (Gr.3-5)

_____Homework Busters (Gr.1-5)

_____Soccer (Gr.1-3)

_____Coding (Gr. 3-5)

Tuesday ($78.00) 4classes

_____ Super Science(Gr. 1-5)

______Soccer ( Gr.3-5)

______Homework Busters (Gr.1-5)

______Paint Party( Gr.4-5)

______Intro to Drama (Gr.1-3)

Wednesday ($78.00) 4 classes

_____Spanish(Gr. 1-3)

_____NPE Ninja (Gr. 3-5)

_____Homework Busters(Gr. 1-5)

_____Intro to Drama (Gr.3-5)

Thursday ($58.50) 3 classes

_____Super Science (Gr. 1-5)

_____NPE Ninja Warriors (Gr.1-3)

_____Coding (Gr. 1-3)

FULL TIME OPTION: (each day of the quarter, M-TH) 15 total classes $292.50____

Total Days Enrolled______Total fee enclosed______

Cash or check only please, made out to NPE. We currently do not accept credit cards.

Our classes occasionally go outside on walking field trips, weather permitting. Please fill out the info below:

My child______has permission to attend walking field trips during ASP hours.

Parent/Guardian signature______Date______


“Intro to Spanish”- Grades 3-5 – Everything Spanish! Language, culture, crafts, and more!

“Soccer All Stars”- Grades 1-3- Get moving and learn the game in this active class!

“Code for Success” Grades 3-5- Learn to code with cubelets, spheros, ozobots! Build and create, full STEAM ahead!

“Homework Busters” (All Grades)-Get help with homework, read, take AR tests and have fun!


“Super Science”-Grades 1-5- Join Fairbanks Soil and Water in a hands-on class that combines Alaska studies and science with fun!

“Soccer All Stars”- Grades 3-3- Get moving and learn the game in this active class!

“Paint Party” -Grades 4-5- Experience art concepts in a whole new way! Create and explore in this painting class.

“Intro to Drama”-Grades 1-3 Act up in ASP! Learn to explore your creativity and be a star of the stage!

“Homework Busters” (All Grades)-Get help with homework, read, take AR tests and have fun!


“Intro to Spanish”- Grades 1-3 – Everything Spanish! Language, culture, crafts, and more!

“NPE NINJA Warrior”-Grades 3-5- Obstacles and endurance are key in this course PE class!

“Intro to Drama”-Grades 1-3 Act up in ASP! Learn to explore your creativity and be a star of the stage!

“Homework Busters” (All Grades)-Get help with homework, read, take AR tests and have fun!


“Super Science”-Grades 1-5- Join Fairbanks Soil and Water in a hands-on class that combines Alaska studies and science with fun!

“NPE NINJA Warrior”-Grades 1-3- Obstacles and endurance are key in this course PE class!

“Code for Success” Grades 3-5- Learn to code with cubelets, spheros, ozobots! Build and create, full STEAM ahead!