Massachusetts – 1620

Founder: – William Bradford, John Winthrop

Purpose: Religious Freedom, Separating from the Church of England (S e p a r a t i s t s)

Government: Mayflower Compact (a social contract, rule of law)

Economy: Fishing, whaling, lumber

Royal Colony

Significant events: Great Migration

New Hampshire – 1622

Founders: John Mason-NH

Sir Ferdinando Gorges-Maine 1647

Religion: Not significant

Economy: Trading

Royal - Taken by the crown in 1680

Significance: Was Maine and NH split it between the men

Connecticut – 1636

Founder: Thomas Hooker

Religion: Puritans

Economy: Fishing, whaling, and ship building. Planting was hard but they did have pumpkins, squash, etc.

Government: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FoC)

Significant: Pequot War and the King Philip’s War with the Wampanoag

Rhode Island – 1636

Founders: Roger Williams (Providence), Anne Hutchinson (Portsmouth)

Government: Separation of church and state, tolerance for Quakers, Jews, any persecuted

Economy: Merchants, fishing, craftsmen

Significant: first colony with true Religious freedom, Pure democracy

New Jersey – 1665

Founders: Lord John Berkley & George Carteret

(Duke of York had too much land to handle)

Economy: Staple crops (wheat, barley, oats), furs

Geography – good climate, rich land

Reasons Founded: trade, Freedom of religion

Proprietary, then Royal - Crown run by 1702

Significant: Was part of NY first proprietary colony

New York - 1634 (Dutch), 1644 (English)

Founders: Henry Hudson, Peter Minuit; Duke of York

Expand Trade; taken by England in 1644

Economy: furs, trade, port

Reason founded: trade

Royal Colony

Geography: Dutch/New Amsterdam

Religious Freedom – diverse!

Pennsylvania – 1681

Founder: William Penn

Reason: A home for the Quakers (pacifists)

Religion: Quaker, but tolerant of others

Proprietary Colony

Penn – sylvania (Dutch) - Wood land

Significant: Diverse! Advertised overseas

Delaware – 1638

Founders: Swedish/Dutch/York/Penn

Economy: Breadbasket colony – grew many crops, esp. wheat

Founded: To Expand trade

Religion: Not Significant

Proprietary Colony – New Sweden Company

Maryland – 1632

Founder: Cecil Calvert

Reason: Religious Freedom, Tolerant to Trinitarian Christians, Catholic

Geography: rolling hills – good farmland

Economy: agriculture (tobacco, rice, indigo – cash crops), wood, tar, trade

Charter Colony

Significant: Toleration Act of 1649

Virginia – 1607

Founders: Virginia Company of London

Government: House of Burgesses

Reason: Profit

Geography: Good farmland

Economy: Trade, Tobacco

Significant: 1st colony, John Smith, John Rolfe, Bacon’s Rebellion

North and South Carolina – 1663-1712

Founders: 8 families

Proprietary then Royal

Reason: Profit/Trade

Geography: good farmland

Economy: Trade/ Indigo (Blue Gold)

Significant: Roanoke-1587

Georgia – 1732

Founders: James Oglethorpe

Reason: Home for Debtors, Protect colonies from Spain

Royal colony after 1752

Geography: Good farmland, hot summers

Economy: Farming/trade

Significant: No slaves, no alcohol