Marketing 8120 (co-op)
Marketing 8121 (oe)
Grade Levels: 11, 12 (36 weeks)
Students are introduced to functions and foundations involved in the marketing of goods, services, and ideas and achieve skills necessary for successful marketing employment. Students study risk management, selling, promotion, pricing, purchasing, marketing-information management, product/service planning, distribution, and financing. Foundation skills include economics, human resources, and marketing and business necessary for success in marketing occupations. Academic skills (mathematics, science, English, and history/social science) related to the content are a part of this course. Computer/technology applications supporting this course are studied.
Advanced Marketing 8130 (co-op)
Advanced Marketing 8131 (oe)
Grade Level: 12 (36 weeks)
Prerequisite: Marketing 8120/8121
Students continue to gain knowledge of marketing functions and foundations as they relate to supervisory and management responsibilities and develop skills needed for advancement. They develop skills for supervisory positions and/or for continuing education in a marketing-related field. Academic skills (mathematics, science, English, and history/social science) related to the content are a part of this course. Computer/technology applications supporting this course are studied.
Available upon completion of Marketing 8120/8021:
- Fundamental Marketing Concepts (ASK Institute)
- National Professional Certification in Customer Service (National Retail Federation Foundation)
Available upon completion of Advanced Marketing 8130/8131:
- Fundamental Marketing Concepts (ASK Institute)
- Sales Certification (National Retail Federation Foundation)
- National Professional Certification in Customer Service (National Retail Federation Foundation)
- Retail Trades Assessment (NOCTI)
Credential Title/Description/Entity / How to Earn Credential / Implementation Data / Possible Preparatory Courses/Career Cluster
Fundamental Marketing Concepts
Certificate awarded for competency in marketing concepts and skills as related to the Marketing Sales and Service career cluster.
ASK Institute (DECA/MarkED) / Pass a knowledge-based exam consisting of 100 multiple-choice test items. Test includes questions relating to the following areas: marketing, distribution, marketing-information management, product/service management, promotion, selling. / New assessment for the 2006-07 school year. / Choose one of the following:
- Marketing 8120/8121
- Adv. Marketing 8130/8131
- Fashion Marketing 8140/8141
- Adv. Fashion Marketing 8145/8146
- Hotel/Motel Marketing 8160/8161
- Adv. Hotel/Motel Marketing 8162/8163
- International Marketing 8135
- Adv. International Marketing 8136
- Internet Marketing 8125
- Marketing Management 8132
- Sports, Entertainment, and Recreation Marketing 8175/8176
- Adv. Sports, Entertainment and Recreation Marketing 8175
- Travel/Tourism Marketing 8165/8166
- Adv. Travel/Tourism Marketing 8167/8168
- Financial Services Marketing 8180/8181
Sales Certification
Certification that documents knowledge and skills in the industry-identified area of Customer Service Skill Standards.
National Retail Federation Foundation / Pass an Internet-delivered, knowledge-based exam consisting of 75 multiple-choice test items. *
The assessment relates to three critical work functions identified in the Sales Skill Standards (see NRF Foundation web site):
- Prepares for Selling
- Gains Customer Commitment and Closes the Sale
- Develops and Implements Sales and Follow-up Plan
- Adv. Marketing 8130/8131
- Adv. Fashion Marketing 8145/8146
- Adv. Hotel/Motel Marketing 8162/8163
- Adv. International Marketing 8136
- Adv. Sports, Entertainment, and Recreation Marketing 8177/8178
- Adv. Travel/Tourism Marketing 8167/8168
- Financial Services Marketing 8180/8181
- Marketing Management 8132
National Professional Certification in Customer Service
Certification that documents knowledge and skills in the industry-identified area of Customer Service Skill Standards.
National Retail Federation Foundation / Pass an Internet-delivered, knowledge-based exam made up of real-life customer service situations, some presented through video and audio, with questions presenting possible courses of action. / 419 students were reported as having achieved this certification in 2005-06.
Reimbursement “snapshot” for 2005-06: 545 students attempted this examination with 442 passing.
135 Marketing Education teachers have achieved the National Professional Certification in Customer Service. / Choose one of the following:
- Marketing 8120/8121
- Advanced Marketing 8130/8131
- Fashion Marketing 8140/8141
- Advanced Fashion Marketing 8145/ 8146
- Hotel/Motel Marketing 8160/8161
- Advanced Hotel/Motel Marketing 8162/8163
- International Marketing 8135
- Advanced International Marketing 8136
- Marketing Management 8132
- Internet Marketing 8125
- Sports, Entertainment, and Recreation Marketing 8175/8176
- Advanced Sports, Entertainment, and Recreation Marketing 8177/8178
- Travel and Tourism Marketing 8165/ 8166
- Advanced Travel and Tourism Marketing 8167/8168
- Financial Services Marketing 8180/8181
- EFE Cooperative Education 9020/9030/9021/9031
Retail Trades Assessment
Occupational competency assessment of skills, functions, and knowledge foundations related to marketing and merchandising occupations
National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) / Pass the NOCTI knowledge-based exam (2053) consisting of 199 test items. Test includes advertising, electronic marketing, visual merchandise, entrepreneurship, economics, communication, selling, employability skills, related mathematics, marketing/merchandising and human relations/customer service. / During 2004 through 2006, 30 Virginia students have taken this assessment with 21 scoring at or above the national norm.
2006: 27 Virginia students took the assessment with 18 scoring at or above the national norm.
National Norm: 60.5
Virginia Norm: 61.9 / Choose one of the following:
- Advanced Marketing 8130/8131
- Advanced Fashion Marketing 8145/ 8146
- Advanced International Marketing 8136