Family Feud Teen Driver Challenge

2 Teams of 5 players each

Buzzers (if available)

1 Scorekeeper

1 Timekeeper (if needed)

1 Row/Group of Judges (3-5)

Welcome to the Family Feud, Teen Driver Challenge Edition!

I am your host, Richard Burleson, and when I am not hosting a game show I serve as the Director of the Injury Prevention Branch of the Alabama Department of Public Health. (Introduce others.)

Have any of you been in one of my Jeopardy or Family Feud game shows before?

How many of you have ever seen the show The Family Feud?

I’m old enough to remember the original version of the show which was hosted by an actor named Richard Dawson, a guy none of you are old enough remember! Several others have hosted over the years, and the current syndicated daytime version is hosted by actor and comedian Steve Harvey, who is really funny… but today you are stuck with me.

For anyone unfamiliar with the game, our two teams will go through a series of questions for which there will be up to eight correct answers. One person from each team will face off to compete for control of the question, with the best answer winning the choice to play or pass. The answering team will then try to guess all the correct answers without getting any “strikes,” or wrong answers. If they do, they get the points for all the questions on the board. If they get three strikes, the other team will have an opportunity to “steal” all the points on the board with a correct answer. Unlike the show, we will not have a bonus or Fast Money round today. Whichever team has the most points at the end of three rounds, or when we run out of time, will be the winner. In the case of any dispute, the decision of the Judges will be final.

All right, let’s meet our two teams and play the Feud! …

1)  ROUND 1: Vehicular crashes are, by far, the leading cause of death for teenagers. What are the RISK FACTORS (SITUATIONS, CHOICES, and BEHAVIORS) that put teens at the highest risk of injury or death in vehicle crashes?

1.  Inexperience

2.  Distracted Driving

3.  Speeding

4.  Not Using Seat Belts

5.  Impaired Driving

6.  Driving Late at Night

7.  Being Male

2)  ROUND 2: As we learned in Round 1, DISTRACTED DRIVING is a major risk factor for teenage vehicle crashes. What are the most common TYPES OF DRIVING DISTRACTIONS?

1.  Passengers

2.  Texting

3.  Talking on Cell Phone

4.  Eating / drinking

5.  Operating Radio / CD / MP3

6.  Reading

7.  GPS / Navigation

8.  Grooming

3)  ROUND 3: According to a 2013 national insurance study of teen vehicle crash data throughout the US, what are the WORST states for teen drivers in terms of death rates?

1.  Wyoming

2.  Montana

3.  Mississippi

4.  Alabama

5.  West Virginia

6.  Oklahoma

4) ROUND 4: Parent/Teen Driver Contracts are a growing and effective strategy for helping teens become better and safer drivers. What are some common things agreed to in Parent/Teen Driver Contracts?

1.  Follow the Rules of the Road

2.  Use Seat Belts

3.  Hours / Curfew

4.  No Cell Phone

5.  Limit Passengers

5) ROUND 5: Vehicular deaths are the leading category of death for all children under 18. Other than passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs, what OTHER TYPES OF VEHICLES do children have fatal accidents on in Alabama?

1.  Motorcycles

2.  ATVs

3.  Bicycles

4.  Scooters

5.  Watercraft

6) ROUND 6: Alabama has a Graduated Drivers License Law which places certain restrictions on new, first-time drivers in between the Learner’s Permit stage and the full, unrestricted Driver’s License. What are the three main types of restrictions placed upon those with the Restricted License?

1.  Passenger Limitations

2.  Driving Hours

3.  Usage of Electronic Devices