Meet Mr. and Mrs. Green – Chapter 1

1. The words Camping on page 6 is written in bold letters because:

a. It is from another language.

b. It is the title of the chapter.

c. It is the main idea.

d. It is a vocabulary word.

2. When did this story probably take place?

a. in the winter

b. in the spring

c. in the summer

d. in the fall

3. What is different about the things Mr. Green packs and the items Mrs. Green packs?

a. Mr. Green packs things that are boring, and Mrs. Green packs fun things.

b. Mr. Green doesn’t pack anything and Mrs. Green does all the packing.

c. Mr. Green packs a large tent, and Mrs. Green packs a small tent.

d. Mr. Green packs things he likes and Mrs. Green packs things they will need.

4. What is the main conflict in the story?

a. Mr. Green was afraid of camping in the woods.

b. Mrs. Green forgot to bring food along.

c. Mr. Green was bit by a mosquito.

d. Mrs. Green ate too many marshmallows.

5. Read this sentence: “There could be dark, mysterious woods, strange, eerie sounds, spooky, glowing eyes, sharp, pointy teeth, and mosquitoes!”

The word eerie means:

a. dark and quiet

b. a very loud sound

c. an animal howling

d. weird and scary

6. The conflict was resolved when:

a. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green stop by a store and buy some food.

b. Mrs. Green put some cream on Mr. Green’s mosquito bites.

c. They ended up in their own backyard and set up camp there.

d. They decided not to go camping at all.

7. The author’s purpose for writing this story was

a. to inform

b. to persuade

c. to describe

d. to entertain

8. The main idea of this chapter is:

a. Mr. and Mrs. Green like to stay home.

b. Mr. and Mrs. Green go camping in their own backyard.

c. Mr. and Mrs. Green don’t like the same things.

d. Mr. and Mrs. Green like to go on long walks.