A Study in Quaker Philanthropy and Adult Education 1904-1954

by Mark Freeman

ISBN 1 85072 310 9 266 pages A5 Laminated Card Cover

Price £12.50 plus £2.00 UK p & p Overseas p & p is £3.50

THIS BOOK IS a history of the first fifty years of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT), one of three trusts established by the Quaker philanthropist Joseph Rowntree in 1904. It focuses on the contribution of the JRCT to adult education in these years, in particular the educational settlement movement with which Rowntree and his trustees were closely associated. It relates the settlements to the work of other adult education providers, and assesses their educational philosophy and impact. The book also makes a contribution to the wider history of the Society of Friends in modern Britain, exploring, for example, the JRCT's role in the promotion of the Society's peace testimony and its support for an itinerant Quaker ministry. It traces the evolution of Quaker philanthropy, and examines how Friends' social concerns were affected by the historical circumstances of the first half of the twentieth century, including two world wars, the mass unemployment of the 1930s and the emergence of the modern welfare state.

MARK FREEMAN (born 1974) studied history at Merton College, Oxford., and the University of Glasgow, where he is now a lecturer in the Department of Economic and Social History. He has held research fellowships at the Institute of Historical Research, London, and the Universities of York and Hull. This book is based on his work at York on the history of the JRCT. He is the author of Social investigation and rural England 1870-1914 (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2003) and a number of articles on modern British social history. He lives in Glasgow, and is currently a research associate in the Department of History, University of Hull.


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