Accelerated B.S.-M.S. in Chemistry

Sample Schedule

Note: The schedule outlined below provides one possible route for completing the B.S. and M.S. degree in Chemistry in five years (including two summer sessions); students may tailor the sample schedule to meet their needs. Students should consult with their academic advisor every semester to discuss progress towards obtaining their degree.


Fall semester (14 – 15 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 1251 + 1251L: General Chemistry I / 4 / None
MATH 1241: Calculus I / 3 / MATH 1103 or score on math placement test
ENGL 1101 or 1103 / 3 / 1103 is based on placement test
Foreign language 1201 (or LBST 110X) / 4 (3)
Freshman Seminar for chemistry majors / 1

Spring semester (14 – 16 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 1252 + 1252L: General Chemistry II / 4 / CHEM 1251 + 1251L
MATH 1242: Calculus II / 3 / MATH 1241 with grade of C or better
ENGL 1102 or LBST _____ / 3 / ENGL 1101
Foreign language 1202 (or social science) / 4 (3) / Foreign language 1201 or placement test
Elective (if needed) / (3)


Fall semester (14 – 17 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 2131 + 2131L: Organic Chemistry I / 4 / CHEM 1251, 1251L and 1252, 1252L with grades of C or better
PHYS 2101 + 2101L: Introductory Physics I / 4 / MATH 1241 with grade of C or better; pre- or co-req of MATH 1242
LBST _____ / 3
Social science or elective / 3
Elective (if needed) / (3)

Spring semester (14 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 2132 + 2132L: Organic Chemistry II / 4 / CHEM 2131 + 2131L with grade of C or better
PHYS 2102 + 2102L: Introductory Physics II / 4 / PHYS 2101 + 2101L and MATH 1242 with grade of C or better
MATH (2241, 2242, 2164, 2171, or STAT 3128) / 3 / Check for specific course prereq
LBST _____ / 3

Note: Consider joining a research group as soon as possible by taking at least one credit hour/semester.


Fall semester (16 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 3111: Quantitative analysis (Fall only) / 4 / CHEM 1252 + 1252L with grade of C or better
CHEM 3141 + 3141L: Physical Chemistry I (Fall only) / 4 / CHEM 1252 + 1252L with grade of C or better; MATH 1241 and 1242; PHYS 2102 and 2102L; co- or pre-req of Upper-level MATH
CHEM 4900: Directed Undergraduate Research / 2 / Consent of the research advisor
LBST _____ or elective / 3
Second course with W designation / 3

Spring semester (16 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 3142 + 3142L: Physical Chemistry II (Spring only) / 4 / CHEM 1252 + 1252L with grade of C or better; MATH 1241; PHYS 1101
CHEM 3695: Seminar (W) / 1
CHEM 4900: Directed Undergraduate Research / 1 / Consent of research advisor
CHEM 4111: Instrumental Analysis (Spring only) / 4 / CHEM 3111, 3141, and 3141L all with grade of C or better
MATH (2241, 2242, 2164, 2171, or STAT 3128) / 3 / Check for specific course prereq
LBST ____ or elective / 3


(1)  See the Graduate Coordinator for advising during the Fall semester of the senior year.

(2)  Apply to Graduate School for accelerated early-entry to Chemistry M.S. by November 1.


Fall semester (14 – 15 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM *4165: Principles of Biochemistry I (Fall only) and CHEM 4165L: Biochem lab (optional) / 3 – 4 / CHEM 2132 with grade of C or better
CHEM 4121: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (Fall only) / 4 / CHEM 3142 + 3142L with grade of C or better
CHEM 4695: Chemistry Seminar I (W, O) / 1 / CHEM 3695
CHEM 4900: Directed Undergraduate Research / 3 / Consent of research advisor
Elective / 3

*Students who wish to pursue the non-certified B.S. degree (minimum of 45 semester hours in chemistry) replace CHEM 4165 with a minimum of two credit hours of 4000-level chemistry courses that must be approved by the Department.

Note: A maximum of 6 credit hours of graduate credit taken during the last semester of your undergraduate program can be double-counted. Any 5000 level course replacing 4000 level courses will work as long as the B.S. degree requirements are met as well.

Spring semester (14 – 15 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 4696: Chemistry Seminar II (W, O) / 1 / CHEM 4695
CHEM 4900: Directed Undergraduate Research / 1 – 2 / Consent of research advisor
CHEM 5166: Principles of Biochemistry II (Spring only) (or other 5000 level course) / 3 / CHEM 4165 with a grade of B or better.
CHEM 5133: Methods of Organic Structure Detm. / 2 / CHEM 2132 + 2132L with grade of C or better
CHEM 6900: Research and Thesis / 1 / Consent of research advisor
Two electives / 6

Summer Session (2 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 6900: Research and Thesis / 2 / Consent of research advisor

Fifth Year

Fall Semester (12 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 6900: Research and Thesis / 8 / Consent of research advisor
CHEM 6681: Research Seminar / 1

Spring Semester (8 credit hours)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 6900: Graduate Research / 4 / Consent of research advisor
CHEM 6682: Research Seminar / 1

Summer Session (2 credit hours if needed)

Course / Credits / Prerequisites
CHEM 6900: Research and Thesis / 2 / Consent of research advisor