Cary Christian School

Systematic Theology

End Quarter 2 Test Guide




  1. Vocabulary (Matching)
  1. Numinous
  2. Pantheism
  3. Procession
  4. Righteousness
  5. Spirit
  6. Syncretism
  7. Theism
  8. Theocentricity
  9. Theodicy
  10. Transcendence
  11. Trinity
  12. Will of God
  13. Wrath of God
  1. Fill in the Blank
  1. In the Old Testament (TaNaK), the ______contain the most references to God, the Son.
  2. What three components make up the acronym TaNaK?
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. Give two passages where we hear the Father speaking from heaven about His Son?
  7. ______
  8. ______
  1. List 3 things that Hebrews 1:3 says about the Son.
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. The Shema is found in ______and says, “______.
  6. ______is the Hebrew word that is the plural for of “God”.
  7. ______is the Hebrew word that is the plural form of “Lord”.
  8. ______Gospel is replete with Father-Son language and teachings.
  9. John ______is a verse that supports that the Spirit proceeds from the father AND the Son.
  10. The Holy Spirt is at times also called the Spirit of ______, as relates to God the Son.
  11. The key issue in the Godhead regarding their relationship is not value or ability, but rather ______.
  12. The Oneness of the Father and Son is found clearly in ______, ______, and ______.
  13. Jesus is to the Father ______(Text: )
  14. Jesus does for the Father, He ______(Text: )
  15. Jesus approaches the Father with ______(Text: )
  16. ______means unique, or one and only – not made. The Greek word for this old English translation is ______.
  17. Jesus is an ______Son to the Father, not an Incarnational Son.
  18. The Procession of the Spirit is found clearly in ______, ______, and ______.
  19. The three parts of the Old Testament are called the ______, ______and the ______.
  1. Short Answer
  2. Determine what each of these so-called Trinitarian illustrations actually illustrate (modalism or polytheism)
  1. Three forms of water -______
  2. An apple – skin, meat and seeds-______
  3. I am a father, son and husband-______
  4. Pieces of a pie-______
  5. An egg – shell, yolk and albumen-______
  1. Draw the Trinitarian Triangle that bests describes what the Trinity is.(10)
  1. Fill out the following chart with the proof of the Trinity. Under each heading, give ONE example for each in the Godhead and include Scripture references.

Person/Argument / If it can be shown that each is ______God / If it can be shown that each _bears_ _the______of_ God / If it can be shown that each ______only__ God __can______ / If it can be shown that They are ___seen____ _in______
  1. Essay
  1. Explain why all attempts at illustrating the Trinity fail. What is it about the Trinity that does not allow it to be illustrated?
  1. Bonus – Provide the lyrics to a verse or chorus from a song (at least 3 lines of text) that speaks of one of the doctrines we have discussed (Trinitarian). Quote the name of the song and the lyrics.