Cary Christian School
Systematic Theology
End Quarter 2 Test Guide
- Vocabulary (Matching)
- Numinous
- Pantheism
- Procession
- Righteousness
- Spirit
- Syncretism
- Theism
- Theocentricity
- Theodicy
- Transcendence
- Trinity
- Will of God
- Wrath of God
- Fill in the Blank
- In the Old Testament (TaNaK), the ______contain the most references to God, the Son.
- What three components make up the acronym TaNaK?
- ______
- ______
- ______
- Give two passages where we hear the Father speaking from heaven about His Son?
- ______
- ______
- List 3 things that Hebrews 1:3 says about the Son.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- The Shema is found in ______and says, “______.
- ______is the Hebrew word that is the plural for of “God”.
- ______is the Hebrew word that is the plural form of “Lord”.
- ______Gospel is replete with Father-Son language and teachings.
- John ______is a verse that supports that the Spirit proceeds from the father AND the Son.
- The Holy Spirt is at times also called the Spirit of ______, as relates to God the Son.
- The key issue in the Godhead regarding their relationship is not value or ability, but rather ______.
- The Oneness of the Father and Son is found clearly in ______, ______, and ______.
- Jesus is to the Father ______(Text: )
- Jesus does for the Father, He ______(Text: )
- Jesus approaches the Father with ______(Text: )
- ______means unique, or one and only – not made. The Greek word for this old English translation is ______.
- Jesus is an ______Son to the Father, not an Incarnational Son.
- The Procession of the Spirit is found clearly in ______, ______, and ______.
- The three parts of the Old Testament are called the ______, ______and the ______.
- Short Answer
- Determine what each of these so-called Trinitarian illustrations actually illustrate (modalism or polytheism)
- Three forms of water -______
- An apple – skin, meat and seeds-______
- I am a father, son and husband-______
- Pieces of a pie-______
- An egg – shell, yolk and albumen-______
- Draw the Trinitarian Triangle that bests describes what the Trinity is.(10)
- Fill out the following chart with the proof of the Trinity. Under each heading, give ONE example for each in the Godhead and include Scripture references.
Person/Argument / If it can be shown that each is ______God / If it can be shown that each _bears_ _the______of_ God / If it can be shown that each ______only__ God __can______ / If it can be shown that They are ___seen____ _in______
- Essay
- Explain why all attempts at illustrating the Trinity fail. What is it about the Trinity that does not allow it to be illustrated?
- Bonus – Provide the lyrics to a verse or chorus from a song (at least 3 lines of text) that speaks of one of the doctrines we have discussed (Trinitarian). Quote the name of the song and the lyrics.