At the meeting of the Leigh Parish Council held on Thursday 1st March 2012 in the North Downs Primary School – Leigh, there were present Mrs Parker in the Chair, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Patterson, Mr Dobell, Mr Wilkinson and the Clerk.

DC Mrs Osborne Patterson, DC Mr Murdoch and 5 parishioners (Mrs Benewith, Mrs Boustred, Mrs Harding, Mr Frost, Mrs Hartley were also present plus Mrs Pat Osborne.

Apologies were received from PC Loraine.

The minutes of the meeting held on 01.02.2012 were approved and signed (prop: Mr Dobell, Seconded: Mrs Patterson)

Matters Arising


A heavy chain and padlock for the gate has been purchased. Mrs Patterson to give the allotment holders the combination

Mr Dobell has passed all the information on the hedge laying to the Clerk who will pursue the matter.

Mr Peter Edwards from the Surrey Hedge Laying Group replied that the group is comprised of around 40 experienced volunteer hedge layers that operate on a no profit basis. Most of the work is for conservation minded organisations such as the National Trust and various local authorities. Our situation is unrealistic as a training platform where time is needed to properly train the students.

They unable to carry out any work this year but is willing to look at the hedge and give an estimate for the cost of laying it next season. The usual charge is £7.00 per yard (this is half the commercial price.

Mrs Patterson agreed to contact Mr Edwards to discuss the matter. Clerk instructed to contact Mr Fuller and see if he can cut the hedge this year before the birds start nesting.

History Box Waiting for information – carry item forward

Dean Oak Lane Field Tenancy agreement and Right of access by Thames Water to the pumping station and Tenancy.

Tenancy document completed by Clerk and sent to tenant for comments/approval. No response to date.

MRS parker informed the meeting that the new tenant had not received the copy of the lease.

The Clerk to send a new copy to Mrs Pragnell.

Mr Taylor had been in discussions with the solicitors for TW since May 2011 with no agreement produced.

The Clerk had also contacted the Solicitors acting on behalf of TW on several occasions and was assured that the matter would soon be concluded when a couple of outstanding points had been clarified. The Clerk also informed the Solicitors that as the negotiations had been going on for so long and that TW had apparently been so slow in responding to any communications the Council had lost the rent for a year on the adjoining field and would therefore expect reimbursement.

Clerk contacted solicitors for TW on 01.02 and was informed that a letter had gone to Mr Taylor a few days previously and they were waiting for a response. One query was the route of the Gatwick – Walton pipeline that passes through the field. (Clerk obtained a copy from the BPA)

Mr Taylor wrote

Settling this easement has become somewhat of a marathon

The points where progress has now slowed down are as follow:

1.  The standard form that we use contains a complete indemnity by Thames Water in relation to any claims arising out of the use of the right of way by Thames Water. This was deleted by them, then reinstated by me, and we have now received the comment that “Thames Water does not give uncapped or unlimited indemnities, they require their liability to be capped or limited”

I would expect Thames Water to have public liability insurance, and it is difficult to envisage a position when there would be enormous damages, but I am reluctant to advise the Council that they could carry any risk, although in practise it will probably

be small.

2.  The Gatwick pipeline crosses the access road, and there is a lease relating to this which nobody can find. Thames Water want a provision that the Parish Council will provide alternative access if there is something in the lease that results in a closure of the access. As I assume that the pipeline crosses the whole land in your ownership it is difficult to see what alternative access you could provide. Please let me have your comments.

They say that you have agreed to them replacing the existing gate onto the highway and installing a lock and chain. Have you agreed to this, and if so, will you require a key?

The Council, when they have considered the above might wish to consider imposing a time limit for the completion of the easement, if nothing else to avoid the considerable delay in the Solicitors dealing with the correspondence.

The Councillors suggest that we ask Mr Taylor to submit his bill to TW and stop negotiations.

Mr Dobell suggested that we look into the possibility of selling the land. Clerk believes that approval for this would have to be given by the Secretary of State. Clerk to follow this up

Leigh Cricket Club – Pavilion roof.

Mr Parker has not had the opportunity to look at the roof. Matter to be carried forward.

The Club AGM is on 12th March and Mr Wilkinson is unable to attend but he will meet with Officers of the Club after this meeting.

Clerk had had no response from the Club re dates for a meeting to discuss the renewal of the lease.

It was agreed that the Councillors should meet in committee before this to discuss the lease documents - Wednesday 15th at 3 SHR

Meeting with Officers from the Cricket Club arranged for Thursday 8th in the pavilion. (See attached notes on committee meeting of 15.02)

Mr Wilkinson, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Patterson and the Clerk to attend.


Mrs Parker has submitted the application for a lottery grant to fund the ground work but further information had been requested.

Mrs Clack offered a grant of £750 towards the cost of the repairs to the zip wire from her Members Allocation Grant fund.

Completed application form had been submitted.

Repairs to the Playground Tony Wynn ( MV) offered to see if he can find a replacement. seat for the one missing on the wooden picnic table

Digleys found the rope on the basket swing to be faulty (frayed significantly) and at Mrs Gilbert’s request Mr Wynn from MVDC has removed the faulty rope and seat.

Quotes for Mr Wynn : The basket swing ropes would cost £308 ex VAT but including delivery

The plastic finger protectors for the travellers on the zip wire would cost £4 each ex vat and delivery

The seats for the cableway cost £63 each inc Vat but excluding delivery

MV Maintenance can cut and re-shape the climbing walls and carry out other repairs at an estimated cost of £300

Mr Wynn suggests that we monitor the zip wire before carrying out any further work. After discussion it was agreed that we accept the quotes from MV and Mr Wynn’s advice on the zip wire but request that the work is not carried out until after the half term and preferably at the beginning g of March after the work to the surface areas has been completed and allowed to settle.

This alteration to the expenditure on the zip wire might affect the grant monies from SCC Members Allowance and Mrs Gilbert is to contact Mrs Clack for her advice. The Council wished to use the grant to cover the cost of the remedial ground work and repairs to the basket swing and the reduced work to the zip wire.

Mrs Clack agreed to contact Officers from the local office but saw no problems with the change of expenditure.

The remedial work on the mound and surrounding area had been completed by Mr Dobell (Gardeners Den). It will be necessary for the new turf to be watered regularly until it was established. The Cricket Club had kindly agreed to give us access to their water.

The work area will stay fenced off for the time being.

The seat at the picnic table had been replaced by MV maintenance team and the work on the basket swing and zip wire will be started as soon as the ground work is bedded in. Mrs Gilbert to contact MV when appropriate.

The willow tree in the playground is leaning slightly following the recent high winds. Mr Dobell to straighten it and re-stake.

Mr Dobell confirmed that there is no metal sleeve on the middle post in the gateway between the playground and the recreation ground

and so when the ground is dry the post is loose. Clerk to contact contractor (Colin Bell).

Originally we were advised that the wooden play materials would require re-treating annually.

Clerk to investigate the time frame required for any treatment to the wooden elements of the playground equipment.

Mrs Gilbert to carry out the weekly playground inspections.

Mr White (The Old Cottage) visits the area regularly. Mrs Parker to ask if he would be willing to carry out the inspections.


VA signs. More damage done to the signs in the recent high winds – report to SCC again

This has been done via the SCC website. Matter to be investigated (MG00208440) but funding is limited.

The section of Church Road which is sinking has been temporarily repaired and SCC will continue to monitor it (MG00208422)

Church Road – concrete sets outside Orchard Cottage. Clerk reported the new problem to SCC Highways who were already aware of the situation and are looking to pipe the ditch as a final solution. Funding will be required.

Meetings : Leigh CC Lease- Thursday 8th March

Parish Forum Ockley 15.03 Mrs Parker to attend

Litter Pick Clerk to contact MVDC for sacks and pickers and Mr Worsfold regarding the notices and collection of the full sacks


CPRE have announced two new awards are available both focusing on litter in the countryside. Clerk to make enquiries

North Downs Primary School have written informing us of the resignation of the headmaster Mr Simeon Hobbs who only took up the post in September 2011. Mrs Angela Ewing has been appointed interim head and will work with Mr Hobbs until he leaves at Easter.

All other items noted or discussed under other headings.


No decision to date on Bunts Place – pool room including garaging, storage, and living with facilities or on Bunts House – certificate of lawfulness for proposed 2 storey extension. One decisions - Bryony, BCR – extension permitted (17.02)

The Old Bakery - new application included in today’s list – details will be circulated at usual.


Insurance – Mrs Patterson has sent a copy of the schedule to the company and is waiting for a reply.

Audit - Preliminary papers received. Mr Wilkinson will circulate any relevant information. Papers must be available by the end of April.

Cheques to be signed Digley Playground Inspection 18.00

Jubilee Committee Donation 150.00

Burley Grass (2011) 246.30

Fuller Hedges 180.00 Gardeners Den Playground ground works 958.00

SCAPTC Council Review 15.50

Mrs Gilbert asked that in the future can there be an item included in the budget papers for repairs to the playground – perhaps bi-annually.

Parishioners Questions.

Leigh Emergency Plan - who did the Halls pass it to when they moved. Clerk to check – but believe it is stored along with a map in the Village Hall Kitchen. Mrs Parker to check this out and Mrs Gilbert to circulate a copy.

Allotment water meter. Mrs Patterson has now got it. The Council agreed to Mr Blackwell’s request that he be present when the meter is connected in the spring.

Mrs Osborne Patterson congratulated Leigh on the History Box.

Mrs Gilbert reported that the damage to the trees in the Dawes Green Lay-by was done by a gritting lorry. Damaged branches could be touching the electric lines. Also the road sign at the junction of Tapners Road by Dawes Green House has been knocked over.

Clerk to contact Highways.

Vacancy. Continue to advertise. Mrs Parker to produce new advert.

The next meeting is on Wednesday 4th April at 7.30pm

APM – Thursday 22nd March at 7.30pm

Litter Pick – Saturday April 14th – 10am on The Green – refreshments at The Seven Stars

Community Shop

Mrs Parker reported on the village meeting on 18th February when a rep from NACRS will be present.

Approx 50 villagers present – encouraging response. Informal questionnaire was circulated and this will be followed up by a questionnaire circulated to every household so that a more accurate picture can be gathered.

Mrs Vere Hodge would like to re-instate tea and chat – perhaps at The Pavilion – this could attract both the elderly and mothers and children from the playground. This could be beneficial to both the parishioners and be a source of revenue for the cricket club.

ill RoadHill

There being no further business the meeting was closed.
