AIHM Annual Conference

Call for Original Research Posters

September 22-26, 2018 | San Diego, CA

Deadline to for Early Acceptance: Monday, July 2, 2018

Deadline for Final Submissions: Monday, July 30, 2018


AIHM is pleased to receive abstracts of original research on integrative holistic health and medicine, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, holistic nursing, mind-body research, public health and policy related to integrative health and medicine, or other relevant topics.You are invited to submit an abstract for review and possible inclusion at the 2018 AIHM Annual Conference in San Diego this September 22-26, 2018.


The online call for original research abstracts will be open from Monday, April 30 – Monday, July 2, 2018 for early acceptance. As original research posters will be accepted on a rolling basis, we encourage you to submit by July 2.

If space is still available, additional submissions will be accepted through Monday, July 30, 2018.


Abstracts may be submitted in one of four categories. Note on copyright: By submitting a poster abstract, authors/co-authors transfer any copyrights, grant permission to the AIHM, & agree that the submitted poster and abstract may be published, shared online, distributed to attendees and used on the AIHM website.

  • Basic Science - often called fundamental or bench research—provides the foundation of knowledge for the applied science that follows.
  • Clinical Trial - research studies performed in people that are aimed at evaluating a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention. Phases include testing, assessing efficacy, safety, effectiveness and side effects.
  • Observational Research - observe people in normal settings where the researcher(s) gather information, group volunteers according to broad characteristics, and compare changes over time.
  • Case Reports - a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Submissions for the Case Reports category must follow the Care Guidelines.

Note: Abstracts proposing conceptual models of clinical theory and/or new models of practice, without evaluation (research), will not be accepted.


All applications will be reviewed by an interprofessional group of AIHM member volunteers and staff who will rate and recommend final selections. The top poster will be selected for each category of design (i.e., Clinical, Basic Science, Observational Research and Case Reports. All abstracts will be selected based on:

  • Originality
  • Appropriateness for the study design
  • Interpretation
  • Relevance to the practice of Integrative Health & Medicine

Original research abstracts will be accepted on a rolling bases through the submission deadline.


All accepted presenters/authors must agree to the following rules, regulations, and responsibilities:

  • Must pay and register for the conference
  • Must cover own costs (travel, lodging, incidentals)
  • Must meet all conference dates and deadlines
  • Must be present to hang poster:
  • Sunday, September 23 between 4-5pm
  • Must be present during the Poster Walk Hours and Research Reception
  • Monday, September 24 from 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. (Poster Walk)
  • Monday, September 24 from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. (Research Reception)
  • Tuesday, September 25 from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. (Poster Walk)
  • Must accept AIHM’s Presenter and Recording Agreement


Please enter your name & credentials EXACTLY how they should appear in printed / online materials. Please limit to three (3) professional credentials (i.e. MD, MPH, ABIHM).


First ______Last Name: ______

Credentials (limited to 3, i.e. MD, PMH, ABIHM): ______

Primary Job Title / Role / Affiliation: ______

Organization: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

Twitter handle: ______Website: ______

Current AIHM Member?Yes or No

Primary Profession <select one>:

●Acupuncturist/Oriental Medicine (Lac, DAOM, etc.)

●Ayurveda Practitioner

●Chiropractor (DC)


●Doctor of Oriental Medicine

●Educator/Researcher (PhD, EdD, Academia)

●Massage Therapist

●Medical Doctor (MD)

●Mental Health Provider (LCSW, LMFT, LCAP, etc.)


●Naturopathic Doctor (ND, NMD)

●Nurse (NP, APRN, LPN, RN, etc.

●Nutrition Professional (RD, RDN, CNS, etc.)

●Occupational Therapist

●Osteopathic Doctor (DO)

●Pharmacist (PharmD, RPh, etc.)

●Physical Therapist

●Physician Assistant (PA, PA-C, etc.)


●Public Health Professional (MPH, etc.)

●Student/Resident (full-time)

●Yoga Practitioner (C-IAYT, RYT, etc.)

●Other: ______


Research Title

In 12 words or less, define the research conducted. Some examples:

  • Integrative Medicine's Role in Inpatient Oncology Practice
  • Grief and Mindfulness: Exploration of the Utilization of Meditation in Processing Grief
  • Efficacy of Hyperthermic Baths in Patients with Depression


Poster Abstract

Provide a brief abstract organized by the following section headers below. Abstracts are limited to 400 words.

Background and Purpose: ______

Methods and Design




Conclusions ______


Briefly share the vital bottom lines or overarching takeaways from your research and work.

Takeaway 1: ______

Takeaway 2: ______

Takeaway 3: ______

ADDITIONAL RESEARCHERS??PLEASE NOTE! If you will be adding additional researchers, please note that in the online form you will be able to add that information after submitting the research details. The only researchers needed to be added to the form should be those who plan to attend the conference – not necessarily all the names of those involved in the research itself. Upon acceptance, all researcher names should be listed on the physical printed poster.

By submitting this proposal you understand that upon acceptance you will agree to abide by the researcher responsibilities and the AIHM Presenter and Recording Release Agreement.

If you have questions about the proposal process, please do not hesitate to contact or Lauren at 858-240-9033 x1004.