Embedding Sustainability Provision Map for Sunny Vale School 2010-2011: Maths

Wave 2 / Time-limited provision, in addition to the maths lesson, in the form of small-groupinterventions to accelerate progress and enable children to work at/towards age-related expectations.
Materials in place? √ x / Talking Maths √ / Springboard3,4,5√ / Ocean Maths√ / Booster√ / BEAM booster X (ordering Y6 x 4 sets)
Aimed at / Y1-6 / Year 3,4,5 / YN-6 / Year 6 / Y1-6
Lead teacher / NS / FD / BB / NS / NS
Delivered by / TA / TA / Teacher / Teacher / Teacher/TA
Criteria for pupil selection / Secure number skills but struggle with the language of maths and/or with using and applying maths. Suitable for pupils with SLCN or EAL. Think carefully about whether Talking Partners is more suitable. / Children who are one sub-level below age expectations but could reach expectations with extra support. / A whole class intervention aimed at raising parent/carer confidence to support maths at home. / Children who can achieve a secure L4 with additional support. Children assessed as 3c/3b at the end of Yr 5. / Lessons aimed at key objectives for each year group to support misconceptions. Teacher lesson followed up with TA lesson with focus on playing games which can be repeated to consolidate skills.
Follow up and consolidation of Wave 1 inclusive teaching /
  • Reinforce vocabulary
  • Use TM activity formats
  • Use visual cues
  • Use same visual reinforcement – e.g. number line
  • Use linked starter activities
  • Use kinaesthetic concrete resources
  • consolidate games in class regularly
  • Sessions planned to link with curriculum
  • Link closely to misconceptions in class
  • Use resources in class
  • Lessons only used when pupils have not understood concept in class
  • TA sessions repeat skills and can be reused as necessary

Group size / 3 children / 4-6 children / Whole class / 12-14 children / 4-6 children
Duration / 12 weeks / 10 weeks / Ongoing / 15 weeks / Use as necessary
Parental Involvement /
  • Invite to session
  • Share targets
  • Encourage to talk about maths at home

Frequency / 3 x 20 mins / 3 x ½ hr sessions per week / 1 x hr per term / 1 x 45 mins per week / Use as necessary
Assessment/ Progress Check / APP / APP / APP / APP / APP
TA/s trained
TA/s to be trained
Teacher/s trained
Teacher/s to be trained
Wave 3 / Time-limited provision, in addition to the maths lesson, to enhance the progress of identified children where Waves 1 and 2 are not, on their own, impacting on progress. This will involve focused teaching activities which tackle fundamental errors and misconceptions that are preventing progress.
Materials in place? √ x / The Number Box √ / Catch Up √ / Wave 3 Maths X / Every Child Counts √
Aimed at / YN-6 / Y1-6
Delivered by / TA / TA / TA / Teacher
Lead teacher / NS / NS / MR / MR
Criteria for pupil selection / Intervention aimed at securing basic skills through “over learning” and guaranteed success. Independence skills are developed and resources are made available for use during daily maths lesson. / To support the identification of specific areas of mathematics that can prevent children achieving expected levels of progress and accelerate progress fro children working well below expectations.
Follow up and consolidation of Wave 1 inclusive teaching /
  • Resources available in maths lesson to increase independence
  • Successful strategies used in whole class teaching e.g. x tables
  • Wave 3 lessons used to support gaps identified in daily lesson: track back to support differentiation

Group size / 1 child / 1 child / 1 child
Duration / Minimum 3 x 10 mins per week / As necessary
Parental involvement /
  • Share resources
  • Invite to sessions
  • Share targets

Assessment/ Progress Check / Number Box assessment card
TA/s trained
TA/s to be trained
Teachers trained
Teacher/s to be trained
Issues affecting sustainability?