Supplementary Form C - Additional information
Q3Provide an attachment describing the action addressing the following points.
- The objectives and purposes of the action;
- The equipment and methods used;
Objectives and purposes of the action
Defence intends to undertake runway extension and undertake other development works at RAAF Base Williamtown under Defence project R8000 New Air Combat Capability. The following impacts on vegetation are predicted:
- clearing of approximately 3 hectares of Drooping Red Gum (Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens) woodland
- clearing of approximately 1 hectare of potential Dwarf Kerrawang (Rulingia prostrate) habitat
- clearing of approximately 6 hectares of preferred habitat and approximately 23 hectares of marginal habitat for koalas (Phascolarctos cinerieus)
- lopping of approximately 1 hectare of preferred habitat and approximately 2 hectares of marginal habitat for koalas
Equipment and methods to be used
The clearing of vegetation will be undertaken by construction machinery suitable for this work including as bulldozers, excavators, front-end loaders, etc,
Koalas are believed to occur in low numbers on RAAF Base Williamtown (possibly 1-3). The following protection measures will be implemented:
- Surveys for koalas will be undertaken in the affected areas prior to vegetation clearing.
- Vegetation clearing will be undertaken as sequential clearing and under the guidance of a koala spotter/handler.
- Koalas will be provided enough time to move out of the site without human intervention.
- Any tree in which a koala is present, or has a crown overlapping a tree where a koala is present, will not be cleared.
- Appropriate habitat links will be maintained within the clearing site and between the site and its adjacent areas, to allow koalas on the site to move out of the site.
Upon completion of vegetation clearing work, temporary fencing will be erected to exclude koalas from construction areas.
No vegetation clearing will occur within the lopping zone. Depending on their location scattered emergent trees greater than 20 metres in height will require ongoing manual lopping in order to maintain the compliance of the runway take-off and approach surfaces. Drooping Red Gum rarely grows beyond 10 metres so individuals within the lopping zone are unlikely to be impacted.
Within the lopping zone, professional arborists will selectively lop emergent trees greater than 20 metres in height. Branches and other deadfall will be manually removed to reduce impacts to the shrub and ground layers. Lopping has less of an impact than broad-scale clearing. Periodic lopping of vegetation will be required to maintain vegetation heights below 20 metres.