SP00445 (2015 Specifications: 06-01-17)(This Section requires SP00415
when subsection .74 is used.
RequiresSP00495 when trench
resurfacing is required. Requires
SP02010 SP02050when concrete
blocks are required. Requires
SP02510 when reinforcement
is required.)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project. The specifications may be modified to include project specific specifications, but all additions, deletions, or modifications must be sent to the ODOT Technical Resource and Senior Specifications Engineer for review and approval.)
(Use only one of the following lead-in paragraphs as instructed below.)
[ Use the following lead-in paragraph when NONE of the following subsections are included in the project special provisions. ]
Comply with Section 00445 of the Standard Specifications.
[ Use the following lead-in paragraph when ANY of the following subsections are included in the project special provisions. ]
Comply with Section 00445 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
(Use the following subsection .11(e) when installation of sanitary or storm sewer pipe is required.)
00445.11(e)Tracer Wire-Replace the sentence that begins "Use 12gauge stranded…" with the following sentence:
Use 12gauge stranded or solid copper insulated high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE) tracer wire or 12guage copper clad steel reinforced insulated HMWPE tracer wire.
(Use the following .74 when constructing new runs or extensions of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, or culvert pipes with any joints, including where the new pipe meets existing pipe or manhole. When used, ensure that the video pipe inspection pay item under 00445.90 is included in the schedule of items.)
00445.74Video Inspection of Sanitary and Storm Sewers-Replace this subsection with the following subsection:
00445.74Video Inspection of Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers, and Culverts-For all existing culverts being extended, perform preconstruction video pipe inspection of the existing culvert according to Section00415. For all existing sanitary sewer and storm sewers being altered or repaired, perform preconstruction video pipe inspection, according to Section00415, between the nearest upstream manhole where Work is not being performed and the nearest downstream manhole where Work is not being performed, including all lateral runs between end manholes.
When constructing a new run, an extension, or a repair of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, or culvert pipe, perform postconstruction video pipe inspection, according to Section00415, of all joints, including the location where new pipe meets existing pipe. Conduct the postconstruction video pipe inspection after backfill and compaction is complete, but before any finish surfacing or final paving is performed.
For pipe sections being replaced, video pipe inspection is not required prior to replacement. Video pipe inspection is not required for pipe sections that are being abandoned.
00445.80(a)Pipes-Replace the bullet that begins "Length-The length will be…" with the following bullet:
•Length-The length will be measured, with no deduction for structures or fittings, along the pipe flow line from center to center of manholes, inlets, or special sections; or the ends of pipe or end sections, whichever is applicable.
(Use the following subsection .90 when item (f) or item (g) is included in the schedule of items. Delete "(s)" or parentheses as appropriate.)
00445.91Payment-Add the following paragraph(s) after the paragraph that begins "In item (e), the outer sleeve…":
(Use the following paragraph when item (f) is included in the schedule of items. Use pay item (f) for every sloped end section on the Project.)
Item (f) includes all sloped end sections, whether manufactured as a sloped unit or cut in the field.
(Use the following paragraph when item (f) or item (g) is included in the schedule of items.
In items (f) and (g), the nominal pipe diameter will be inserted in the blank.