Members / Guests Present
Berit Harpstrite Rudy Ammon Darren Roth Ted Davis Jennifer Johnson Scott Aebly
Pete Cline Kathy Roth Brian Foster
Scott Brown Brandon Foster Ashley Foster Erin Lehr Megan Lehr Mike Kundert Drew Goeke Sarah Goeke Kevin Knudtson
Evan Marchant Ron Cook Markus Zielinski
Danny Van Houten Adrian Schulte Dave Steuri
Eric Diemer Pete Goepfert Dave Cook
Charlie Bennehoff Joe Schwarzenberger Jamie Ditsworth
Chris Malkow Mike Malkow
Austin Foster
Abby Foster
A meeting of the Monroe Stateline Trailblazers was held at the Juda Community Center in Juda, WI. Officers present included Danny Van Houten (President),Rudy Ammon (Vice President), Berit Harpstrite (Secretary) and Kathy Roth (Treasurer).
Danny Van Houten called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
President’s Report
Danny Van Houten thanked everyone for coming. He then welcomed some new members to the club.
Vice President’s Report
Rudy Ammon did not have anything this time.
Secretary’s Report
Copies of last meetings notes was handed out for participating members to read and motion to approve was made by Ashley Foster and Brandon Foster.
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy Roth read the treasurers report and motion was made to approve by Darren Roth and Joe Schwarzenberger.
Trail Boss Report
Due to the wet fields the work day on Saturday is a no go, we will wait and reschedule for another Saturday.
Eugene Showers contacted Darren, he has been putting in the trail in town by Pizza Hut since 1979 and want to retire from doing it.
The Brooklyn Club is having a Pork Chop Dinner along with their December Meeting this Sunday December 6th.
Pete Goepfert – Safety Class, there are 11 kids and 1 adult signed up for class and Pete asked someone from the club to help out Saturday afternoon. One of the students would need help with the testing so that is where the help is needed.
The apparel order is here, there are a lot of the things that are on back order.
March 27 is when we have to serve dinner at the church. We need 17 people to help out with that. We will talk more about this at the next couple of meetings.
Two new members joined the club Mark and Adrian asked the club for a sponsorship. They were heading to Eagle River for the Pink Ribbon Cancer Run. A motion was made to donate $200.00 by Ashley Foster and Joe Schwarzenberger, motion carried.
Pete Goepfert is participating in the MS Run again this year.
This is the last year we will have the ToolCat.
Meeting Adjourned
Danny Van Houten asked if there was any additional new business. He then asked for a motion to adjourn. Ashley Foster made the motion to adjourn and Drew Goeke seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:42pm.
NEXT MEETING – FEBRUARY 4th, 2016 - 7:00pm