HELD AT 7.30PM ON TUESDAY 1st June 2010


1)Present:Dave Smith (Chairman), Carl Walters, John Rowland, William Steele, Ernest Coulthard, Marianne Teasdale,Andrew Humphreys,Edward Thomas, , John Jackson, Pauline Blaire, John Atkinson, Harry Hutchinson, Julia Aglionby, Viv Lewis (Administrator)

2)Apologies:Robert Benson , Charles Raine, Duncan Ellwood and Jane Hilditch.

3)Previous Minutes

Dave read through the minutes of the previous meeting. Pauline Blair was concerned that these minutes did not accurately reflect the discussionat the last meeting on whether UELS internal agreements should include and reward inactive graziers. Pauline suggested that Federation’s view at the previous meeting was that all internal agreementsshould start with the principle that non-graziers with rights to the common should not get a payment. However, the Federation was mindful that internal agreements should not be closed tothe possibility of new/ currently non-active graziersbecoming activegraziers during the lifetime of the agreement.

The current situation is that the ‘Supplement to the Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) Handbook Common Land or Shared Grazing and Uplands ELS’ Environmental Stewardship(ES) Announcement No. 2/10 12 February 2010 states on page 11:

Q37. Should the internal agreement include inactive commoners or graziers?

A: Those who have an active interest in the management of the land could include some non-graziers as well as graziers, typically those who are both entitled to rights of common and have the capacity to exercise them. They may be asked to support the duties of the commoners‘ or graziers‘ association and be in a position to contribute to the minimum level of stocking during the lifetime of the agreement. The internal agreement may include those who have previously agreed to remove livestock from the common so that others can have a viable grazing unit under an agri-environment scheme. Please see the guidance in annexe A on drafting an internal agreement at page 15.

Julia Aglionby stated that she had tried on several occasions to put the Federation’s view on inactive graziers receiving payments at the National Common Land Stakeholder Group (NCLSG) but had not been successful. Also the current guidance is making life difficult as everyone with rights on a commons has to be informed of the intention to enter a common into UELS agreement and the applicant will have to keep a paper trail to show that this has been achieved.

Committee members expressed disquiet at the first sentence in the answer to Q 37 and believed it would better if it was removed

We also considered the issue of whether owners should consent to the internal agreement. This relates to Q 43. (This was not read out at the meeting, but for clarification for these minutes part of Q 43 is reproduced below)

Q43. Are there any special application requirements for commons or shared grazing?

You must be able to declare on the supplementary form that:

  • the owner of the common or shared grazing consents to the Uplands ELS agreement (no consent is needed if the person signing the supplementary form is the owner)

Members thought that this requirement could lead to abuse of the Scheme by an unscrupulous owner, either to get an undeserved share of the payment and/or impose unreasonable conditions on the graziers. It was suggested that we requested that words to the effect of "landowners should not unreasonably refuse to give consent" should be added to the response to Q 43. Members recognized that this may be difficult to enforce

As the next NCLSG meeting is on June 14th it was agreed that the Federation would register our concerns via e-mail to Hugh Craddock, Head of Commons Team, DEFRA and ask for the letter to be read out and considered at the NCLSG meeting. Dave would attend if possible.

Action: Pauline to draft letter of concern and e-mail to Committee Members for comment (Viv to send copies by post to those without e-mail). Dave to e-mail letter to Hugh Craddock and attend NCLSG meeting

4)Matters Arising:

NE Case Study: Andrew Humphries has requested a copy of the NE case study on Mungrisdale to put on the website but has not had a response from Dan Hunt.

Action: Andrew to follow up contact with Dan Hunt

Training days of NE personnel: John Atkinson has contacted Dan Hunt about delivering training days in Lakes and East Fellside,but no response. John has suggested that the theme for the training day in SouthLakes should cover the risk of land abandonment .

Action: John to continue trying to contact Dan Hunt; Dave to contact Tim Nicholson (07836 615146, 0300 0600958) who is likely to coordinate the training days

Grazing Group: Julia Aglionby agreed to take this forward with Dan Hunt. Members agreed that the group should be small (say 10 people) and United Utilities, Environment Agency and National Trust personnel should be invited, alongside at least an equal number of commoners including commoners who graze cattle such as on Little Asby common.

Action: Julia to take this forward

5)Commons Council

Dave proposed that the Federation move towards the establishment of a Commons Council. Members agreed that the first step was a fact-finding 2 nights/ 3 days visit to Dartmoor, Bodmin and Exmoor to hear about and learn what they are proposing to do in terms of setting up and/or running Commons Councils. The team would report back to the committee and then to the Chairs of local commons associations. Proposed members of the trip: Dave, Carl, Harry and Viv with the visit taking place in June or early August (most likely the latter).

Action: Viv to organise the fact-finding visit

In terms of funding the fact-finding visit Viv has made two funding applications (1 turned down). The application to Cumbria Community Foundation will be considered on July 7th 2010 but Viv believed that the chances of success are relatively low as the Federation currently has a significant sum in the bank and donors may expect the Federation to fund this visit from our own resources. Andrew suggested that the visit should go ahead as this type of activity could be legitimately funded with the Hadfield Trust grant monies. The members agreed. We also agreed to seek other funds.

Action: Andrew Humphries and Julia Aglionby to submit a RSA grant application, if appropriate (Viv to provide current funding application as a reference).

Viv to ring Graham Bathe about possible funding from Natural England

6)Consultation on the simplification of livestock movement rules and holding identifiers

This consultation started on 31st March and will end on 30th June and the Federation is a named consultee.

Pauline led the discussion on the part of the consultation document that affects commons namely:

The rules on livestock movements to and from the Commons will be clarified. In simple terms the proposals are:

  • No livestock may go directly onto the Commons without service a standstill (either whole farm or within an isolation facility) on the main holding
  • Livestock going from the main holding to the Coomon will not trigger a standstill on the Common and movements from the Common to the main holding and back to the Common will not trigger a standstill on either
  • Reporting of moves between the main holding and its associated Common will not be required but should be recorded on an on-farm register

The main issue is that bullet point one is unworkable for many hill farms who do not have sufficient land on the main farm to keep hoggs back from wintering for 6 days. Members agreed that this proposal is disproportionate in nature to the risk of disease outbreaks. It was agreed that the Federation should respond to the consultation including the following points:

  • Ask for a derogation so that home-bred stock coming back from wintering away can go straight in to the common
  • Provide evidence of how many farm/ numbers of sheep affected
  • Provide case studies of the difficulties this rule will cause, including the potential for animal welfare issues
  • Provide alternative wording

Action: members to send evidence/ case studies to Viv who will collate the information and send a response to the consultation

7)Website and DVD

Viv proposed that her son, Robin (a 2ndyear IT university student) help re-vamp and up-grade the website so that she and other members of the committee can upload items onto the website to keep it live and up-to-date. He will charge £200 to be funded from the Hadfield Trust grant. Members agreed to the proposal. Members wish to see the final version before it goes ‘live’.

Action: Viv to take the proposal forward, members to provide ideas on new sections/ content of the website

Andrew proposed that another 200 or so copies of the DVD are produced with a new leaflet. This will be funded with Hadfield Trust funds. Viv suggested that we need to identify the target audience before we agree on the final number of copies to be produced. Members agreed to this proposal

Action: Andrew and Viv will work on this.

8)Treasurer’s report

John Atkinson reported that we have a positive bank balance, currently £19,598.43

It was agreed to change the Bank Account to HSBC. The cheques signatories will be John Atkinson, Carl Walters, Dave Smith, Robert Morris Eyton, Dave Smith and William Steel. All cheques will need any two signatories of those listed.

Action: Viv to take this forward

9)Report back on learning visit to northern Spain on common land management

Dave read out his report on the recent learning visit to Spain highlighting the similarities and difference between practices in Cumbria and the areas visited in Spain. Dave, Carl and Viv answered questions from members. The visit was funded by the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism through the Foundation in Common Land. Viv has also written a report which will be disseminated at the 8th National Seminar on Common Land and Town and Village Greens.

10)Report back on Public Benefits provided by the North west Upland Landscapes projectworkshop at Preston on May 25th

Julia provided a brief report back on the workshop. The purpose was to draw on the knowledge and experience of a wide range of stakeholders on how to protect and enhance the wide range of public benefits provided by the upland landscapes of the North West Region. Of note is that food from farming is included in the thirteen ecosystems services.

8th National Seminar on Common Land and Town and Village Greens on 1st July 2010

It was agreed that the Federation would send 3 delegates – Dave, Carl and Viv. Pauline and John agreed to attend, if any of the above could not attend on the day.

Julia, Charles Raine and Edward Thomas will also be attending.

Action: Viv to book places for 3 delegates

11)Any Other Business

There was no AOB

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th August 2010 at Threlkeld Cricket Club commencing at 7:30pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.30pm