TV Production for Friday, October 3, 2014

Good morning Sligo, I am Nathaniel Tinbite and I am Caroline Robertson.

TALENT I We are back! Yes, WSLI has returned to the airways. Today’s introduction music was Patti Labelle’s “You are My Friend” song by Antione Dodson. I know you enjoyed that, just like I did.

There are seven WSLI veteran that have return to the WSLI Station namely, Lauren Feehan, new studio manager, Enzinelia Baba, Ethan Dixon, Aaron Grice, Nathaniel Tinbite, Omesh Authua and myself – Caroline Robertson. We anxiously look forward to sharing with you each Friday morning over our in-house school network – WSLI.

Nate it was a real lonnnnnnnnnng summer. And I really couldn’t wait to return to Sligo. This summer I visited:


TALENT II: Caroline, I too enjoyed my summer and was excited about returning to Sligo.

Here at Sligo ______

TALENT I: Today’s production is dedicated to each staff members. We send a special welcome to Sligo to the following new staff members. Look at power point showing each name.

As a fellow Stallion who have enjoyed Sligo tremendously, I say you too will enjoy being at SMS.

This special Welcome is extended to School Administrator – Mr. Lear; who is also the After School Activity Program Administrator. Welcome new staff members : Mr. Brewer, Ms. Briand, Ms. Fakhrai, Ms. Fenton, Ms. Griffith, Ms. Heller, Ms. Hsieh, Ms. Kassahun, Ms. Peregoy, Ms. Powell, Ms. Suh, Mr. Tommila, Mr. Chauhan, Ms. Romero.

TALENT II: Before sharing school announcements and other celebrations, please stand as we salute The American Flag.


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the republic for which it stands, One nation

Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

Thanks, you may now be seated.

Throughout the year SMS Photographers Tessa Eisen, Morgan, Ellen Plumart, Morgan Allen

and Meghan Plumart will be sharing various photo opportunities in two places: one – in the

WSLI Introduction and the other place will be the SMS Lobby Photo Gallery in the Main Lobby

Hallways. Each Friday, these ladies will share a photo of the week via WSLI and this photo will

be placed in the lobby.

TALENT I Thanks School-wide Photographers.

September 15 – October 15, we are celebrating Hispanic American Heritage Month. Now here’s Aaron Grice with a special salute to Hispanic American Heritage Month.


AARON: Thanks Caroline! Hol’a Stallion! Due to today’s extended programming, I will be very brief. I look forward to sharing more with you on next Friday. And now back to Nate

TALENT II: Hol’a to you and to each Stallions watching this production. Thanks Aaron. Hispanic Americans played a great role and contribution in the building of America. For the next couple of weeks we will highlight various Hispanics and their personal contributions.

TALENT I Enzinelia what’s going on in the After School Activity Program?


ENZINELIA Thanks Caroline! Like Aaron, due to today’s extended programming, I will be very brief. Brief Statement. I look forward to sharing more with you on next Friday. And now back to Nate

TALENT II Thanks Enzinelia. Today, we have the SGA Candidates with us. Please continue to give your full attention to each of the SGA Candidates. And now to the Moderator – Mr. Scott.

MR. SCOTT: Today, I will only introduce the Student Government Association Candidates. Yesterday via, the PA System, each candidate was given 30 seconds to share their speeches with you. The candidates will come in this order: Joanna Linares, Austin Patterson, Stephen Lichtenstein, Anh Nguen and Ruby Hoben.

Hi, Sligo Stallions! I am ______, I am in ___ grade and I am running for ______.

Today, please be sure that you are in the cafeteria during your lunch to vote for your president, vice president, and secretary of the S.G.A. Look for the S.G.A voting table.

Thanks for listening, now back to Mr. Scott.

Share Voting Date and Voting Procedures (if available to do so)

And now, I return the microphone back to Caroline Robertson.

TALENT I Thanks Mr. Scott!

Note to Caroline and Mr. Scott: I am not sure if Principal Wilson will be in the building or available to share greetings. Be open to share the microphone with our Principal. Govern yourself accordingly.

It’s closing time. Thanks Stallions for giving us your undivided attention. If you have any ideas or suggestions for WSLI or perhaps you have a noteworthy story to share with your fellow Stallions, please do so by sharing with Mr. Wilkins. Disclaimer: WSLI reserve the rights to view every story and if not MCPS approve we will be unable to share.

Have a great day and most enjoyable weekend. The weather is nice, so spend time with your family and friends sightseeing in this beautiful Washington Metropolitan area.

Good day.