Mr. Contreras

English IV: Hour,2nd


This literature-based course prepares students for college, technical school, as well as the work force. Throughout the year, students will engage in the reading and analysis of literature with an emphasis on writing and research.

Scope and Sequence:

Class will cover important literary works from the Anglo-Saxon, Renaissance, Restoration, Romantic, Victorian, and Twentieth Century periods. Throughout the year, students will read for literal context, infer content, and analyze literary works. They will also identify literary genres, elements, and language. Incorporated in the writing instruction, students will research, practice the writing process through various modes of writing, and identify correct grammatical usage. Finally, students will manipulate basic oral communication skills to effectively express opinions.


English Department Grading Policy:

  1. Tests, major projects, and select writing assignments overall average is 60% of the total grade.
  2. Daily work, select writing assignmentsand quizzes overall average is 40% of the total grade.
  3. Students will complete a minimum of two assignments per week.
  4. No late work is accepted.
  5. Make up work follows the MHS handbook policy.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Cell phones may not be used during class unless for a specific activity. Use will result in 3 detentions.
  2. Tardiesfollow the handbook policy. If a student is tardy more than three times, he will not receive test curve bonuses.
  3. No outside beverages.

Please complete and return this portion of the syllabus by Thursday, August 25th

***For 100 extra credit points, please have a parent/guardian email me with his/her contact information in ADDITION to signing this sheet***

By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the contents of the English IV syllabus, and I will abide by the written policies and procedures.

Student printed name:Student signature:

Parent/ Guardian printed name:Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parent/Guardian primary email address:

Parents, please check one of the boxes below regarding Parent Portal, which can be accessed at

Yes, I have access to Parent Portal and will keep track of my child’s grades using this resource

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