Quotation for Reportage Services, Scribes & Speaker Management

Table of Contents

1.Conference services

2.About the Consultancy

3.Reportage - Scope of Work

Conference attendance

Transcriptions only

4.Speaker Management - Scope of Work


Conference attendance

Transcription only

Speaker Management

6.Contract Conditions

Quote overruns

Deposit & fees

Exclusions on fees

Required accommodation

Travel & accommodation outside Gauteng


8.Domicilium and notices

9.Acceptance of offer

<Note to user: be aware that red comments are for your attention and do not leave them in the document!>

1.Conference services

The consultancy offers onsite scribe and reporting services for government and commercial conferences and workshops. It also has access to teams of reporters for parallel sessions and can edit and produce proceedings. The consultancy can also work solely from audio transcriptions of proceedings at a 75% mark-up<or insert your requested percentage mark-up>on standard rates. In addition to reportage, the consultancy offers speaker management before and during the conference.

2.About the Consultancy

<Fill in all about you here>

3.Reportage - Scope of Work

Conference attendance

  • Scribes arrive one hour before the conference/session begins and leave after all session material is gathered.
  • For each parallel session, a separate scribe is supplied, at a separate fee
  • All presentations are copied to memory sticks
  • All transcripts of written speeches are collected, where possible
  • All presentations are electronicallychecked for English syntax and clarity, summarised and included in the reports
  • Summarisedelectronic reports are produced within 10working days of the conference

Transcriptions only

  • All material to be supplied on electronic audio files
  • All presentations emailed or, if too large, supplied via Drop Box files
  • All transcripts of written speeches emailed
  • All presentations are electronicallychecked for English syntax and clarity, summarised and included in the reports
  • Summarisedelectronic reports are produced within 10working days of receipt

4.Speaker Management - Scope of Work

  • Speaker manager arrives one day before the conference to collate all PowerPoint presentations,which are required a minimum of 48 hours in advance of presentation
  • Edits all slides into English UK and spellchecks
  • Reviews layout of presentations for maximum viewing effect and correction (eg slides may be split up into multiple slides to avoid illegible script, poor colour choices, large tables etc)
  • Insertion of slides into conference format or addition of conference logo (if required)
  • Indication to the organisers if the presentation will go over the allotted time (on average, presenters should not have more than 1 slide per minute = 30 minutes for presentations and 15 minutes for Q&A)
  • Loading of all presentations to AV desk – clearly marked as per the programme running order
  • On the day, the speaker manager attends each session and ensures that if presentations are amended that the AV desk and master copy have up to date versions
  • At the close of the conference, a master copy of all the presentations is handed over to the events organiser. The speaker manager does not load any presentation to outside memory sticks or to any website, unless instructed to do so by the events organiser.



The consultancy undertakes to provide services at the following fees, based on the conference programme, as provided by the client.

  • For every hour spent at the conference –<insert your fee here such as R540per hour times the number of scribes
  • For transcriptions–insert your fee here such as R540per hour times the number of scribes
Example of fees

As an example, a day conference convening at 9:00 and ending at 17:00 and requiring one reporter would cost:

Conference attendance (9 hours @ R540per hour)R4 860.00

Transcription (7 hours@ R540 per hour)R3 780.00

R8 640.00

A two-day conference from 09:00 to 17:00, with two parallel afternoon sessions on day 1 (14:00-17:00) and two parallel morning sessions on day 2, (09:00 to 13:00) would cost.

Conference attendance (Day 1 - 9 hours @ R540 per hour)R4 860.00

Conference attendance (Day 1 - 4 hours @ R540 per hour)R2 160.00

Conference attendance (Day 2 - 9 hours @ R540 per hour)R4 860.00

Conference attendance (Day 2 - 5 hours @ R540 per hour)R2 700.00

Transcription (21 hours @ R540 per hour)R11 340.00

R25 920.00

Transcription only

These fees are based on the work described above. Transcriptions from audio carry a 75% surcharge on normal hourly rate, because of the continual need to rewind. Transcriptions are not verbatim but summarised reports of proceedings.

As an example, a day conference convening at 9:00 and ending at 17:00 would cost:

Transcription (7 hours@ R540per hour)R3 780.00

75% surchargeR2 835.00

R6 615.00

Speaker Management

A flat fee of R750 per slide presentation - provided original shows do not exceed 45 slides (average number for 45-minute presentation). Should the original show exceed 45 slides, a surcharge of R15 per slide will be levied on the additional slides.

Example of fees

As an example, a day conference convening at 9:00 and ending at 17:00, would have an opening speech (without slides) and be followed by eight presentations throughout the day, thus equalling a speaker management fee of R6 000.

6.Contract Conditions

Quote overruns

This proposal allows for a 5% overrun on conference/editingtimes and speaker management. Should the time quoted for exceed the quoted hours or estimated slide editing time by more than 5%, an adjustment will be made to the final invoice.

Deposit & fees

Fifty percent of the agreed fee is payable before the event and the balance on the first day of the conference. No reports will be handed over until full payment has been received electronically.

Exclusions on fees

Not included in these fees are:

  • VAT charges, as the supplier is not a VAT vendor
  • Registration fees for conference
  • Costs of social events at conference
  • Accommodation at or near venue
  • Traveloutside Gauteng

Required accommodation

  • On conferences over one day, bed & breakfast accommodation for full time scribes is preferred at the venue or within 5 kms of the venue.
  • There is a subsistence rate of R120.00 per day,charged per full time scribe for evening meals

Travel & accommodation outside Gauteng

  • Travel outside the 50-km radius of the officewill charged at R5-40 per kilometre
  • Long-distance travelling (further than 200 kilometres from OR Tambo) will be charged at R5-40 per kilometre or economy class airfare, whichever is the lesser
  • Transport to and from the airport to the conference venue must be provided
  • Bed & breakfast accommodation is preferred at the venue or transport must be provided to and from the accommodation to venue
  • There is a subsistence rate of R120.00 per day,per fulltime scribe for evening meals


In the event of either party (hereinafter referred to as ‘the defaulting party’) committing a breach of any of the provisions of this agreement, then the party which is not so in breach (hereinafter referred to as ‘the aggrieved party’) shall be entitled to give the defaulting party written notice to remedy the breach.

If the defaulting party fails to comply with that notice period within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt thereof, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to cancel this agreement and/or to claim specific performance. The aforesaid is without prejudice to such other rights as the aggrieved party may have at law.

8.Domicilium and notices

The parties choose domicilium citandi et executandi (‘domicilium’) for the purposes of the giving of any notice, the serving of any process, the payment of any monies and for any other purpose arising from this agreement, as follows:


Client’s full registered company nameClient’s full street address (not postal)


Consultancy’s full registered company nameConsultancy’s full street address (not postal)

Each of the parties shall be entitled from time to time, by written notice to the other, to vary its domicilium to any other address, which is not a post office box or poste restante.

9.Acceptance of offer

I, ______, a duly authorised officer of ______, having read the above conditions, agree to the proposed editing/writing fee of R______


Client’s signature

Signed this ______day of ______2015 in ______


Consultant’s signature

Signed this ______day of ______2015 in ______

[You send this contract, already signed with an electronic signature and with your physical address placed in first – now legal disputes take place in your hometown, not the client’s]

October 2015

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