Narrator: Good morning boys and girls. It’s great to see you this morning. Today we’re learning about Paul’s friends Priscilla and Aquila. Priscilla and Aquila were two women that helped Paul tell other people about Jesus. Friends are very important. Are there any friends here today? [encourage controlled bedlam]

Cam: [appears during bedlam] I have lots of camel friends!

Narrator: Hello, Cam! It’s good to see you today. Are your camel friends here today?

Cam: No, they aren’t here today. Some of them go to the camel church in the desert where I live. Some of them are on vacation this week. And I think some of them don’t go to any church. But I do have lots of people friends here today! I see [insert name of child in audience] and [another] and [another] (continue for a few more names if you’d like). They’re my friends! And you’re my friend, too, aren’t you.

Narrator: Yes, Cam. I’m your friend. Friends are very good to have. They talk with you, they play with you, and they laugh with you. Friends can really make you feel good.

Cam: I agree! My friends and I like to play water polo.

Narrator: Water polo?

Cam: Yes! It’s really fun. You get everyone in the water and you throw a ball back and forth and you try to throw it into a goal! It’s like playing soccer in the water.

Narrator: But Cam, don’t you live in the desert?

Cam: Yes, that’s a problem. We don’t have a lot of water to play with. Mostly we just stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other. But maybe some day we’ll get to play in the water.

Narrator: I hope so, too, Cam. Have you ever thought about inviting your friends to come to church with you? There’s no pool here, but we do a lot of fun things.

Cam: That’s true. I have a fun time here on Sunday mornings, making crafts and reading stories, singing songs and listening to stories. I bet my friends would like to come with me sometime.

Narrator: Great, Cam. Be sure to ask your Mom and Dad if it’s ok, but I’m sure they’d be very happy if you brought a friend to church.

Cam: And maybe my friends from church would like to play water polo with me some time? Is there a pool in the church?

Narrator: No, we don’t have a pool.

Cam: Could we fill up the gym with water maybe?

Narrator: No, I don’t think that would be a very good idea. The water would be bad for the wooden floor.

Cam: I guess you’re right. Maybe we’ll just have fun doing the things we normally do in church.

Narrator: That’s probably best. See you next week, my friend Cam.

Cam: See you later!

Written by Scott Wilkinson