Rochester Regional Health Information Management

Procedure Manual


January 1989

January 1990

January 1993

January 1994

January 1995

January 1996

December 1996

January 1997

September 1997

April 1998

April 2000

January 2003
September 2003
April 2004
November 2004
June 2005
May 2006
September 2007
March 2009
November 2010

Table of Contents

Executive Board Decisions 4

Procedure for Installation of Officers 5

Procedures for the President 6-8

Confidentiality Policy/Procedure 9-12

Procedures for the President Elect 13

Procedures for the Past President Director 14-15

Procedures for the Director of Communications 16-17

Procedures for the Director of Finance 17-19

Procedures for the Auditor 20

Procedures for the Director of Education 21-22

Procedure for Planning Educational Seminars 23-26

Procedure for Education Session Cancellation/Refund 26

Procedures for the Director of Bylaws 27

Procedures for Website Coordinator 28

Procedures for Archives Coordinator 29

Procedure for Membership Coordinator 30

Procedures for Dues 31

Procedures for Student Representative 32

Procedures for NYHIMA Delegate(s) 33

Procedure to Obtain Payment Expenses Incurred 34

Ballot Procedure 35-36

Exhibit A Suggested Timeline for Ballot Preparation 37

Exhibit B Letter – Request Ballot Nominations 38-40

Exhibit C Biographical Sketch 41

Exhibit D RRHIMA Ballot 42-43

Exhibit E RRHIMA meeting notice 44-48


Disclaimer: Prior Executive Board Decisions were added to the Procedure Manual under the appropriate categories. The Executive Board in 2010 decided that the Executive Board decisions should remain in the front of the Procedure Manual to serve as a guide for the current Board serving this Association.

Education Seminars:

January 20, 2010 Executive Board decision that Elected RRHIMA Board members

will have their educational sessions free and this is to be reviewed annually by

the RRIMA Executive Board depending on the financial stability of the



APPOINTED: The Installing Officer is chosen by the President to install the newly elected Board members.

PROCEDURE: Opening comments: To include the fact that the membership has chosen those newly elected Board members to represent them, and it is the pleasure of the installing Officer to introduce them and swear them in to their official position.

INTRODUCTION: Ask each new officer to step forward for her introduction:

Past President Director

Director of Finance

Director of Communications

President- Elect

Director of Education

Director of Bylaws

Introduce the incoming President as a member of the current Board of Directors.

Swearing in: Ask members of the new Board to raise their right hand and respond: “I so pledge,” to the following question:

“Do you pledge yourselves to carry out your duties as members of the board of Directors of the Rochester Regional Health Information Management Association of New York State in accordance with the Bylaws, and do you swear to fulfill the duties of your elected office to the best of your ability to the end that the best interest of our profession and of our individual members may be served?”

Conclusion: The installing Officer states:

“I declare the Board of Directors of the Rochester Regional Health Information

Management Association for the year 20__, 20__ installed.”


ELECTED: By ballot of membership. (Serves, first year as President-Elect, the next year as President, and the third year as Past President Director and Chairman of the Nominating Committee.)


RESIGNATION: Must be in writing and submitted to the Board.

VACANCY: Filled for the unexpired term by the President-Elect.


I.  Approval of minutes

II.  Welcome New Member/Students

III.  Director’s reports

IV.  Old business

V.  New business


·  Administer local association effectively

·  Be familiar with AHIMA, NYHIMA, and RRHIMA bylaws and procedures

·  Be informed on accreditation and registration requirements and examination dates.

·  Encourage participation in AHIMA, NYHIMA, and RRHIMA activities.

·  Require satisfactory work by RRHIMA officers and committees.

·  Promote AHIMA, NYHIMA, and RRHIMA:

Þ  Encourage health information management personnel in all medical facilities to become active members.

Þ  Encourage good publicity and cooperation in local health projects.

Þ  Refer anyone wishing to join the Association to the AHIMA Executive Office Membership Division (excluding the supporting and associate categories).

Þ  Instruct those individuals wishing to become inactive members, resign from membership, and (prior to February 28) or be reinstated to membership to write directly to the AHIMA Executive office. Explain the advantage of resignation over forfeiture of membership. Encourage those wishing to resign to remain as members, outlining the advantage of national, state, and local association membership.

Þ  Refer new members to the Membership Coordinator to ensure they receive a letter of welcome, copy of the local Bylaws, and current roster.

Þ  Conduct the affairs of the local association according to the provisions of the local bylaws and written procedures.

Þ  Ensure that RRHIMA bylaws conform to current NYHIMA bylaws and that RRHIMA bylaws have received approval from NYHIMA.

·  Preside at all RRHIMA business and board meetings.

·  Summarize any business transacted by mail or phone and have it acknowledged at the next RRHIMA Board meeting.

·  Shall make appointments to fill unexpired terms of office, with RRHIMA approval, as soon as possible following the vacancy.

·  Shall appoint, with RRHlMA Board approval, a member to audit the Director of Finance books at the end of each year. (This member shall not have received any monies from RRHIMA within the fiscal year being audited).

·  Shall be eligible to sign RRHIMA checks in case of emergency.

·  Annually review the “Executive Board Decisions” with the Board members.

·  Shall prepare and submit a brief annual report of RRHIMA activities for approval by the out-going Board.

·  Respond to requests from NYHIMA related to oversight activities.

·  Notify all candidates of election results.

·  Delegates to the NYHIMA annual meeting shall be elected at the first meeting of the calendar year and the meeting notice should include this. The President shall serve as the first delegate. By April 1, a notice of the number of delegates to which the local is entitled should be received from NYHIMA. Upon receipt of the notice from NYHIMA, a list of the delegates will be sent to the Central Office after verifying with the Director of Finance that the delegates are in good standing. RRHIMA will reimburse RRHIMA delegates to the NYHIMA annual Meeting accordingly:

·  Delegate fee will be reimbursed:

RRHIMA will reimburse delegates mileage set at the current year’s IRS rate. For meeting sites outside of Rochester, an amount rate will be determined by the Executive Board.

·  Forward to the Central Office membership updates, which include additions, changes and deletions.

·  Confidentially notify the candidates by phone of the results of the election prior to the May meeting.

·  Liaison with NYHIMA:

Þ  Keep membership informed of NYHIMA business.

Þ  Keep NYHIMA President informed of major local activities regarding annual meetings, education sessions, recruitment, publications, and public relations.

Þ  Review the record of the latest NYHIMA House of Delegates in the summer issue of NYHIMA Perspectives Online.

Þ  Respond promptly to all correspondence with the NYHIMA Central Office and affiliates.

Þ  Ensure that the Director of Education sends copies of programs to NYHIMA Central Office.

Þ  Attend the Local President's meeting held in conjunction with the NYHIMA annual meeting.

Þ  Annually submit an update of RRHIMA activities for the NYHIMA annual report.

Þ  Send in names of RRHIMA members to the President-Elect of NYHIMA as recommended candidates for committee chairmen/members.

·  Encourage participation in NYHIMA’s speaker’s bureau.

·  Contact Monroe Community College to recruit a student representative in the fall of each year to hold a position on the board of directors.

·  Appoint a Strategic Planning Committee annually to maintain and/or update the RRHlMA Strategic Plan. At the conclusion of the term of office:

·  Forward predecessor's correspondence file to the Archives.

·  Forward correspondence file of the term just completed, and remaining supplies and the procedure manual to one's successor.

·  Make sure all the material is dated prior to the transfer.

CORRESPONDENCE: Copies of all correspondence shall be sent to the President, as appropriate. Comments of a personal nature should be sent on a separate piece of paper.



Statement of Policy: This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Policy and Procedure provides the standards by which Covered Persons will conduct themselves in order to protect and preserve for RRHIMA the confidentiality, secrecy and proprietary nature of information and matters in connection with the its business and operation, which is of great value to RRHIMA. RRHIMA holds each volunteer to the highest level of integrity and loyalty in the interests of RRHIMA and its members.

“Covered Persons” shall include officers, committee chairpersons, special interest group leaders, liaisons, agents, material fiduciary vendors of RRHIMA, officers and directors of Component Local Associations, and other volunteer leaders.

This Policy and Procedure applies to all covered persons.

General Principals:

All Covered Persons are expected to understand that RRHIMA has certain confidential and proprietary information concerning its business and operation, which is of great value to RRHIMA and which represents trade secrets, to which, in order to perform his/her duties, individual covered persons may have access from time to time.

Covered Persons are expected to preserve and protect for RRHIMA the confidentiality, secrecy and proprietary nature of the information and matters in connection with the information, as set forth more fully in the Procedures below.

“Confidential Information” may include books, documents, records, data, facilities, properties, assets and other information relating to RRHIMA, its affiliates and their business and operations, which is not generally known except by RRHIMA. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Confidential Information may also include or relate to technology, products and product specifications, inventions, member business and market forecasts, research, development, accounting, finances, marketing and other related information pertaining to the Business. Confidential Information expressly includes the strategic plans and considered business opportunities of RRHIMA and its affiliates or joint ventures. Such information may be contained in any form or medium and may or may not be designated or marked “confidential” or the like.

“Material consideration” shall mean an amount which is not inconsequential under the circumstances and which shall in all events include amounts over $500.00. It is not intended that fruit baskets, candies, flowers, most meals or drinks, greeting cards, holiday gifts and most “client entertainment” events constitute material consideration.

“Material fiduciary vendor” shall mean any vendor selling services, including professional services, totaling or reasonably expected to total over $5,000 in any year and who regularly advises RRHIMA on policy matters. Not all vendors of RRHIMA will be material fiduciary vendors.

“Proprietary interest” shall mean any present or anticipatory degree or percentage of ownership, personally or as a fiduciary, or officer or director status, in any applicable business or commercial enterprise, whether incorporated or not, or a salaried or retained advisor relationship with such organization.


1.  The Covered Persons acknowledge that the Confidential Information is a valuable proprietary asset of RRHIMA and constitutes trade secrets of RRHIMA.

2.  The Covered Persons agree that they have a duty to maintain the Confidential Information as confidential and secret. The Covered Person further acknowledges that disclosure of any Confidential Information is made in the strictest of confidence and that the information shall be maintained as confidential and secret and shall avoid the unauthorized disclosure, use, publication, dissemination or other communication of the Confidential Information to any third party, including but not limited to, any affiliated or related entity to the Covered Person.

3.  The Covered Persons agree that (s)he will not utilize any of the Confidential Information to the detriment of RRHIMA during their term or tenure, or thereafter.

4.  Covered Persons shall not disclose, use, publish, disseminate or otherwise communicate, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, at any time or in any manner, any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of RRHIMA in each instance; nor shall the covered person permit any of their personnel, agents or representatives do any of the foregoing.

5.  Any Confidential Information which a Covered Person acquires or becomes acquainted with may not be reproduced, copied, summarized or removed from RRHIMA’s premises without the prior written consent of RRHIMA in each instance.

6.  RRHIMA has and shall retain all right, title and interest in and to the Confidential Information and no license or right of any kind or nature in or to the Confidential Information is granted to a Covered Person.

7.  Any Confidential Information that is received by a Covered Person shall be immediately returned to RRHIMA when it is no longer required by the covered person, upon the termination of any business relationship between the Covered Person and RRHIMA, or upon RRHIMA’s demand at any time.

8.  In the event that a Covered Person breaches this Policy and Procedure, RRHIMA shall be entitled to all legal and equitable remedies afforded it by law, and in addition to any and all other forms of relief, RRHIMA may recover from the covered person all reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees incurred in seeking such remedy.

9.  Covered Persons will be provided with a copy of this Policy and Procedure and be required to complete a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Statement (attached) upon hire/appointment and thereafter annually. The Executive Director will be responsible for administering the Annual Disclosure Process. All information obtained on disclosure statements will be held in confidence and released on a need to know basis.

10.  Failure to comply with this Policy and Procedure may subject the covered person to disciplinary action that may include termination from their position.

11.  Any term or condition of this Policy and Procedure may be waived at any time by the Party or Parties entitled to the benefit, but only by a written notice signed by the Parties waiving such terms or conditions. The waiver of any term or condition shall not be construed as a waiver of any other term or condition of this Policy and Procedure.


Amendments, supplements, modifications and revisions may be made at any time, but only in written form. The RRHIMA Board of Directors must approve revisions.