2014 - 2015 Site-Based Decision Making Committee

Roster & Meeting Dates

Carolee Booker Elementary

2014-2015 Campus Improvement Plan

Spring Independent School District

Campus Mission Statement

Our goal is to build a learning community that promotes academic and social development which will empower students to achieve excellence.

Campus Vision Statement

By 2015, Spring Independent School District will be recognized nationally as a leader among learning organizations and known for exemplary student achievement.
Required Position / Committee Member Name / Signature
Chair Person / Keisha Womack
Teacher / Heriberto Rodriguez
Teacher / Tamara Trejo
Teacher / Tania Dixon
Teacher / Jennifer Walker
Teacher / Barbara Homer
Teacher / Shareeica Roberts
Non-Teaching Professional / Stephanie Martin
Parent / Lily Perez
Parent / Nadia Stafford
District Representative / Neil Bonavita
Community Member / Praion Williams
Business Partner / Tamara McAllister


2014-2015 Meeting Dates

Location / Date / Meeting Time / Mtg Confirmed
Booker Elementary / 6/13/14 / 9-3 / X
Booker Elementary / 6/20/13 / 9-3 / X
Booker Elementary / 6/27/13 / 9-3 / X
Booker Elementary / 8/4/14 / 8-12 / X
Booker Elementary / 8/5/14 / 8-12 / X
Booker Elementary / 8/19/14 / 10-12 / X
Booker Elementary / 9/11/14 / 3:45-4:45 / X
Booker Elementary / 10/13/14 / 8-10 / X
Booker Elementary / 11/21/14 / 11-12
Booker Elementary / 12/19/14 / 8-10
Booker Elementary / 1/6/15 / 8-10
Booker Elementary / 2/16/15 / 8-10
Booker Elementary / 3/13/15 / 8-10
Booker Elementary / 4/30/15 / 8-10
Booker Elementary / 5/22/15 / 8-10

2014 - 2015 School Year Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary

Data Sources Reviewed:
  • eSchool Plus 2013-2014 Manning Table Growth templates
  • Eduphoria Istation Reasoning Minds Think Through Math Booker Common Assessments/Kamico
  • Mizuni Reports STAAR Results Gallup Survey Informal Student Survey Teacher certifications
  • Special Program Qualifications (ESL) Professional Development Profiles Curriculum Maps and Planning Guides
  • DFA Data Sign in sheets for parental involvement activities Master schedule Duty rosters
  • Leadership: Admin team and team leaders School structure - teaming (1st-5th) Tech. hardware/software
  • Tech. policies and procedures Resource allocations
  • TAPR 2012-2013 & Academic Excellence Indicator System 2008-2012

Area Reviewed / Summary of Strengths
What were the identified strengths? / Summary of Needs
What were the identified needs? / Priorities
What are the priorities for the campus, including how federal and state program funds will be used?
Demographics /
  • 50 GT students overall
  • SPED population decreased from Week 36 of the 12-13 school year to Week 9 of 13-14 school year
  • Increase male teachers
  • 61% “At-Risk”
  • 81% economically disadvantaged
  • 46% Limited English Proficient students
/ Hire more male teachers to increase achievement in male students
Implement strategies for our at risk students
Student Achievement /
  • Increase SPED overall performance (All subjects, all grades) by more than 25 points.
  • Index 1 increased by 7 points
  • ELL science performance increased by 27 points
  • TELPAS results show an increase in 5th Grade
  • Increase Level III performance in Writing, and Science.
  • Reading overall
  • 5th grade Science
  • 4th grade Writing
  • African American Students overall
  • TELPAS results show a decrease in 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades
/ Reading overall 69% (AA 67%, Hisp. 72%, ELL 68%, ED 69%)- For the 2014-2015 needs to focus on overall Reading K-5 as the biggest gaps occur in that subject area.
African American subgroup appears to have the greatest deficit for all grades and all subject areas.
School Culture and Climate / Overall students think this is a happy, safe environment.
TRIBES agreements prevent discipline issues /
  • Increase after school activities
Increase engagement of new parents and students / Increase opportunities of engagement with all families and staff.
Staff Quality/ Professional Development / Identifying needs of students.
Staff communication of expectations /
  • Increased professional development during the school day.
Retention rate of teachers
  • Increase professional development on working with diverse student populations. Training of culturally responsive educational practices
Staff attendance / Provide incentives to increase staff attendance.
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment / Booker Common Assessments
RTI process
Growth Templates
Daily Intervention block (W.O.W.) for all students K-5 /
  • Planned learning time - PLT
/ Better effective use of PLC to facilitate instructional learning
Family and Community Involvement / Parents attend student activities
Communication methods for non-English speaking parents /
  • No Parent Teacher Organization
  • Increase community partners
  • No Parent Teacher Organization
  • Increase community partners

School Context and Organization /
  • Intervention block is scheduled during the school day. (Working the Work).
  • Admin leadership which includes counselors, IS, and team leaders
/ Focus on implementing teacher committees at the beginning of the year and being consistent. / Increase opportunities of engagement with all families and staff.
Technology / Reading - AR and Istation
Math - Reasoning Mind and Think Through Math
Utilization of technology for data / More laptops
More document cameras and SmartBoards / Writing grants in order to obtain more computers, document cameras and SmartBoards
1 / 2014-2015 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary
Is Your Campus Title I: / Spring Independent School District
YES / NO / 2014-2015
Spring ISD Goal:
Campus Objective 1: / Use a school-wide planning team to create a school culture that engages staff in a data driven process to conduct a comprehensive needs assessments.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Implement growth template to measure student data/growth / CNA
CSP / IS, AS, Admin, teachers / No funding needed
(1)FTE – Eddie Rodgriguez / 8/2014 / 9 week deadline / Using BCAs, DFAs, Istation, Report cards
B.Establish Campus Committees to monitor campus culture, student progress, and staff engagement. / CNA
CSP / Administrators
Instructional Specialists / Local Business Partners
Tribes Trainers
Title I funds
(1)FTE’s / 9/22 / Monthly / Monthly Meeting Agendas
Teacher Surveys
Gallup Results
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 2: / School uses school-wide reform strategies that foster a systematic approach that ensures the learning needs of all students are met.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Continue schoolwide RtI process to review data on all students and students not meeting state standards. / CNA
CSP / Counselor
ELL Specialist
Instructional Specialist
Campus Academic Sp / Counselors, RtI scheduled weekly time, ELL coordinator, IS’s, Campus Academic Specialist (4) / RtIschedule and sign up sheets / Data Collection for Sped Referrals – Every 9 weeks,
Tier 1, Tier II, Tier III data reports every 9 weeks
B. Maintain the 45-minute Daily Intervention block for all K-5 students including, (omputer based programs, guided groups, 1on 1 instruction) / CNA
PD / Teachers
Instructional Specialists
Campus Academic Specialist / $20,000
Instructional Licenses/Materials
(4) FTE’s / 8/14 / Target Groups and Target plans available
Weekly / Growth Templates – 9 weeks
RtI data – monthly report
Data from Monitor Groups – every 3 week per content area and DFA 3x per year
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 3: / Create a highly effective school that has highly qualified staff that makes learning a priority for all students.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A.Promote the 6 Exceptional Systems for a No Excuses University School / TD
CSP / IS, AS, Admin, Teachers,
Parents, Students, & Community / NEU student planners
NEU Mandatory Conference
(4) FTE’s / 8/14 / Every Day
Skill Per Month / Manning Table
STAAR 2015
B. Implement TRIBES schoolwide to promote staff and student relations. / TD
TOTs / $250 – Tribes Books
$200 – Tribes Training Snacks
Title I funds
(2) FTE’s / 7/28-30
8/14 / Monthly / Trained Roster
TRIBES PD sign in sheets
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 4: / Intentionally target professional development strategies that ensure teaching staff, as well as others who support learning, are prepared to address the needs of all learners.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Provide weekly PLCs with each team focusing on data driven instruction / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialists
Campus Academic Specialist / $200 – Local funds
(General Budget)
(3) FTE’s / 9/2/14 / Weekly
9weeks / PLC meeting agendas/sign-in sheets
Completed Growth Templates for grade levels
B. Provide staff development opportunities on Mondays and Wednesdays / CNA
CSP / Administrators
Accountability Specialist
Campus Academic Specialist
Instructional Specialists / $1500 – Title I funds
Measuring Up
Title I funds
$2900 - STAAR Test maker
(1)FTE / 8/14 / Weekly
9 weeks
Per semester / Eduphoria Staff Development Reports
Completed Growth Templates
Student Data Reports
C. Conduct Data Digging Days to analyze data (item analysis, BCA/DFA comparison data, trend data) / TD
ASD / Accountability Specialist
Campus Academic Specialist
Instructional Specialists
Teachers/ Administrators / Kamico Student Assessments
Title I funds
(1)FTE / 9/14 / Every 6 days per team / PLC minutes from each team, Data from BCA’s, DFAs, Collected every 3 weeks, 9 weeks, and twice a semester
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 5: / Address the needs of students by staffing our campus with highly qualified staff that has the experience and the knowledge necessary to address the unique contextual issues inherent to our campus.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A.Hire more male teachers to increase achievement in male students / CNA
CSP / IS, AS, Admin / Haberman Screener
Local Funds
$48,500 x teachers
(4) / 8/14 / Annual / Manning Table
STAAR 2015
B. Hire Bilingual Certified Educators to increase student achievement in ELL population / CNA
CSP / Administrators / Title I funds
Tania Dixon
Luis Romero
Eddie Rodgriguez / 8/14 / Annual / Manning Table
Telpas 2015
C. Require ESL certification for all professional staff members to support ELL learners / CNA
HQS / Administrators / Title III funds
$77 per certification
$120 per ESL test
(per non certified teacher)
30 Teachers / 8/14 / MonitorMonthly and update roster / Manning Table
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 6: / Use meaningful and variousparental involvement strategies that engage all parents in supporting student learning that occur in the home and at school.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Curriculum Nights for each content area / CAN
CSP / Administrators
Instructional Specialists
Title I Parent Liaison / $1000 – Title I funds
(1)Eddie Rodgriguez / 9/2014 / Monthly / Sign-In Sheets
Parent Survey Results
B. Create a parent forum entitled Parent University to inform parents about college readiness / CNA
CSP / Administrators
Instructional Specialists
Title I Parent Liaison / $2000 – Parent Liaison Stipend Title I funds
$1000 – Title I funds
(3)Tania Dixon& Luis Romero & Tammy Trejo / 8/14 / Monthly / Meeting Agendas/Parent Sign In Sheets
Parent Surveys
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 7: / Create a transition plan that helps smooth the transitional process from one grade level to the next grade level as well as one grade span to the next grade span.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A.Vertical Alignment Meetings facilitated through Monday Meetings and PLCs / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialists
Campus Academic Specialists
Administrators / TEKS – none
Texas Coach - $1600
Title I funds / 8/14 / Quarterly / Meeting Agenda Notes
Curriculum Maps
B. Monitor AIPs for all student target groups (AA, ELL, Sped, ED) and provide extended Intervention time during and after school / CNA
CSP / Campus Academic Specialist
Instructional Specialist
Accountability Specialist
Counselors / Identified Monitor Groups through Eduphoria
Item Analysis Reports from 2013-2014 STAAR
Kamico Student Tracker / 8/14 / Weekly
Nine Weeks / Updated and Mastered AIPs
STAAR results
New Monitor Groups
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 8: / Incorporate a data-driven instructional process that relies on standardized or statewide testing, as well as classroom and informal assessment tools to provide staff with professional development to assist them in using and generating a variety of data forms.
Action Steps / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Implement Schoolwide Planning two days per week / CNA
CSP / Teachers
Instructional Specialists
Campus Academic Specialists
Administrators / Planning Time (50min)
(2) Instructional Specialists / 8/14 / Weekly / Lesson Plans
Curriculum Maps
B. Use Booker Common Assessments (BCA) and District Formative Assessments to monitor student progress / TDA
ASD / Teachers
Instructional Specialists
Campus Academic Specialists
Administrators / PAPER
$12,000 – Local Funds
(4) Brandi Crochett
Eddie Rodriguez
Math&ELA IS / 8/14 / Every 3 weeks per content area / BCA Bank
DFA/BCA scores
STAAR scores
C. Implement Thinking Maps to help students enhance academic skills and improve soft skills such as organization / CNA
CSP / Teachers
Instructional Specialists
Campus Academic Specialist
Administrators / $5000 – Training and Materials
Title I funds
(3) Sharron Dickerson
Kathie Nelson & Meewan Wright / 8/14 / Monthly
Daily / STAAR writing scores
Lesson Plans
Thinking Maps Planning Schedule
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 9: / Use structures that address the needs of every child and identify struggling students as well as implement targeted strategies to support student learning through routine data analysis.
Action Steps / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A.Monitor Booker Common Assessments (BCA), progress reports, report cards and growth templates / CNA
CSP / Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Instructional Specialist, Campus Academic Specialist / Paper $500 – General Fund
(2) At-Risk Specialist and Campus Academic Specialist / 8/2014 / Progress report and report card timeline / Every 3 weeks - BCA
Every 4 weeks – Progress Reports
Every 9 weeks – Report Cards
B. Target groups using the Math and Reading Item Analysis / CNA
CSP / Teachers, Instructional Specialists, Campus Academic Specialist / Paper $200 – General Fund
(2) Instructional Specialist / 8/2014 / BCA item analysis / After each assessment
See Box Above
Physical Education Plan – Elementary Campuses Only
Spring ISD Goal: / In order to meet the intent of 19 TAC 74.32, Physical Activity Programs for Elementary School Students as adopted by the State Board of Education, March 22, 2002.
Students will participate in physical activity for a minimum of either 30 minutes daily or 135 minutes weekly using TEKS-based physical education class or a TEKS-based structured physical activity.
Campus Objective: / Grade Level / Kinder / First Grade / Second Grade / Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade
Minutes per Week
Action Steps / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
  1. Integrate physical activity on our master schedulein the form of recess
/ Teachers / Playground equipment
$1,000 General Budget
56 Classroom Teachers / 8/2014 / Lesson Plan / Weekly Walkthroughs
Master Schedule Minutes
Teacher Surveys every 9 weeks
(What’s Hot What’s Not)
B. PE is included in the master schedule / PE Teacher
Classroom Teacher / Equipment $300
General Budget
(3) Administrators
(1) Coach / 8/2014 / Lesson Plans
POs / Weekly Walkthroughs
Master Schedule Minutes
40 weeks of lesson plans including minutes and activities

Ten School-wide Components Key:Page1

CNA – Comprehensive Needs Assessment / SRS – Reform Strategies / HQS – Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers / PD – High Quality Professional Development / SAT – Strategies to Attract HQ Teachers
PI – Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement / T – Transition / TDA – Teacher Decision-Making Regarding Assessments / ASD – Effective and Timely Assistance to Students / CSP – Coordination and Integration

Progress Indicator Key:

Not Started / I
In Progress / C Completed