Campaign for National Parks

Application Form

Please read the accompanying notes before you start to complete this form.

Please complete this form and sign the statement below. When complete please returnto: Campaign for National Parks, 5-11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ or to return by email to: .

Please DO NOT send your CV.

For the purposes of equal opportunities, the personal details will not be seen by the selection panel. Please do not write your name on any other part of this form or on any continuation sheets.

Post Applied For: Campaigns and communications officer

Personal Details

Surname: Title:



Postcode: Email:

Telephone (daytime): (Evening):


Availability for Interview

Please indicate any dates when you will not be available for interview. Please note that the expected interview date is Monday 15 May.

Period of Notice (if any):


Please give names and contact details of two referees. Please indicate if you do not wish references to be taken up before interview.

Referee 1 / Referee 2
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Relationship (e.g. employer): / Relationship (e.g. employer):
Telephone: / Telephone:
Email: / Email:


I understand that if any information is given on this form which is false, it may be regarded as grounds for dismissal.

Signed: Date:

Academic Qualifications

Institution / Subject / Grade / Year

Professional or Other Relevant Qualifications

Please list below:

Previous Work Experience

Please start with the most recent, and include any voluntary work.

Dates (from/to) / Employer (include name, address, phone number) / Post held and key responsibilities / Salary

If any periods since leaving school are unaccounted for above, please describe these below:

Personal Interests or Hobbies

Please list below:

Reasons for Application and Supporting Information

Please state below your reasons for applying for this post, making sure that you address each of the requirements as set out in the person specification.

You should mention any additional information that you feel is of interest in support of your application.