College of Life and Environmental Sciences: Biosciences
Postgraduate Student-Staff Liaison Committee Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20 July 2011, 10.00 am, GP328B
and videolinked to Tremough
Present: Prof Tamara Galloway, Director of PG Studies (Biosciences Exeter)
Dr John Hunt, Director of PG Studies (Biosciences Tremough)
Bev Harris, Student Representative, Exeter
Devi Newcombe, Student Representative, Tremough
Chris Coles, Student Representative, Tremough
Sulayman Mourabit, Student Representative, Exeter
Sophie Clarke, Student Representative, Exeter
Christopher King, Student Representative, Tremough
Apologies: Dr Nikki King
Reporting: Postgraduate Research Administrator (CLES Exeter): Sarah Mudge
Postgraduate Research Administrator (CLES Tremough): Claire Guy
Agenda Item / Comments / Action11/12.0 /
Minutes of the previous meeting (07.04.11)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.11/13.0 / Matters Arising from the Minutes
11/11.0 – 3 year PhD – DN stated that she was concerned about PhD students
having to submit their thesis within 3 years. She felt this was too short a
period and would not allow for publications etc. TG said that most students
were only funded for a 3 year period, so submission within a 3 year period would
fall in line with funding. TG said she would speak about this at the Induction in
/ TG
11/22.0 / Report on Discussion of SSLC Business at College Research Committee
(or equivalent)
Nothing to report. Tamara said that she did not attend this Committee but did
receive a copy of the minutes. JH to request that he receive copies of the minutes in future.
New and Revised Programme Developments
TG reported that with effect from 1 October 2011 all new postgraduate students
will enter on an MPhil with the opportunity to upgrade to a PhD within 18 months.
JH thought we need to look carefully at what training we offer postgraduate
students. He requested that student reps discuss with colleagues what they need
and arrange for staff to run appropriate training courses. BH said she had spoken
to James Wakefield about this and postdocs in Exeter are starting to arrange
training courses.
It is essential that postgraduate students attend the generic training courses offered by the University as these cover more broad issues not covered within
their PhD. TG to cover training at the Induction.
CC asked if Bioinformatics courses in particular could be made available at Tremough and any others which are run at Exeter which would be of benefit.
It was felt that students who started at any other time rather than October must have a comprehensive Induction, and also that Supervisors should be sent a
checklist as to what they should do.
Teaching (including the dissemination of good practice and programme
and module evaluation)
SM raised the question of teaching during continuation. TG said that no teaching
duties should be allocated during the writing-up period.
BH asked about extensions to submission dates due to the large amount of
Teaching undertaking. TG said each case would be considered on its own
Individual merits.
Assessment and Feedback
Nothing to report.
Academic Support
Nothing to report.
Organisation and Management
Nothing to report.
Learning Resources (including Library, IT and other Teaching/learning
Nothing to report.
Employment, Employability and Personal Development
Nothing to report.
Reports and Responses to Internal and External Systems of Accountability
Nothing to report.
Any Other Business
Mentors – A general discussion on allocation of Mentors took place with the general feeling, that to secure confidentiality, the mentor should not be
“best friends” with the student’s supervisor but it was felt that this would be very
difficult to address. It was noted that mentors have not been allocated to first
year postgraduate students on MyPGR. Still awaiting permission from HoS to
allocate mentors. In the meantime TG and JH said that they would be willing
to meet with any postgraduate student.
DN requested that a vending machine serving both food and drink be provided in the Biology area of the Cornwall campus for use in “out of hours” working, when all other facilities were unavailable. Helen Ratcliffe be asked if one can be made available.
DN said that students had to wait a long time, maybe 2/3 months, to get their expenses back from Finance. TG suggested that payments be made from their grant in advance or use the College credit card. This delay is of significant
importance to self-funded students.
SC raised the question of the supervision of project students. If the PI has no postdoc the responsibility of supervision falls with one of the postgraduate students. TG suggested that if a student finds themselves in this situation
they approach either her or JH.
SM suggested that Lab Inductions especially relating to chemicals be put in place for undergraduate project students. He felt that better training and induction should be given before undertaking a lab project. TG said that a new training system was being introduced from 1 October 2011. JH confirmed that the responsibility for undergraduate students in the labs when undertaking projects, lies with the PI and not postgraduate students and that they should be given training and lab induction. It was suggested that TG and JH speak to supervisors about this.
JH enquired if a system is in place for NERC students to apply for 6 months extra funding. BBSRC student are automatically on 4 years funding as part of their studentship.
BH informed the meeting that as a result of the recent survey/questionnaire that had been sent to postgraduate students, it had come to light that many students are undertaking more than their contracted hours of teaching duties. TG to look into this and stressed that they are not required to undertake extra teaching duties over and above their contracted hours, and if asked to do so they should decline.
DN stated that marking of undergraduate papers can take a long time and LTHE Stage 1 does not give sufficient insight into the knowledge that is needed to mark.
TG stated that postgraduate students should not be undertaking this when they first start their postgraduate research as they do not have enough experience in their given subject. She will put this before the Teaching Committee.
SM suggested that a set of guidelines be drawn up showing what duties PIs can ask their postgraduate students to undertake. TG to look into the permitted duties of postgraduate students.
The meeting closed at 11.40 am. / JH