Tender Cost - Rs. 500/-
ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Tender No. Purchase:2011-12 (OMR) 19th October 2011
Sub: Outsourcing of printing and supply of OMR forms , automatic coding of answer books, capturing of centre-wise attendance, marks, etc. throughscanning, integration of data with ExamSystem (Dot Net with SQL)for result processing on Turnkey basis.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India is a statutory body under an Act of Parliament. It is functioning under the overall administrative jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, with its headquarters located at “ICSI House” 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003.
The tender document may be obtained during working hours from 19th October 2011 to 28th October 2011 (upto 11.00 AM) on all working days (except Saturday, Sunday & Gazetted Holidays)from the office of the Director (Administration) of the Institute on payment of non-refundable tender cost of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by Cash / Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at “New Delhi”. The tender document can also be down loaded from the website of the Institute ( for which tenderer would be required to enclose a demand draft of Rs. 500/- as mentioned above towards the cost of the tender document along with their quotes, failing which the tender shall be summarily rejected.
Sealed quotations consisting of “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid” are invited by the Secretary & CEO, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (“ICSI”), ICSI HOUSE, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi from parties for outsourcing of printing and supply of OMR based cover page of answer books, Barcode enabled Attendance sheets, Automatic generating and printing of Code Nos. on Answer Books; and capturing of Centre-wise attendance ofexaminees and subject-wise marks after evaluation through scanning/processing, integration of data with dot net exam module and providing required reports for result processing on turnkey basis as per details given in Scope of Work (Annexure-I )
The bidders are also required to submit an earnest money deposit (EMD)of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) for printing and supply of OMR Forms by way of demand draft drawn in favour of TheInstitute of Company Secretaries of India, payable at New Delhi. Incomplete quotations and the quotations not accompanied with earnest money shall be summarily rejected. The earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded without any interest/Bank commission/collection charges after the acceptance of the tender/award of the contract.
Sealed quotations addressed by name to Shri N K Jain, Secretary & CEO, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India may be sent at the Institute’s address in the prescribed manner mentioned herein below, duly accompanied with, in two separate sealed envelopes (i) EMDand “Technical Bid” (Annexure- II) and (ii) “Financial Bid” (Annexure-III)placed in one bigger sealed cover super scribed “Quotation for ICSI Examination result processing on Turnkey basis” and the samemust reach office of the Secretary & CEO, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 either by Registered Post/Speed Post or by dropping in the quotation box placed at 3rdFloor not later than 12.00 Noon on 28th October 2011.
The tender (Technical Bid) will be opened on 28thOctober2011 at 2.00 PM in the Institute’s Headquarters building at the address given above in the presence of Tenderer or their authorized representatives present at the time of opening the tender and there will be no separate communication in this regard.
- The Institute shall not be liable for any postal delays and tender received after the stipulated time/date are liable to be rejected summarily without giving any reason.
- All the quotations are to be submitted as per details given in the enclosed Annexure-I on Vendor’s letter head duly signed, stamped and dated on each page as their unconditional and explicit concurrence to the terms and conditions laid down by the Institute.
- The specifications of the paper to be used alongwith the sample of paper & brand name shall be specifically mentioned in the quotation.
- ICSI shall have the right to assess the competencies and capabilities of the Tenderer by going through the credentials given in the Technical Bid and on the basis of such credentials, ICSI may reject the candidature of the Tenderer without assigning any reason. In such case(s) the Financial Bid shall not be opened for that particular Tenderer.
- The Financial Bid of only those parties who qualify in the technical scrutiny shall be opened and time and date for opening the financial bid shall be intimated separately.
- The successful bidder would be required to make a Security Deposit of 3% ofthe total value of the contract by way of crossed demand Draft Drawn in favour of ‘The Institute of Company Secretaries of India’, payable at ‘New Delhi’ or execute Bank Guarantee of the equivalent amount of 3% within 10 days of placement of the work order. The Security Deposit shall not bear any interest and in case of any Default/Non-performance as per the schedules indicated for printing, delay penalties as stated in clause No. 23, 25, 28 would be imposed which would be recovered from the Security Deposit.
- Normal payment term is 30 days and the payment would be made through the RTGS system on receipt of bill/s after supply of entire quantityand on satisfactory completion of the work at the designated places as per instructions of the Institute.
- The Vendor must be in existence for a minimum period of EIGHT years of which at least 5 years should have been on result processing projects and should have experience of doing similar work in Examining Body conducting examinations at All India level;
- The Vendor must possess ISO certification (Attach copy) with annual turnover of at least Three Crores and above for the last three financial years 2007 – 08, 2008-09 and 2009-10. (Copies of Audited Balance sheets and IT returns must be attached)
- The bidder should produce certificates regarding the Vendor’s past experience in handling examination result processing jobs.
- Previous experience of successful implementation of e-numbering process will be given preference.
- Vendor should have at least eight numbers of Automatic Dummy Numbering Machines.
- Vendor must enclose banker’s certification on satisfactory banking.
- Vendor should have VAT/CST and PAN number.
- Vendor must enclose VAT, CST and Service Tax payment challans for the current month.
- Vendor must enclose the recent payment challans for having remitted PF and ESI contribution to Government.
- The Vendor should submit a satisfactory performance report from at least three Examining Bodies for handling similar jobs;
- The Vendor shall have to undertake to start the scanning and processing of OMR Sheets for bi-annual examination including special examination, if any, expeditiously be within three days from the date of request from the Institute at ICSI NOIDA Office : C-37, Sector-62, Noida-201301.
- The Vendor shall require to transport OMR based Cover page of Answer Books at designated place FOR Bidar (Karnataka) and other OMR forms shall be delivered at Institute’s designated premises FOR Noida (Uttar Pradesh)within 20 days of the placement of the order.
- The interested / eligible bidders are, therefore, advised to go through the OMR Sheets so as to understand the nature of work involved in printing, supply, scanning, processing of OMR Sheet and capturing/retrieval and integration of data for producing the desired output / reports for result processing;
- The rates should be all inclusive of VAT, S.T, Octroi, transportation charges, etc. The quotation shall remain valid for a period of one year.
- The Vendor must display its capability for one full life cycle of the examination project in a dry run on a sample data of 100 sheets to be distributed over 20 examiners at the site within 30 days of the issue of the Purchase/Work Order.
- The Vendors / Bidders should note that Examination related activities as specified in this Tender Document are of confidential nature. It shall be the responsibility of the vendor to take all necessary precautions and measures to maintain utmost confidentiality with regard to each and every stage of work. In case of breach of confidentiality at any stage of work, the Institute may impose any financial penalty or may take any other course of action, as deemed fit, and the same will be binding on the Vendor.
- Contract Period: The contract shall be initially for a period of one year, which may be extended for a further period of one year on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
- The ICSI reserves the right to terminate the Contract with an advance notice in writing of one month without assigning any reason, whatsoever. The Contract can also be terminated at the request of the Contractor, with an advance notice of 3 (three) months in writing. In case the contractor fails to give the advance notice of 3 (three) months, then he shall be liable to pay liquidated damages @ 2.5 % of the total cost of billing by the Contractor besides forfeiture of Security Deposit.
- The bidder cannot assign or transfer and sub-contract its interest / obligations under the contract without prior written permission of the ICSI.
- The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations including the lowest tender/s without assigning any reason at its sole discretion and the decision of the Institute will be final and binding on all concerned.
- All disputes, differences, claims and demands arising under or pursuant to or touching the contract shall be referred to the arbitrator to be appointed by the Secretary & CEO of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi. The award of the sole arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties under provisions of the Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modifications on re-enactment thereof as in force. Place of such arbitration proceedings shall be at Delhi.
Should there be need for any further information/clarification, you may contact, Mr. T R Manik, Joint Director (Examination), Noida Office: C-37, Sector-62, Noida-201301 or the undersigned at telephone No. 011-45341052 on any working day during office hours.
Date: 19th October 2011(P K GROVER )
Sl. / Item Requirements / Technical Specifications.1. / OMR Cover Sheets of Answer Book No. 1
Approx. 4,40,000
(Four Lakh and Forty Thousand) / The OMR Cover Sheets should be of A-3 Size (Wrapper – after folding 4 page of A-4 size each) and of 100 - 110 GSM Paper with scanable quality
On front side there should be OMR design and bar code for capturing image and data and on reverse of the front page instructions should be printed. The Back two cover page would contain ruling, as per samples. All OMR Sheets should be scanned and verified before supply.
1(b) / OMR Cover Sheets of Answer Book No. 1B (Graph Sheets as its last pages)
Approx. 30,000
(Thirty Thousand) / The OMR Cover Sheets should be of A-3 Size (Wrapper – after folding 4 page of A-4 size each) and of 100 - 110 GSM Paper
On front side there should be OMR design and bar code for capturing image and data and on reverse of the front page instructions should be printed. On back two cover pages would contain Graph Sheets, as per samples. All OMR Sheets should be scanned and verified before supply.
1(c) / OMR Cover Sheets of Answer Book No. 1C (Precis Sheets as its last pages)
Approx .30,000
(Thirty Thousand) / The OMR Cover Sheets should be of A-3 Size (Wrapper – after folding 4 page of A-4 size each) and of 100 - 110 GSM Paper
On front side there should be OMR design and bar code for capturing image and data and on reverse of the front page instructions should be printed. On back two cover pages would contain Precis Sheets, as per samples. All OMR Sheets should be scanned and verified before supply.
2. / Attendance Sheets with Bar Code Stickers
Approx .30,000
(Thirty Thousand) / The Attendance Sheets with Bar Code Stickers should be of legal Size and of 110 - 120 GSM Paper
Attendance Sheet should contain at least 5 Examinees’ Name, Roll No., Registration No., Examination Centre, Stage and Module of Examination, Scanned Photograph and signatures; Bar code sticker for each day’s examinations for removing from attendance sheet and sticking the same on answer book and space for signature by the Examinees on each day of examination. Center-wise Attendance Sheet should be printed for each Stage and Module of examinations and would vary from 2 papers to 8 papers in case of each examinee. Bar Code Sticker affixed on the Answer Book by the examinee should be correctly and distinctly identifiable.
Sl. / Item Requirements / Technical Specifications.
3. / Examiners’ Tabulation Sheets
(Marks Sheets)
Approx. 30,000
(Thirty Thousand) / OMR based Examiners’ Tabulation Sheet (Marks Sheets) should be of A-4 Size and of 100-110 GSM Paper with scanable quality
OMR based Examiners’ Tabulation Sheet/Mark Sheet should have minimum 20 Coded Roll Nos (as per sample) for placing on the respective bundle of answer books.
Marks Data after evaluation be captured through scanning of Examiners’ Tabulation Sheets and compiled. Thereafter the marks data collated through scanning of Examiners’ Tabulation Sheets be verified with scanned marks data of cover page of answer books and removing all discrepancies, clean, corrected and complete data in Dot Net with SQL should be supplied on CDs /DVDs for result processing.
4. / Absentees List
Approx. 10,000
(Ten Thousand) (with in-build Carbon Copy) / Centre-wise Absentees’ List of A-4 Size and of 100-110 GSM Paper (with in-built Carbon Copy in Blue Colour) with scanable quality
Each sheet of Centre-wise Absentees List should contain minimum 80 Roll Nos. for each day’s examination for making list of absentees thro’ darkening of bubbles against the Roll No by the Examination Centre concerned. Data of Absentees received from all examination centres for each day ofexamination be captured thro’ scanning of Centre-wise Absentees’ Lists and Day-wise and Centre-wise Absentee Data shall be compiled and verified with that of respective Examinees’ Answer Books received.
5. / Other Related Work /
- The Vendor should have its own arrangements of scanners, software together with requisite hardware and competent manpower for printing and supply ofOMR Cover Sheet of Answer Books*, Bar Coded Attendance Sheets; Absentees Lists and Examiners’ Tabulation Sheets and scanning thereof at the Institute’s Noida Office Premises. The Vendor shall hand over all the scanned data (including images) to the Institute given in the format (In Dot Net SQL) required by the Institute and integration of data with Exam System (Dot Net with SQL) for result processing on Turnkey basis in a time-bound manner.
- The vendor is required to transport OMR based Cover page of Answer Books mentioned at Annexure-III Sl.No. 1 to 3 at designated place FOR Bidar (Karnataka) and other OMR forms mentioned at Annexure-III Sl.No. 4 to 6 shall be delivered at Institute’s designated premises FOR Noida (Uttar Pradesh) within 20 days of the placement of the order.
- Scanning of Centre-wise and Examination-wise Absentees List and capturing of data and image in the format (In Dot Net SQL) as required by the Institute for the processing of results. Providing reports on each examination relating to No. of candidates appeared, absent, exempted and expelled from examinations at Examination Centre/All-India level.
- Scanning for capturing data and image of the first Cover Page of Answer Books and printing of Automatic Dummy Numbers at 2(Two) places on cover page of answer books thro’ a single scan, detaching the top perforated portion from first Cover Page ofexaminees Answer Books and bundling the Answer Books together with Examiner’s Tabulation Sheet in separate covers in segregated/prescribed manner and made available to Institute. Data of scanned Answer Books should be collated, verified and corrected with that of Centre-wise and Examination-wise Absentees’ Data. Reports relating to No. of Answer Books received from each exam venue shall be made available to the Institute. (Variation reports shall also be provided to Institute.)
- Scanning of first cover page of evaluated answer books for capturing of marks (data and image) awarded by the examiners. Marks data shall be collated, corrected and verified. (Variation reports shall also be provided to the Institute.)
- Scanning of Examiners’ Tabulation Sheets for capturing of marks (data and image) awarded by the examiners. Marks data shall be collated, corrected and verified with marks awarded on the respective answer books. (Variation reports shall also be provided to the Institute.)
- Matching of candidates’ appearance vis a vis marks awarded shall be collated, corrected and verified. (Variation reports shall also be provided to the Institute.)
- Conversion of dummy number data into student’s Registration No./Roll No.of the candidate and data to be given in the specified format as required by the Institute for the processing of results.
- Sample manual checking of 10% data of all stages ofexamination activities in the prescribed manner. (Hard copies of such verified reports and corrections shall be handed over the Institute.
- Validation and correction of data wherever required (Variation reports shall also be provided to the Institute.)
- The data transfer on daily basis in ICSI Data structure shall be the responsibility of the vendor.
- Result-cum-marks Statement shall be prepared and hosted on Institute’s website with requisite security features from the data provided by the Institute at ICSI servers with proper load balancing.
Following Reports with data, in SQL (RDBMS) format and integration with examination module, are required to be submitted by the Vendor to the Institute after necessary corrections (manual and in computer records) and validation of data —