Fellowship Bible Church of Philadelphia, Incorporated Bylaws

  2. Worship Services
  3. Church services will be held each Sunday unless the Elders determine otherwise. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at least once each month ormore frequently as possible at a time determined by the Elders.
  4. Business Meetings
  5. The church's fiscal year will begin January 1. The Annual Meeting of the church will be held during the month of January each year and will be announced two Sundays in advance. The purpose of this annual business meeting is to elect Elders and to vote on relevant business for the current year.
  6. Quorum
  7. A business meeting or special meeting is not established unless a quorum of more than 50% of the active church membership is present.If the church fails to establish a quorum in two consecutive meetings, a third meeting will be held and recognized based on the active voting members present and a quorum will not be required.
  8. Special meetings
  9. A special meeting may be called by the church Chairman, by the Lead Pastor, by the Elders, or by a petition of 33% of the voting membership. Church Business and specially called meetings will be announced at least two Sundays in advance.
  10. Congregational Voting
  11. Every member of the congregation will be privileged to participate actively in all congregational meetings and to vote at all elections, providing the member has reached 18 years of age. All matters, unless otherwise stated in specific instances in the Constitution or Bylaws, will be determined by majority vote (one more than half of all votes cast). There will be no absentee ballots.
  2. Application
  3. Anyone desiring membership will contact the Elders who will provide the applicant with a copy of the Constitution, Bylaws of the church and a Membership Application. Applicants for membership must read and agree to the church Constitution.
  4. Additionally, the applicant must have faithfully attended worship services for three months and attended the church orientation classes prior to being accepted for membership. After agreement to the churchConstitution,Bylaws, completion of orientation classes and submission of their application, the applicant will be interviewed by a minimum of two Elders who will report back to the Council of Elders. Exceptions to the above application process can be made by the Elders.
  5. Appropriate candidates will then be recommended by the Elders for approval to the congregation. The applicant will be receivedinto membership by 75% of the votes cast at any regularly scheduled church service or specially called congregational meeting. The applicant will not be present during the vote. The accepted applicant will be publicly received into membership at one of the congregation's Sunday services.
  6. Conduct
  7. Members will lead a consistent Christian life in word and in deed, according to the teaching of the Holy Scripture, and seek to edify one another in the faith. They will promote the unity and welfare of the congregation. They will prayerfully and diligently study the Word of God, keep the Lord's Day holy, regularly attend scheduled services, and faithfully and reverently partake of the Lord's Supper.
  8. They will exercise their spiritual gifts and God-given talents on a consistent basis. Through the principle of personal and consistent support (1 Cor 16) each member, according to his/her ability,will support the congregation through tithes and other gifts.
  9. Absence
  10. Any member who does not attend the church services regularly for a period of six months will be contacted by an Elder to discern his/her spiritual condition. If necessary, The Elders will bring the matter to the church for discipline in whichever church service or special meeting they choose. This will follow the pattern consistent with the reception of members.
  11. The Elders will determine the members who are placed on the inactive membership. The following guidelines will apply:
  12. College students living away from home
  13. Nursing home residents
  14. Homebound conditions
  15. Military personnel stationed away from home
  16. Any other situation, reviewed and approved by the Lead Pastor and Elders, that would prevent a member from attending church services and business meetings for six months or more
  17. Discipline
  18. If members conduct themselves in a manner which, in the studied opinion of the Elders, is not in harmony with Scriptural principles or is in denial of this church's constitution, and they do not show evidence of repentance, they will be interviewed and counseled by Elders in the manner clearly indicated in the Word of God (Matthew18:15-18; Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 5:13 and Galatians 6:1). The restoration of erring members will be the first purpose of action taken by the church. Love, obedience and the desire to adhere to the commands of God and to glorify God and his church will be the ultimate motivation in these matters.
  19. Should it be determined by the Elders that a congregant is to be disciplined,the Elders will bring it to the congregation.
  20. A majority vote of a quorum of the congregationwill be required for the congregant to be formally disciplined and removed from active membership and its associated privileges.
  21. The Elder’s may use their discretion to pursue church discipline despite a congregant’s withdrawal of membership.
  1. Withdrawal
  2. Any member who wishes to remove their membership should notify an Elder, preferably in writing.
  2. Pastoral Staff
  3. Lead Pastor
  4. Qualification
  5. The Lead Pastor will be a man of unquestionable character who lives his life in accordance with the Word of God. He must meet the criteria outlined in Scripture. He must be in agreement with this church's Constitution and Bylaws.
  6. Calling
  7. The Elderswill choose and appoint qualified church members to serve on a Pastoral Search Committee.
  8. The Pastoral Search Committee will make a recommendation of candidate(s)to the Elders who will proceed with consideration upon majority agreement.
  9. The candidate(s)will have opportunity to preach at a church service(s) as the Eldersdirect, and will be interviewed by the Elders.
  10. The Elders, upon majority agreement, will present the candidate of their choice one at a time to the congregation for approval.
  11. A special meeting of the congregation will be called. If the candidate receives a 75% majority vote of the quorum present, a call will be extended. If not, the matter will go back to the Elders.
  12. Candidates shall already be members, or willing and qualified to become members, as soon as possible, of the Ministerial Association of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
  13. Once extended a call, the Lead Pastor, if not previously credentialed, is to begin the EFCA credentialing process.
  14. Duties/Responsibilities
  15. He will perform all of the Scriptural duties of this office and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, have freedom of the pulpit in keeping with our Statement of Faith. These duties will include:
  16. preaching and teaching
  17. administering the ordinances
  18. sheep care
  19. visitation
  20. counseling
  21. facilitating church direction
  22. hewill be a member of the Council of Elders and an ex-officio member of all boards, committees, auxiliary bodies, and all other organizations within the church.
  23. the Lead Pastor will not qualify for any other elected office or appointed office on the Council of Eldersnor can he serve as the Chairmanof Elders.
  24. hewill direct and supervise other members of the Pastoral Staff, delegating responsibility and authority where appropriate, establishing priorities in the ministries, and promote the effective functioning of the entire staff.
  25. he is not to bear the full weight of the ministry himself, but along with the Elders, is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry (Acts 6; Eph. 4:11).
  26. Termination
  27. The Lead Pastor will serve an unlimited term of service unless other arrangements are made at the time the call is accepted.
  28. The relationship between the Pastor and the church may be dissolved at the option of either party, by the giving of a three-month notice or by mutual consent.
  29. If the Lead Pastor should radically depart from the Word of God in his conduct or in doctrine, the Elderswill admonish him in love. Should this not lead to reconciliation, the Elders will arrange an amicable dismissal of the Lead Pastor. If the Lead Pastor is not in agreement with the Elder’s recommendation for dismissal, he may be afforded the right to a special congregational meeting in order to discuss the Elders’ recommendation. A 75% majority vote of a quorum ofthe active membership will be required for termination.
  30. Associate Pastor
  31. Qualification
  32. Same as Lead Pastor
  33. Calling
  34. Same as Lead Pastor.
  35. Duties and Responsibilities
  36. Shared with and accountable to the Lead Pastor and Council of Elderswhile being sensitive to his giftedness
  37. The Associate Pastor will be a member of the Council of Elders and an ex-officio member of all boards, committees, auxiliary bodies, and all other organizations of the church
  38. The Associate Pastor will not qualify for any other elected office or appointed office on the Council of Eldersnor can he serve as the Chairman of the Elders
  39. Termination
  40. Same as Lead Pastor
  1. Elders
  2. Qualifications
  3. Same as Pastors
  4. Selection
  5. Individual active members of the congregation may submit nominees to the Elders for consideration.
  6. The Elders may also identify potentially qualified men.
  7. Once tested, and having met the biblical qualifications to the Elder’s satisfaction, the nominee will be presented to the church for vote at a congregational meeting.
  8. A 75% vote will be required by confidential ballot.
  9. Duties and Responsibilities
  10. Elderswill serve as shepherds/overseers of the church by leading, feeding, caring for and protecting the flock.
  11. Term of Service
  12. Each Elderwill serve a term of three years and may be re-elected for a second term of office. After serving a second term he must take a one-year sabbatical prior to being re-elected.
  13. The terms of the Eldersshould be staggered.
  14. Organization
  15. The Elderswill be self-organizing. The various functions and areas of responsibility will be delegated among the Elders on an annual basis.
  16. The Chairman of the Elderswill call and moderate/facilitate the Elder and Congregational meetings.
  17. All Elders will be notified of each and every Eldermeeting(s)
  18. No Elder may be compelled to leave a formal Elder meeting
  19. Decision Making Process
  20. Doctrinal issues require a 75% vote
  21. Non-doctrinal issues require simple majority vote
  22. Discipline
  23. If the Eldersagree that another Elder is negligent in his shepherding duties or has disqualified himself, then every effort will be made to restore the erring brother. If theElder is not responsive, then a 75% vote of theElderswill be required to remove him as an Elder.
  24. The Elder will not lose his church membership unless the reasons for dismissal are serious enough. If the reason for dismissal from the Council of Elders is serious enough for loss of church membership as well, then refer to the Bylaws Section 2d.
  25. Deacons
  26. Qualifications
  27. The only other current church office mentioned in the Scripture is that of Deacon as described in 1 Tim 3. Inherent in the very name is the description of their duties – to minister and serve. This is not a governing positionbut one of caring for the sheep in to order assist and relieve the Elders so they can give priority to prayer, the ministry of the Word, oversight and leadership of the overall church ministries (Acts 6 1-6; 1 Cor14:40; 1 Cor5; Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Tim. 5:17-18; 1 Pet 5:1-3; Ti 1:5-9; 1 Tim 3: 1-12). They must meet the qualifications clearly outlined in 1 Tim 3.
  28. Selection
  29. Individual active members of the congregation may submit nominees to the Elders for consideration.
  30. The Elders may also identify potentially qualified men and women.
  31. Women may serve as Deaconesses in overseeing and caring for other women and children in the church.
  32. Once tested, and having met the biblical qualifications to the Elder’s satisfaction, The Elders will appoint them to this ministry.
  33. Duties and Responsibilities
  34. Praying for and with our members and friends.
  35. Meeting practical and physical needs.
  36. Visitation including discipleship and/or counseling.
  37. Term of Service
  38. EachDeacon will serve a 1-year term and may be reappointed for a second term of office.
  39. Organization
  40. TheElders will appoint a lead Deacon who will direct the various functions and areas of responsibility and will liaison with the Elders.
  41. Trustees
  42. Qualifications
  43. While not primarily a spiritual office, those serving in this ministry must be godly, wise and faithful members of FBC. They will be accountable to the Elders and their lead Trustee will meet with the Elders as requested.
  44. Selection
  45. Individual active members of the congregation may submit nominees to the Elders for consideration.
  46. The Elders may also identify potentially qualified men and women.
  47. The Elders will appoint and oversee them in this ministry.
  48. Duties and Responsibilities
  49. Trustees will serve by caring for the properties of the church keeping them in good condition and repair. They will also support the Elders in any expansions, sales or purchases of properties and their upkeep.
  50. Terms of Service
  51. EachTrustee will serve a 1-year term and may be reappointed for a second term of office.
  2. Teams and Committees will be appointed and maintained by the Council of Eldersas needed for efficient service in the church.
  3. The Chairperson of each respective Team or Committee will be designated by the Council of Elders and must be a member of the church.
  4. The Council of Elderswill maintain a policy and procedure manual.
  2. Amendments, additions or changes to the Bylaws may be proposed by an active member of the congregation to the Elders.The Elders can present the proposed amendment in written form at a congregational meeting for discussion. At a subsequent congregational meeting, the amendment, addition, or change may be adopted by 75% of vote.
  2. We believe in the patient, progressive and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life. Therefore, the Elders may allow for minor differences on some of these distinctives regarding church membership. It is our hope and intent that each member will grow and mature to embrace the following biblical distinctives that we hold to and teach.
  3. Marriage and Family
  4. We believe that God ordained marriage and the family as the foundational institution of human society, and that the only legitimate marriage is a sacred and permanent covenant relationship between one man and one woman, symbolizing the union of Jesus Christ and his church. Therefore, we believe that homosexual so-called “marriages”, civil unions, polygamy and any and all other deviations from one-man and one-woman marriages are perversions and distortions of Scripture and therefore will not be sanctioned by our church.
  5. The husband is to be the servant leader in the home and is to love his wife as Christ loves the church. The wife is to submit herself to the scriptural leadership of her husband as the church submits to the headship of Jesus Christ. (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:22-25)
  6. Human Sexuality
  7. We believe God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity is to be engaged in outside of the marriage of a man and a woman. Any form of child molestation, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, bisexuality, transexuality, incest, pedophilia or pornography is a sinful perversion of God's gift of sex. We believe God disapproves and forbids any attempt to attempt toalter one's gender. (Genesis 2:22-24; 19:5, 13; Leviticus 18:1-30; Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1:26-29; 7:2; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:9; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 5:22-23; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8; Hebrews 13:4)
  8. Roles of Men and Women
  9. We believe that men and women, while equal in value, have complementary differences in roles. This mirrors the equality of natures but functional and willful submission of the Trinity. We believe that governing and primary teaching roles in the church are reserved for men (1 Timothy 2:11-15; Matthew 10:12-4; 1 Corinthians 14:33-35; 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6).We believe the theological perspective described more fully in the Danvers Statement as described by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. (
  10. Civil Law in Scripture
  11. We believe that God ordained government to superintend over the affairs of society (Romans 13). Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities that have been established by God. However, when there is difference or discrepancy between Scripture and civil law, we will hold to the clear commandments and prohibitions of Scripture over civil law even if it means defiance of human government (Acts 5:20b).
  12. Creation
  13. We believe that God created the Earth and the entire universe perfect in six literal days (Exodus 20:11), without death (Genesis 1:31, Romans 5:12), and Adam and Eve in His image, but they sinned when tempted by Satan and brought death into the world.
  14. Salvation
  15. We affirm that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone and is entirely apart from all works and merit of the sinner.All of mankind, in his natural state, is spiritually disobedient, hostile to God, spiritually dead and under God's wrath (Eph 2:1-4: Rom 8:7). He is hopelessly lost and unable to do any work to save himself (Gal 2:15-16). Regenerationis the work of the Holy Spirit andonly those individuals who are born again are new creations in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). Being a new creation in Christ is evidenced by the fruit of repentance. New creations in Christ are united to Christ (Rom 6:1-14) and are justified. Justification is the act of God where He pardons, accepts, and declares a sinner to be "just" on the basis of Christ's imputed righteousness (Rom 3:24-26;4:25;5:15-21).Those who are justified are kept eternally secure by God’s effectual and persevering grace!
  16. The Holy Spirit andSignGifts
  17. FBC is a non-charismatic, evangelical fellowship that welcomes all who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and also all who are seeking Him. We believe that the Christian life is supernatural, impossible without the work of the Holy Spirit and that the Lord continues to perform miracles. However, revelatory gifts such as the gift of tongues, prophecies, words of knowledge and similar displays will not be permitted to disrupt our corporate worship (Heb 13:17; 1 Cor 14:26-40). We affirm individual liberty and therefore accept our charismatic brothers and sisters if they are willing to be a source of unity.