Meeting called to order at 6:30. Reviewed and accepted minutes from the past meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
CHECKING / SAVINGSBALANCE 10/10/16 / $ 11,372.79 / $ 2,452.93
Dues / $ 150.00
Festival / $ 534.37
Pork Chop Dinner / $ 4,126.15
Sporting Clays Shoot / $ 2,761.70
MFE/ALD - 31 students / $ (1,736.00)
Christmas Families / $ (587.42)
Premium Sale Expenses / $ (400.00)
Moved to Scholarship Savings / $ (1,644.00) / $ 1,644.00
Practice Show Ring / $ (224.50)
CURRENT BALANCE / $ 14,353.09 / $ 4,096.93
Nancy German made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Jerri Lawson seconded the motion. The report was accepted.
Next, the club reviewed the following board actions that had been taken since the last club meeting:
- 2 families were adopted to assist at Christmas as has been done in the past. $587 spent on food, clothing and gift items for these families
- $225 has been spent on wood pellets to build a practice ring in the barn. The board approved to have additional 20-25 bags purchased to freshen the bedding. Bryon Oestmann volunteered to coordinate this.
- Moved an additional $1000 to boost the scholarship fund
- Food trailer was used, everyone pitched in and all went well!
- We are not taking food trailer in order to support Payne Co. 4-H Concession.
- Nancy German talked about the Sirloin Club and premium sale monies. Collections are going well but money is tight. The committee welcomes any and all new donors and helpers to gather funds!
- At this time, the club is NOT planning to pay out to kids that don’t make the premium sale.
- It was discussed how the premium sale happens and how your child will be paid. Also, each child will be required to write Thank You notes before getting premium sale monies.
OYE- Discussion was held about the possible expenditures for OYE. Each of these ismeant to be used by and for the benefit ofexhibitors in all species. A little extra effort in communication is needed to let everyone know when lunches are ready or ATV’s are needed. It is everyone’s responsibility to help with this. Maybe a “Group Me” or texting group could be established. Bryon & Patricia Oestmann volunteered to outline a menu plan and have sign ups available at the county show for OYE food.
- ATV permit ($400/ea) – possibly need 2 permits, especially since swine may be in different penning location and will need to pull a cart. Chapter could take the gator and bad boy ATV.Trent Fittje made a motion to pay for 2 ATV permits. We discussed how everyone could use this. Will Lawson seconded the motion and it passed.
- Food trailer – Daniel Myers made a motion to spend up to $300 for trailer parking, Bryon Oestmann seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Food – do we want to fund an amount of $$ to help offset lunches while at OYE?
Christina Bertucci made a motion to spend $500 for food at OYE, Bryon Oestmann seconded the motion. Motion passed.
2017 SPORTING CLAYS SHOOT – It was the general consensus of the club to make this an annual event. It is tentativelyscheduled for Sept 30th. Please let Dee Dee Cook know if there are any conflicts to be aware of.
DISPOSAL OF BARN SHAVINGS – There was much discussion about the dumping and disposal of shavings from the barn. There is some problem as to the manner in which they are piled and how unsightly they are in front of the barn. Several suggestions were made including piling, hauling off, renting a roll off dumpster, etc. The administration has indicated to the teachers there is a possibility of purchasing a dump trailer and tractor for this purpose. No action was taken.
March 24th25th
- Unable to host a livestock show in our barn at this time
- Board elected to continue with the Judging Contest & Chili Cook Off and host an Ag Day to replace the show.
- Chris Blankinship, Dusty Ladd and David Imhoff are organizing the judging classes and Patricia Oestmann volunteered to organize the chili cook-off. We will be inviting business people from our community to judge with the students.
- There are still conversations going on with the Special Needs teachers to try to work out a time for their students. Ag Day/Open house activities on Saturday might include petting zoo, interactive activities with animals, corn play area, etc.
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Saturday will be organized jointly with booster club & FFA teachers. Patricia Oestmann, Tammy & Trent Fittje and Jerri Lawson volunteered to help, but many more will be needed.Contact a board member if you’d like to help. An organization meeting will be scheduled soon.
- Thursday, March 23rd - clean-up evening at the barn
WLC - Washing Leadership Conference
- WLC is a trip to Washington D.C. during the summer and is open to sophomore and Junior FFA students. The cost is $1200/each and only 2 students/chapter may receive a state scholarship.
- Board is recommending the club sponsor students from Cushing who has completed the state Scholarship application process.
- Feb 15th deadline; if you know of anyone interested please encourage them to apply. We will discuss this in more detail for action in future meetings.
- Discussion was held about the condition of the Ag chapter’s bumper trailer. There has been some talk that the school might partner with repairs and paint if the club was willing.
- A few people offered suggestions of possible donors, etc. Chris Blankinship has talked with someone that estimated a cost of $2000.
- The club was generally in agreement of spending money towards this project. It will be researched and brought back with more details for action at a later meeting.
- Nancy German shared information about membership and its benefits.
- OFB provides scholarships, add-ons at the premium sale, travel discounts as well as a voice for farmers and ranchers in our government.
- $45 membership fee - Nancy brought applications and will collect them.
- 4-H Discovery Unlimited @ Sky Ranch in April – 5th & 6th graders. Forms are available in county 4-H office. Only taking 10 kids from Payne Co. Deadline approaching.
- 4-H Bright Nights sleepover at Oklahoma Science Museum next weekend
- Cushing Bond Issue – Please support! Transportation package will include new vehicles for Ag dept.
- OYE entries due Tuesday, Feb 14th
- Payne Co. Livestock Entries due online
- National FFA Week – Feb 19th -25th – lots of activities planned, will need some help from parents for food & drinks
- School has met with architect & making plans to remodel ag classrooms & bldg
- Greenhouse has 4500 plants growing & 3000 more on the way
Check often!