
Name of Subgroup: Housing and Short Stay
Date: Thursday 25th June 2015
Time: 2pm till 4pm
Venue: Hightown Sports & Arts Centre
Who came:
Bridget Moffat - LBC
Serena Carter – Service User/Co-Chair
Sheila Smith – Service User Val Sheridan – LBC
Catherine Winstanley – LBC Jelisa Blake – POhWER
Julie Richie - LBC Andrea Nettleton – Parent/Carer
Andy Assan - Healthwatch Eunice Mauchaza – LCH
Zoe Cox – Macintyre & Aragon Housing Pam Scott - LBC
Sheamala Sam Chandrasingh - LCH
Who let us know they couldn’t make it:
Tracey Brennan –LBC
Emma Hare - POhWER
Diane Walsh – LBC
Charlotte Worker – Priory Group
Alan Fletcher – Healthwatch
/ The group introduced themselves to each other.
The group went through the previous minutes and these were agreed and signed off.

/ Action Pad Update:
No’s 14, 38, 43 and 44) These are agenda items for today.
No 20) Move on’s: The information available on current move on’s is that providers have 2 vacancies at present and there is 1 vacancy within our in-house supported living.
Bridget spoke to the providers present today about the types of housing provision that may be needed in the future.
No 22) Meetings at 2pm at Hightown: Attendance at this subgroup is often low, although those present today still felt that 2pm at Hightown was a good time/venue.
Andrea Nettleton told the group that the parents of those that attend CHUMS on a Friday evening from 7pm at Lea Manor – term time only - have said that it could be possible to hold a subgroup meeting there for about 8 parents that would be there anyway. CHUMs is a friendship club for people aged 16 - 25years and they would be happy to speak to someone about this. Contact is
Pam Scott said that she would be interested to gain more information into the housing needs of this age group.
No 26) The Luton Directory: The Luton Directory remains available on the internet and will also come in the top three listed on Google, dependant on the subject in the search line.
No 30) Service Users to present at subgroups: Voice groups should start to link into how people can talk about the services they receive to other groups.
No 14 & 36) Shared Lives: Bridget explained to newer members of the group how Shared Lives currently works in Luton.
This is a service that could expand so Bridget will still look into someone from that service coming along and presenting to this group.
Andrea Assan spoke to the group about her daughter’s positive experience in a shared lives provision in Central Bedfordshire.
No 37) Ongoing.
No’s 45 & 46) will be covered in Any Other Business.
Updated Action Pad:

/ Agenda Items for today:
No 14& 43) Update on respite re-provision;
Respite places still remain limited in Luton. We do still have Tomlinson Avenue and limited access to beds in Linsell House. Shared Lives can also be a way of delivering respite.
The work on the new build in Stopsley starts this month and this will have 9 respite beds. Whether there will be a need for new contracts for this respite service in the future has not yet been decided by council executive.
No 38) ‘Keep Safe’ in Luton:
Val confirmed to the group that Keep Safe is the programme that we are looking to launch in Luton. Work will be done to engage people and businesses in Keep Safe for Luton, in partnership with Bedfordshire Police.
No 44) Subgroup Meetings:
Bridget told the group that the outcome of the Learning Disability Partnership Executive for subgroup meetings to continue but that POhWER would be holding some of the meetings and running them as service user groups, which would then feedback to the professionals subgroups and then into the main partnership meetings.

/ Any Other Business:
Action pad number 45) Update the terms of reference for this group.
The terms of reference were looked at during the last meeting and some amendments were made, no further amendments were sent through following the meeting.
The group agreed the terms of reference as they are now and this action will be closed.

POhWER may make amendments in the future to these terms of reference.
Action pad number 46) Radar Keys.
Val gave information to the group about how to get a Radar key, for access to disabled toilets when out and about in the community. This information is included here.

This action has now been closed.
/ Pam Scott – Housing Development Officer, LBC:
Pam spoke to the group about the team in Luton who are doing some work about rogue landlords in the town. She also told the group that in Luton we have a rising need for temporary housing as well as bed and breakfast places.
Pam will forward on some contact information for housing/fire officers that may be useful to this group.
/ Bridget Moffat – The Care Act 2015:
Bridget reminded the group that the Care Act is a focus for this group around the impact on wellbeing and housing, especially homelessness.

/ Bridget Moffat - Winterbourne View:
Bridget spoke to the group about people with a learning disability or autism that are in long stay hospitals, and those that have specific housing needs. Luton currently has 9 in long stay hospitals and some of these could be re-located out of these hospital places.
We have a team working towards discharge for some of these back to Luton, if Luton is their choice. Care and Treatment reviews have been started for individuals.
Identifying the right properties and the right support is important and the housing provider and the support provider could be 2 different providers. Properties are often brought on the open housing market by a housing provider and then any adjustments are made to the building as needed, to meet peoples needs.
Out of county placements that would like to come back to Luton are also being looked at, this may even be for those leaving residential colleges.
/ Care Act Prevention Strategy:
Catherine Winstanley, from Supported People, told the group that she is looking at the Care Act Prevention Strategy, including wellbeing. She would like the opportunity to have a draft document looked at by anyone in the group who is interested. Catherine can be contact by email:
/ Andrea Nettleton (Parent/Carer) informed the group that, along with her family, she will be moving out of county so will no longer be able to support the Partnership Board or subgroups. The group thanked Andrea for her input and support for the learning disability community in Luton and wished her and her family well with their move to Dorset.
The next meeting for this group will be:
Date: Wednesday 23rd September 2015
Time; 10.30 am to 12.30pm
At: Farley Hill Community Centre
*Please note the change of venue for this meeting
If you have any pressing issues that need to be discussed before the next meeting please contact the chair person for this group.


Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures used are from the Valuing People Clipart Collection